
Reborn of a vampire king

This story features a vampire king who was sacrificed for the wrong doings of his people but gets reborn he does not wish to take revenge but wish to live a life on his own accord but what happens when he is to fight the vampire's he once protected?

Dreamy_winter · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Who sent you?

'No I'm serious that beast is smiling or rather smirking at me' Ryan said again 'ok yes it is, just focus or let me take control' Tigroran replied in a lost tone.

Ryan stood there looking at the beast as it's horn starts glowing white and the atmosphere around it changed again Ryan could see that smirk, then air swirled there like a tornado.

Everyone around had the thought that Ryan had lost since the beast had a magical attribute but their thoughts were destroyed immediately after they saw what he did.

'oh well I wanted this to be a sword fight but... it won't just work out' Ryan thought as he also used the same air swirl but sadly the the magic of the beast was weak at this point since it had been badly damaged as his magic not only stopped the beast swirl but it also went forward the beast was now going round in the swirl before it is immediately seen at the wall of the place it was badly damaged and the beast also seemed to be dead.

Everyone was left dumfounded they all seem to hate Ryan and wanted him to lose but it seemed their plan of putting a strong beast for him to lose had failed and he was going to the final stage they were only about four contestants left at the arena and the man that had easily defeated the super tier beast a day ago was one of them.

"hey Ryan you can use magic? you didn't tell me" Lilly said with shock as all eyes were on him, "yes I can use magic but I don't really like using it much" Ryan said with a straight face.

"so you're not really a swords man huh, your movements were pretty sloppy if I were to say" Lilly asked as she teased Ryan but still he didn't seem to mind it instead he agreed to her tease and said that he knew he wasn't good at using the sword that was why he preferred daggers even though he still could not use them well.

"oh Ruby's match is up" she said noticing that what she said might have been a little insensitive, knowing Ryan he was really a strong person no ordinary person would go up against and win easily.

"so Lilly could you help me out by telling me who sent you to assassinate me the day ago not that I don't know the person I just want to be sure of my judgement" Ryan asked even though he already knew he didn't want to judge anyone anyhow 'sir the guild has been opened' a voice that Ryan could not recognize said in his head but after hearing that it was about the guild he knew that it was the clones he made 'you just made it since I sent you?' Ryan asked seemingly a little annoyed he had sent his clone about three to two days ago but they just opened the guild.

'sir we had to gather people as we could not just possibly open a guild and not have any members' the clone said without fear still in a calm voice,'haha,I like you I sent three of you right? then you guys are the guild leaders go train yourselves and make me proud do not forget to add new members' Ryan laughed as he gave the clone orders,he liked how brave the clone was and he also found it a little funny.

"ok although I have left the assassin's guild I still can't tell you much about it" Lilly said as Ryan just nods he knew that she may not be able to let something's of her past be known to other people as you may feel a little insecure.

"it was the king or so i heard when we were given our mission they put a high bounty on your head so we had no choice but to accept, our group leader Rachel I suspect she was working with some group of people because I have heard her giving out information about our group before but I could not complain since it was not in my place to interfere."

After hearing all this he knew that her group would not be the only one to come look for him as they were others looking for money and with a large bounty on him he will become a common target 'hmm Ryan ask her if she had seen any mark of some sort on their group leaders' Tigroran said as he thought he may be close to finding out something.

"Lilly could you find any mark of some sort on the neck of the group leader" Ryan asked exactly the same way he was told by Tigroran.

"um yeah but she seems to cover it alot " Lilly replied Ryan with a confused look as though asking why he would want to know the marking on a girl's body.

'shes a demon' Tigroran said in shock.


Sorry for the long wait before posting this chapter but I am also here to inform you that there will not be any chapter post tommorow. Thank you