
Reborn of a vampire king

This story features a vampire king who was sacrificed for the wrong doings of his people but gets reborn he does not wish to take revenge but wish to live a life on his own accord but what happens when he is to fight the vampire's he once protected?

Dreamy_winter · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Shadow beasts

"wait where are we right now" he asked staying in place she then pointed their position just then a beast jumped in as it had shadowy aura around it's body it then jumped at Ryan as he then punched the head cracking the skull,"damn it we had already passed the area and we kept going in if my calculations are correct then there should be more than one shadow beasts."

"What do you mean" asked Lisha which was the name of the girl who wore glasses.

"i do not really know for sure but think about it why would a single shadow beast stay in a forest like this where other beast could attack it unless they had the ability of turning others into shadow beast too" Ryan said looking around.

"wait there are more than one shadow beasts" Lisha shouted at the group as they all look back in

confusion they then went back to join up with them just then up to five shadow beasts appeared as they aggressively attacked the group.

"noo"Lisha shouted as she thought the shadow beast would have killed them all but in just that moment all the shadow beast were pushed back by a force, Layla had saved them as she used her wind barrier to protect them before using fire balls to kill them all.

All of them were shocked except Ryan who had know the ability of Layla although she was arrogant Ryan could not deny that she was strong as they all looked at her with gleaming eyes,they then thanked their saviour as she seemed to be arrogantly proud.

Ryan had just looked at her in an unimpressed manner as this was one of her characteristics he did not like, she then looked towards Ryan with a mocking smile in which he could read"heh what can you do, Bring it on."

Ryan and the rest of the group seemed to be careful from here on as they then found a near by cave they had decided on what to do from here on out, Ryan then went in without thinking twice as Lisha then followed him Ryan had wondered why this girl had trusted him this much and he could not get a correct Answer so he just let it be for the time being.

After some time the rest of the group followed in but they could not see or find Ryan and Lisha but Layla knew that if she was to be with Ryan she would be safe she did not know why but she had the feeling.

Ryan and Lisha had gone deep but they had not found a single beast just then Lisha seemed to be falling but Ryan had quickly held her, she seemed not be in good health as she was breathing heavily as he then took her to a nearby wall that they rested on as he then dropped her.

"are you ok?" Ryan asked looking at her face as she seemed to be out of air.

'damn what could be wrong with her now' he thought as he then put his hand on her stomach he then seemed to concentrate his mana to find maybe it was about something internal.

He could see her mana was having strange behaviors as it seemed to be raging around her body he then starts absorbing little of her mana before he then stopped and she seemed to have calmed down.

The other group of people were feeling at ease with Layla as she seemed to guide the way just then a beast appears as long Layla then uses wind barrier as the beast then attacked it was fighting against the force until it's claws then grazes her chest as small parts of her armor and cloth were torn.

Looking at the beast In front of her although she could not see it well as the cave was dark she then sends wind blades as the beast could be heard growling as more blades were sent, the rest of the group were behind her as they were told by Layla not to interfere.

After sometime she stopped with the wind blades as the beast seemed to be quiet but immediately she did that the beast came forward as it then slashed at her non-stop as some of her armor were broken and another bits of clothes were being torn.

Seeing an opening she immediately used the fire elements as two fire balls appeared and now the beast could be seen it was a wolf like beast that had a shadowy aura around it and it did not seem to have any injuries'does it heal?'she thought as she then sent the fire balls as the beast then starts to wimper before it was burned,'so they have the weakness to fire huh'Layla thought before blacking out.

In view a young man could be seen as he seemed to be two beast on his own while protecting a young woman but he seemed to be faring well as he used his daggers to slash at one of the beast he then leaped back,'Tigroran your up'just then he kept the daggers and used the sword as in a flash they had their head cut off as they burned to ashes.

They had then switched back as Ryan then went to Lisha to check on her condition she seemed to still be sleeping but they could not stay here any longer as he then put her on his back.

Using his palm Ryan had used the fire element so he could see the cave well but what he found out was that his flame was now a black flame had it evolved? that he did not know but he still used it like that, along the way Lisha seemed to have woken up but was still walking wobbly,up ahead two people could be seen as Ryan was now on stand by.

"well hey there Ryan" said on of them,when Ryan heard this voice he immediately knew who it was "Max what do you want" Ryan asked with a grimace expression,"so you realized huh just came to check on you only two years remain you know" Max said in an indifferent tone.

"well this should be warm up for you but still..." Max said as beast then came running at Ryan first he sent sent the black flames to them which they were burned by'they should have another weakness except the fire element'Ryan thought before slashing through the head of the beast's and it seemed to be working'so cutting their head of is another way huh'there was no doubts that the beast were strong the problem was Ryan was stronger.

The beast kept on coming and Ryan was sick of it'Tigroran please wipe all of them out'just then Tigroran kept the daggers and brought out his sword black flames could be seen on it as he concentrated and slashed at the beasts at the front every single one of them were being burned to crisps even Max had a hard time defending against it.

'this Ryan is a monster even i will have trouble against him max thought looking at his used to be friend,it was true that he had joined the other forces because of his sister but it was also because he was jealous of Ryan, to him every thing changed the day Ryan had appeared he stopped getting looks and attention as Ryan had it all,to him if he kills Ryan here it would be an achievement.

"hmmm you defeated it all huh let's see how you would fare against our special one that even gives me trouble"Max said with a crazed look in his eyes as from the back as a large horned beast with goat like legs came forward with a large hammer on it's hand.


please don't forget to vote also please note that Ryan is 18,thank you.:-)