
Reborn: Never Again

(Coming off a long hiatus, slow updates, don't hate me) A heartbreaking betrayal from her bestfriend and fiance, who conned her out of everything, murdered her grandfather, sent her brother to prison for crimes he didn't commit and then drove her to the edge of a cliff side by the ocean. Though bleeding profusely from being shot. She would not allow them to have the satisfactory with finishing her, so with all the strength she could muster up, she jumped from the cliff. Upon reaching the water, she felt as if all her bones had shatter from the impact, before succumbing to death, she swore if she could do it all over again she wouldn't be so naive, she would protect her family so they can be happy. She was not expecting to awaken in a hospital 5 years before when she was just 16 years old. Having just been reborn, she just wants to protect her family and prevent her past lives events from happening again, she has no care for revenge as long as you don't cross her bottom line. Despite her naivety with love before, she doesn't completely close herself to love, and a certain sinfully handsome business tycoon wouldn't allow it if she did. *I would just like to let everyone know that I am new at this and started with one idea how I wanted things to proceed, but changed my mind. I will try to update the summary better, the main character, Serenity, has a very laid back, cold, kind of personality, but with people she is closed too, she can behave a little childish. She doesn't as much care for revenge as she just wants to be happy and protect her family this time around. * It's basically your cliche romance kind of novel with hopefully some unique twists and turns to keep you interested! ****PLEASE keep in mind this is just something I write when I have free time, I am a full time student and work full time as well, so everyday chapters are not easy, sometimes its once a week.******

Caity_Sylvia · Urbain
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38 Chs

Chapter 31: Finished First

As soon as the signal was released, Serenity didn't need to wait a second longer before she had sped off, leaving the other contestants with their mouths agape in shock.

Many couldn't even function..

"What the hell just happened?!"

"Who is this big shot?!"

After a few minutes, some of the racers finally pulled themselves together and raced off, while others resigned themselves to the loss as they knew the reality already was not in their favor, so why bother.

Serenity, was naturally unaware of these things and the commotion she caused as she could only focus on the thrill of the ride.

Then again, even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

She hadn't felt so free in a long time, in her last life, she enjoyed riding alot, but eventually gave it up because that bastard claimed it wasn't appropriate for her image with him.

Now things were different and she would full heartedly enjoy whatever she wanted, she would never let someone have control over her like that again.

As she was lost in her thoughts, yet focused on the track, she didn't even notice she had gained a certain devils attention.

Colton had been at the tracks today for buisness mostly, there would be an auction later in the arena. This auction only occurred a few times a year and always had rare items that were scarce to come by and extremely valuable.

He had been looking for something for a while, so he didn't hesitate when his assistant told him of the auction.

His so-called, friends, also heard about it as well and insisted on dragging him here earlier than needed to bet on racers as well.

As he was watching one racer in particular managed to catch his eye, they went by the name, Ren.

He couldn't help, but smile at the care free person on the bike that left everyone in the dust.

Obviously, he already knew this was his little beauty, she couldn't disguise herself from his keen eyesight and observation.

He had basically ingrained her every detail into his mind, every freckle, curve of her body, the way she carries herself, postures...everything.

The baffling idiots that accompanied him, were mind blown as they couldn't help but gawk at seeing their iceblock friend with a smile.

Braxton rubbed his eyes frantically and then punched Hayden's arm to wake him up, "I'm seeing things right?"

Hayden glared at his friend, "No...dick."

Luke just rolled his eyes at their antics.

"Hmm, I feel like this racer looks familiar?" Luke said with a smug look as he eyed Colton's reaction.

Colton just casually shrugged and said, "Oh."

Serenity successfully crossed the finish line breaking the ribbon as well as causing many people to nearly have a heart attack at how calm she was.

Many people had similar thoughts, "Did she not know how fast she was and how she made a ground breaking record for finishing the race in under 15 minutes..."

The race consisted of many loops and laps before you could break out in a 3 mile curve to cross the finish line.

Upon the completion of the race, she was handed a large cash prize that she quickly hid away, what can she say, he didn't like money. It was necessary, those who had money, had power.

The announcer for the race had wanted to ask her a few questions, but before she could, Serenity had flat out ignored her before riding her bike to park it.

She was thinking about looking around when she heard a familiar voice behind her that made her heart accelerate and her breath rate increase.

"Little beauty, you seem to have quite a few secrets." Colton said with a wolfish grin on his face as he stared at the figure of the girl who haunted his mind every second of the day.

All she could think was, 'Holy fuck, just when I was finally getting this bastard off my mind, he shows up.'

hello! thank you guys for being so patient with me, I'm slow on the updates but trying my best! I enjoy writing for fun, but it's just a hobby, I appreciate everyone for reading and commenting! it means so much to me that something I just did for fun, people actually like!

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