
Reborn: Naruto/Boruto AU

When the Shinobi World under went various changes how will it function when a devastating new world is built under their nose's. {Greetings from the author} Hello I'm a relatively new writer, My name is Soul. I've taken inspiration from dnd campaigns and novels me and various friends have drafter over the years. I take criticism seriously and aim to enhance my writing and creative skills, so lay anything on me as long as it isn't too... destroying, as I'm a bean at heart. Releases: mon- 1 Chapter tue- 1 chapters wen- 2 Chapters Thur- 1 chapter Fri- 3 chapters sat- None sun- 1 chapter {Disclaimer} -I do not own naruto or anything to do with naruto in this story beyond what I create -Cover art is not owned by me and will be changed in the future

Soulof9writers · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Ch.3 The devastating fight between Madara and Hashirama~ Wait a kid in the battlefield PT-1

As Kyū finally lost conscience from pain within the slime, after countless insults a small notification appeared in the corner of his vision.

{!!Warning!! Deadly intent and destruction nearby}

Hashirama/Madara POV:

As the smoke clears, Madara's blue clad Susanoo loomed over hashirama "Hashirama The title will be mine!" Madara proclaimed.

"Quit speaking nonsense" A voice said as he brought forth his wooden golem and stood atop it.

Both the golem and Susanoo clashed before madara threw the golem away with ease and readied his blade. "HASHIRAMA/MADARA" they both yelled before a blinding lights enveloped the area and the battle eventually ended with madara on his back for the first time and a shadow could be seen getting closer and closer from the sky.


"I wasent meant to suffer that pain... I forgot what it meant to fear for my life" He'd mumble to himself as his body contorted with the wind has he fell. He could only see faint figures as he neared the ground due to his blurry vision "CURSE YOU USELESS GOD" He'd desperately claimed deep down as the world went black again before he felt the calm air touch his lungs once again and his eyes took in the blinding lights of the natural sun.

He had been caught by one of Hashiramas's branches left behind before lightly touching the ground as the branch holding him snapped. "I hop this isn't hell" Kyū coughed as he held his head, his eyes were still blurry due to the fact his eyes were not used to this natural light.

Many shinobi from the uchiha and senju clan hurried over as madara, hashirama, and Tobimaru talked; Most were worried that it was a threat others were generally curious until they seen the boy lay there in a daze like state and wondered how he survived the fighting.

{System notice: Live update in 3....2....1}

"Huh what" Kyū mumbled before he felt his body tear itself apart internally causing him to scream and writhe in pain, before it eventually settled down. Those that had witnessed the scene stood in fear, and confusion.

[Welcome to The Omnisystem, you may call me NISY, I have been provided by my creator Aaron Porters to make sure you have a wonderful time in any world you journey or have been introduced to. You will be given an unlimited array of possibilities at the cost of system points and natural selection.]

-A small ad played-

(nothing notable just somthing very very annoying for Kyū to watch)


"Why does it have ads... what is this a pay to play game" Kyū thought as he finally sat up and a status screen came into view.


Name: Kyūseishu Grandér

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Height: 4'11ft

Weight: 110lbs

clan: (Current): Etānaru

jutsu: N/A

SP: 0

Money: ∞

Passives: Creators body: The creator has been REINCARNATED and thus his body has been given special properties to ensure he lives life to his greatest passion (Allows the user to reconstruct their body at will, though only looks wise)

Gods gifts: The user will receive periodic gift boxes full of goodies and new things for the user to enjoy their time in their new world

(self explanatory)

Universal Vessel: ????

Bloodlines/Kekkei genkai:

Etānaru- Evolution Governance

The user governs progression and advancement through evolution, the enhancement of oneself and others via accelerated evolution, which it displays with the various adaptations it employs in order to survive combat situations.

Organic Evolution: The User can evolve by absorbing and consuming organic biomass and gaining the abilities, traits, and attributes of the being the biomass was from.

Adaptive Replication: The User can evolve by absorbing information from objects he touches with his nerves.

Anatomy Manipulation: The User has complete control over his anatomy, which he can freely alter and manipulate. He can grow additional appendages, remove sections or otherwise manipulate his parts.

Self-Replication: Should one of his body parts be removed, the user can create a clone of himself from that part. This involves the body part sprouting additional body parts and eyes before growing into a full body and body, which is distinguishable from the user itself. These copies can also use Compulsory Execution. These clones can also reform from extreme damage, such as having their body torn to shreds, and can remain sentient and use their powers even in a state of severe dismemberment; this is achieved by having even more eyes and fingers appear on the dismembered parts.

Compulsory Execution: By shooting its nerves from the fingers and extending them into the opponent's body, The user can forcibly control their movements. He can also use this power to severely warp individual body parts. If it infiltrates a victim's entire body, the user can tear them to shreds near-instantaneously. The user can also send his nerves into inorganic objects in order to control and shape them, which he usually does by creating giant arms and hands out of the ground and nearby buildings to attack its opponents with. In addition, if one of his body parts is severed, the user can have it use Compulsory Execution remotely. However, it can be countered by exposing the user's nerves, which causes intense pain, and if the anatomical structure of a body part invaded by Pernida's nerves is changed, it can no longer be controlled. The nerves can also be forced back by concentrated Senjutsu.


I won't always display everything for the clans, but I'll make sure to have it updated and displayed every few chapters for convenience sake


"Wow...wait what's this Universal vessel, come on what is it" He'd whine out loud as he got various looks from the people around him and his eyes finally took focus and he looked around. "Oh...h-hello" He'd great the senju and uchiha causing them to chuckle slightly before regaining composure

~Where are you from kid ~dont pester him wait for the heads ~should we get rid of him

Comments came from the clans man as they looked at each other before the heads came over and a short cough was heard and everyone except Kyū turned to look. "Child...or...um why are you in the battlefield" Hashirama asked as he looked at Kyū ignoring him before he looked to hashirama.

"Oh i...well" Kyū said thinking if what he should say until he came up with something to say. "I was playing near by until this forest came out of the ground like bwoooosh" he'd say with an exaggeration of hand gestures causing hashirama to laugh.

"...WAIT why was a child playing this far out from a town or village" Hashirama question but Kyū only gave him a blank look and a smile causing him to sigh "This is troublesome..."

A deep voice spoke up as hashirama went into thought "I can't feel any chakra within you child...why is that" Madara said looking at Kyū with his mangekyo slowly fading.

"Chakra, you mean that weird stuff ninja use" Kyū said trying to act oblivious to the fact he hadn't gotten chakra yet, causing him to scream deep down.

"Yes...that weird stuff, you didn't answer my question" Madara said taking a step forward before stumbling causing a uchiha clansman to catch him.

"I don't know mister...a lot of weird stuff has happened today" Kyū said before instantly realizing how informal he was, as an american he only knew Mr, Mrs and Ms as well as a few others but not anything that the naruto universe used, he felt a big ghost lile face palm happen inside.

It'll be a day or more till power stones work on my novel, and I still look forward to seeing answers from my chapter yesterday.

also any criticism or help is appreciated as I'm rusty on my knowledge for naruto.

Soulof9writerscreators' thoughts