
Chapter Two - The Past is Prologue

The past is important but it has already happened, it is nothing more than a precedent of what we live now and what we will live later.


Narrate ____

I felt like I was trapped in a small place, I couldn't move, see, talk, much less breathe, but even so, I didn't feel like I was drowning, it wasn't the first time I felt like this, it's been several days or maybe months since the feeling was the same but the uncertainty and fear of the unknown were great. Where am I supposed to be?

I tried to move a bit until I felt something move next to me. What the hell was that!?

I tried to move away or so I thought I did until I felt something spongy but rarely warm on my other side.

I tried to calm down and think about all this, darkness, a warm fluffy thing, a blanket maybe? No, I doubt that didn't feel like one, I start to hear voices in the distance, it seems as if I and the 'thing' next to me were underwater.

"Oh, my goodness!!!"

I hope it's not what I think it is, this is impossible, right? It can't be true, but understanding what surrounds me I think it was true.


I started to get impatient again, where am I supposed to be reborn? That thing next to me was someone else?

I began to feel a tug on my body, the sensation was horrible, and it seemed that they were sucking me.

I heard some altered voices and another one screaming.

??? - "Push, push, it's almost out!"

I guess the hour of my birth has come.

I feel my body squeeze, it's horrible, and then my head came out and I feel like I can finally breathe, the rest of my body does too, it was a good thing to be free again but everything got worse when my body felt cold unconsciously I started to cry. I feel so fragile and vulnerable, some things that I think are someone's hands holding me and starting to clean me.

Yes, I think that, since I didn't want to be touched, it was uncomfortable.

'Please leave me alone' - I said in my mind until another voice was heard again.

??? - "She is a beautiful girl Kansaki-san, but you have to push again apparently the other baby also wants to get out fast."

It seemed that they spoke in another language, Japanese maybe, I was lucky that I knew several languages ​​in my previous life otherwise I would still feel more loss.

Did you say another baby?

I will have a brother or a sister, at least I know I won't be alone, I felt like they covered me with something warm and then what seemed to be loaded again but this time I felt warmth and tried to open my eyes while listening in the background the crying of my new companion.

At first, I saw everything blurry, the lights bothered me, I blinked a couple more times until I managed to focus my gaze on the person who carried me, it was a man, I guess this will be my new father, I felt that he was examining me with his gaze and I tried to do the same too to realize he was tall, light to dark skin, red hair?

'What a singular hair' - I thought.

I watched as he smiled fondly at me after doing his light scan and passed me into the arms of a woman. Will that be my mom? She was beautiful.

My dad I guess was now carrying my not yet discovered brother or sister.

My mother had completely black hair and eyes of the same color, she looked pale and tired, because of what had just happened but even so, that did not prevent her from smiling at me with affection and kissing me on the head.

Kansaki - "You are beautiful" - She said. Then give me another kiss.

Ahh, what a beautiful feeling that was, unconsciously I let myself be carried away by the world of dreams with a pleasant feeling in my small chest, maybe later I would know more about this new place, and everything was plunged into darkness again.


Time Skip

Well, a few days have passed since my birth and I discovered many things that almost gave me an attack. I never thought that I would be reborn in a place that I thought was fantasy, this place belongs to an anime! Is that even possible?

I thought I was going to be reborn in a place similar to my previous life but I was wrong, I had just been born into a world of nothing more and nothing less than Ninjas.

I spent at least two days trying to accept this new life, I just couldn't believe it, after the initial scare I learned more good things and other strange things, my mother belongs to the Emos clan. I mean of the Uchiha but according to her she said her ancestors were not from here but came from elsewhere, sometimes I did not understand her but it was good that she would tell us everything thinking that if we understood her, well at least I could, then there is that that my dad is the cousin of the crazy Sake Tsunade Senju. I never saw in the series that she had relatives, but I see that here she does have them, his name is Hiro Senju, sometimes it's something serious but inside the house it's not, he carries us whenever he can, he treats our mother very well, in general, he was a good father.

Lately, I've seen them argue, our mother cries every time she saw us but she tried to calm down enough to take care of both of us because apparently, I have a twin sister, something that I'm super happy to discover.

I was lying on blankets on the floor of the living room next to my sister while she slept, I drooled on my hand, I still did not have total control of my body, and it still bothered me not being able to know our names, our parents never always said it. They called us affectionate nicknames, which appeased my little anger.

Our father entered something serious at home and went straight to talk to my mother, meanwhile, I tried to hear what I could from where I was.



Hiro - "There are problems Kansaki, Minato's wife is about to have her child these days and the seal of the fox is going to weaken, this place will not be safe that day, you have to fix everything to go with the girls, I already noticed several Root ambush watching the house" - He said seriously as he saw his wife get upset. - "Please Kansaki I don't want to discuss this again, you can't stay with the girls here, you know it's not safe" - He said already tired of so many problems.

Kansaki - "How do you want me not to get angry Hiro? I will not abandon you in this alone, I will not leave you here" - The female answered angrily. - "Let me fight them with my powers, I can erase their memory and they will never know what happened" - She tried to argue.

Hiro - "Kansaki!" - He shouts, making the woman stop babbling plans and look at him alertly. - "You will not use your powers, you will be able to erase the memory of the Ninjas but not of the one who truly knows and I will never let you face Danzo and you know it, put your pride aside for a moment and understand the situation, this place is no longer safe for you much less for girls, they are the same as you just look at what happens around them not only chakra runs through their veins." - As he was talking, he was also getting even more upset.

Kansaki - "It's not about pride!" - It was her turn to yell.

Hiro - "Then why? What is more important than protecting you and the girls?"

This happened and neither of them spoke in a low voice.

Kansaki - "You know perfectly well that it is forbidden, my family had to pay a high price to be able to come to this place Hiro and you know it, I do not intend to go back there" - She said angrily at the fact that she had to leave and return to her place of origin.

Hiro - "Why Kansaki?, your family is no longer here, we are your new family, you have to go alone there you will be safe no matter how forbidden it is, our daughters will always be above everything, the Uzumakis never leave the family and I am willing to die if necessary as long as you have time to leave." - He tried to make her understand but his wife's pride was strong.

Kansaki - "Because I will die!" - She ended up screaming and by the way she surprised her husband. - "That is the price that I have to pay for altering time when my relatives created it, it was to escape from a tyrant who killed all the squibs because they considered them failures, they repudiated us" - She commented with pain knowing why they escaped from that place and paid such a price to be able to live. - "Wizards despise Muggles and all beings without magic Hiro, two wizards from the family branch to which we belonged helped my family to create such a ritual but both he and my great-great-grandfather gave their life and magic to allow them to leave. There, everything improved when they arrived here, they got a house, and a livelihood, they learned about the Ninjas and many married them and thus created some Ninjas who possessed magic, such a ritual was passed from generation to generation remembering the sacrifice for our happiness, Hiro It is the same as the sealed consumer of the Usumakis" - She said finally revealing the reason for her negativity when leaving.

Her husband remained silent trying to digest all that, although he knew that his wife was the last ninja with magic, he did not believe that ritual was like that, but now his daughters also had it and those from Raiz knew that their daughters would be strong and never I'd let them lay a finger on them. Sighing, he tried to continue talking to his wife who also seemed lost in thought.

Hiro - "Isn't there a way to get past that place without dying? I can create a seal that allows you or..." - He couldn't finish because his wife cut him off shaking her head.

Kansaki - "Unfortunately you can't Hiro, but being a Ninja with chakra I can pass but I'll die minutes after arriving, understand that you can't be alive for long, but I'll have enough to put them safe no matter what it takes" - She said on the verge of tears knowing that neither her husband nor she will be able to see the girls grow up, but it was a sacrifice that had to be made, sighing, she dried the tears that she had begun to shed. - "Then you have to seal everything in parchments, everything that one day they will need, farm papers, invocation, the form of fight, Justus, weapons, everything, so that when they go to that place they know how to control what they have, I know they will be great women in the future." - She commented with a smile full of tears to know how it would all end.

Her husband nodded and pulled her into a hug, he also felt bad as a father knowing that he would not see his princesses grow up nor would he howl at the brats that would approach them but, they were first and he would give everything for them to live in peace and If that place is not here, then he would try to find one.


Narrate _____

I've been listening to everything and let me say something. This couldn't be more confusing. Wizards who made it to an anime world? And they had chakra and magic!

Is this fanfic or what? How did I end up here? I begin to believe that that tree was old and no longer knew where to send people, fate and death should be laughing out loud at this.

Okay _____ breathe try to digest all that sea of ​​information.

They want to capture us to use us, although I don't remember much about this anime, I knew that Raíz was an organization of ambus without feelings that did everything they were ordered without saying A, I remember Sai and the seal on his tongue showed that he couldn't reveal anything about that organization and also like that man Danzo had the eyes of our mother's clan on his arm.

Now that I think about it, it makes sense that they look for us, ninjas with genes from Usumakis, and Uchiha, and with Senju blood would be the loot of any village, we do have it difficult. But that wasn't the only problem, no, of course not, the real problem is that she would inevitably lose her parents, people that she had already begun to love and she didn't want to lose them, but what a baby just a few weeks old could do, no matter how mentally old she was. Whether in the body of a baby, I can't do anything, just wait and see how all these ends and protect her sister because she is the only thing left of her family.

She turned her head and saw her sister who had just woken up, she began to move until she could somehow hit her, she returned it as best she could and so a fun fight began between the two until she felt arms grab her and separate her from her sister who, to her surprise, was not crying but was looking for her to give more of a fight, she wanted to laugh at that sight, but someone beat her to it, she shook her head and saw her mother laughing, amused by the show they were giving, she felt happy for see her smile like that.

Kansaki - "They already want to learn to be Ninjas, what do you think, darling?" - My mom asked amused as she took my sister in her arms.

Hiro - "I see that, our little ones will be the fear of many, in their blood they carry the Uzumaki and Senju genes what do you expect" - Our father said proudly.

But I think he shouldn't have said that because Mom's face didn't promise pretty things.

Kansaki - "What are you talking about, we Uchiha are very good in all of Senju, and our girls will be as big as their mother" - She said with a face that told you 'Don't you dare contradict me or you will suffer'

Okay, that face is scary, I clung to my father because she scared me and I saw that he was worse than me when he saw my mother like that.

Hiro - "Y....you're right honey you're amazing and girls will be just like you."

Waaa what an apron this man is, I see that who rules at home is Mom.

Kansaki - "Well I'm going to look for parchments and more things, while I do that you will take care of the girls."

When my father wanted to say something Mom left in a cloud of smoke, wooo I want to learn how to do that.

Apparently, my father saw my excitement because he laughed amused as he put me back next to my sister. He looked at us for a long time, I saw his eyes get bright from the tears that were piling up in them. I felt bad for seeing him like that, I knew how difficult it is to see someone and know that you will not be able to be with them because you will die, I knew it because I have also died once.

Hiro - "I promise that I will protect you at all costs, and I know that you will be happy in your new life, and I hope that one day when you discover where you come from, you will not hate us for not having been with you" - He told us while he saw us both.

'You don't need to say it twice dad, I know you love us and I promise I'll protect my sister with my life' - I made my silent promise in front of this man that I started to love and respect as a father.

After a few minutes, our mother arrived and between the two of them they began to put away a lot of things while the two of us watched from where we were, so the day passed between putting away and preparing things for our departure and then a moment with the family.

They took us both to their room and we slept together, I wanted to cry knowing that they would no longer be here but I had to be strong, but my body betrayed me and I started to cry, and my mother started to cuddle me and hum a melody that It made me sleepy I wanted to resist but the dream was stronger and I ended up in the arms of Morpheus.


Three days later

They had already done everything for the ritual, they did it in a place protected with blood barriers and several seals so that only they can enter and that this place self-destructs so that no one knows what happened or where they went, today was the 18th of October.


AN: Ok, this goes for the readers I know that in Harry Potter Hermione was born on September 19, 1979, and the others at the end of 79 and 1980, so let's pretend that Naruto was also employed in the same year for consistency of ages you instead of being born on 19 were born on October 11 remember that only days passed before Naruto was born.


A somewhat tense atmosphere was felt, this could only be noticed by the ninjas because they knew that the kyubi jinjuriki would give birth and they had to be on the lookout for what could happen if something went wrong.

For the Senju things were not better because they were preparing everything for what would happen that day, they tried to spend as much time as they could with their daughters and prepare mentally to understand that they would not see them again and neither would they see each other again. They agreed that a clone of Hiro would go with Kansaki to the lair and help her with everything and at the same time keep her abreast of the situation while the real Hiro had spent time-fighting with those who wanted to harm them.

Everything was going according to plan when a large fox could be seen in the distance that paralyzed everyone and much more the sensor ninjas who had to appreciate that horrific chakra full of hate much more, they began to hear screams and explosions everywhere.

In the girls' room, their parents were already taking them quickly and going to the place where everything would happen.

Hiro wanted to help Minato because being an Uzumaki he could with the fox but that would be abandoning his family too and unfortunately, Minato and Kushina had to manage alone.

Running between the houses, he created a clone and he helped his wife to carry the girls and saw that only the oldest was awake in expectation of everything. He was surprised to see her calm as if she understood everything, it was not the first time he had such a premonition, he allowed himself to put those thoughts aside and began to quickly say goodbye to them and saw how his wife and daughters left while he invoked the Kongo fusa.

He prepares for the fight with the ninjas that he now had in front of him, he would kill those damned ones and show them the Senju legacy that only the third, Tsunade, and his wife knew of his existence. But when he saw that he was going to die he would seal his body so that nobody else did anything to him, he already had some information about Danzo and his grandfather Hashirama's cells and so he went to the fight tearing several apart in seconds with his Diamantine chains.

In a forest three people were seen, two were clones and one was a real ninja, these were Kansaki Uchiha Senju and a clone of hers, and the other clone of her husband Hiro, he warned her that the real one had already started the fight.

She felt that they were following her and she summoned more clones with chakra and let them do time, she put chakra on her feet and managed to go faster, and the two clones did the same.

Arriving at the Guard, they passed the blood barriers and began to do the ritual, while her clone held the girls, she did the chant and put blood, chakra, and magic on the runes.




Seeing that it was ready, she hurried to continue the chant and felt like all her magic was being drained but she could stay with the chakra to give it more power, she activated the Byakugō no In, blessed was the hour Tsunade taught her, that helped very much because an intense light began to emanate creating another Pentagram under her and on top of that the two seemed to be connected and created images of clocks.




Hiro/clone who was outside the pentagram to protect them saw all this with amazement, he never believed he could see the ritual that his wife feared so much. Until he felt a huge source of power and saw how a being appeared near his wife he wanted to attack but his wife's clone stopped him in time.

That being was carrying a book in his hands and his face itself could not be seen, only his eyes, he emanated great strength and presence, he was afraid for his family, and he wanted to know who he was.




Hiro/clone - "Who are you!?" - Shout to know if it was an enemy or friend or none of the above. He saw how his wife stood up slowly and came to the front of that being and made a deep bow, and the being began to speak.

??? - "My name is Chronos, God of mortal time, why was I summoned?" - He said with a deep and strong voice and then looked at Kansaki in detail. He wanted to smile when he saw her but he must be serious before he could speak again. - "Again those of your race? I thought I'd never see them again, you know what you just did?" - The God asked a tired Kansaki, she raised her face to see him.

Kansaki - "Yes, I know, and I am willing to give all my power if you let me pass with my daughters to the other world from which my ancestors came" - She pronounced with determination.

Cronos looked behind her to see her clone, behind the mask he smiled sadly when he saw her and then at the girls, one of them was sleeping, he knew the other one perfectly, who was looking at him ¿seriously? He detailed the girl, she was the same as her mother, it was what he thought, they had continued their life in the other world and now they should go through this, it was in the destiny of both girls to go to that place.

He turned his eyes to the man who was looking at him cautiously showing that he would jump towards him if he saw a sign of attack, he turned his eyes to Kansaki and nodded at the woman's request.

A relieved Kansaki fixed her eyes on Hiro's clone and whispered an I love you, which he returned, warning that they would leave. The clone, understanding what was said, set out to see his daughters for the last time and then his wife to disappear in a ball of smoke.

And so the real Hiro received all the information and felt relieved to see that his family was already safe. With his few forces, he freed his invocation for the last time with a last order, it crept stealthily through the grass hiding to do its job. Hiro, seeing this, quickly sealed his body, leaving it dead, but it crumbled like land in the water to disappear completely.

Leaving a furious Danzo at being deceived by that man who left him without more than half of his ninjas, when he suddenly felt a strong burning sensation in his leg, and then his whole body began to ache, he looked down and found himself being bitten by a small white snake, he saw it disappear in a ball of smoke, and its body fell to the hard ground and then only saw darkness.

Hiro had sacrificed himself for his family but he took with him half of the root and Danzo himself, thus completely changing the course of that world.



We see a Kansaki carrying the scrolls and the girls watched their clone disappear to return their sight to the God who was in front, this one who had not lost details of anything, decided to tell her one last thing before taking her where she wanted to go.

Chronos - "I will give you a limit, you have exactly 30 minutes when you get to that place, do what you have to do, and then I will take your power and soul with me just as I did with your people, good luck" - He limited himself to saying that.

And then making appear images of giant clocks and seeing a Kansaki in fear covering her daughters' eyes and closing hers too when she was blinded by what was happening.




In an alley late at night, a light was seen that illuminated the entire space with power, seconds later a tired woman could be seen carrying two girls and with her a bag.

Kansaki did not know where she was but she had little time, she hurried out of that alley and began to walk through the streets and saw a huge park with several trees, she felt the need to do it inside.

She leaned against a tree, she needed to find someone, she had little magic in her body, asking mother magic for help, she let it flow in a request for help, this would only reach a soul with good intentions and who was capable of taking care of her daughters. The magic felt her desire and desperation and decided to help her, thus looking for that person, the minutes passed and with it, Kansaki's desperation increased, when she felt a strong pain in her chest that made her scream.

Luckily it was not so strong for her to draw attention, or so she thought, the truth is that an extremely unique couple was passing by and they heard her complain at first they didn't care but the woman also heard what sounded like a baby and stopped to try to hear more and yes she heard again the moan of a baby next to that of a woman, they looked at each other and then set out on their journey to that sound.


A few hours earlier in Italy, Volturi castle

In a great castle in Italy lived a unique clan, and I say unique because these people were not human or rather they stopped being human a long time ago, they were vampires.

In a large room, there were three thrones and in them, three seated men were talking things among themselves about other clans when suddenly a beautiful woman with dark hair and blood-red eyes walks through the door followed by a small blonde with a serious face the three men stopped talking to pay attention to the women, when one of the men, the leader prepared to speak.

??? - "Sulpicia dear, Did something happen?" - He asked as he got up from his throne, and in a second he was in front of her and he held out his hand for her to give it to him, the woman in front of him just nodded.

The truth is that for days she had been feeling something strange in her body, believing that it was only hunger, she simply quenched her thirst, but the feeling grew stronger until that day her chest began to hurt, something that left her totally in shock.

At first, she came to believe that it was a pain caused by a gift but the only one with that power was her little Jané and she knew that she would never use her gift with her, even in doubt she decided to call her and ask her if her gift was okay or maybe she used it near her and somehow it affected her. Seeing that it was not so, she decided to wait if it happened again, she went to her tower and once she contemplated the view there for a long time, she decided to read some books that were there until something made her stop.

She felt a voice in her head like a whisper, she thought she was crazy and decided to continue reading until the voice got stronger, she got up from her place and started looking for the source of said voice when she heard it again and heard clearly what it said: "In the park ****, Greece you must go, your daughters will be, hurry up she's dying, fast!" When the voice screamed she got scared, what was that, she heard how she repeated the same thing and ran to the throne room on her way Jane saw her and decided to accompany her in case she needed help, the voice now only shouted "Quickly is dying, Greece, they are your daughters"

Daughters? She didn't have daughters, vampires can't conceive, it was absurd, are her supposed daughters supposed to be there? Thinking that, she hurried up to where her husband Aro was.

And here she was showing all her memories to her husband who once stopped seeing it and looked at her in surprise. He doesn't know what to say about that until he saw his wife holding her head, he guessed it was that voice again, he took her hand and saw what it said "They're already there, you must hurry up, they only have minutes to live, hurry up"

Releasing his hand and making sure that his wife was alright, he turned to see the two other men who were waiting for everything.

Aro - "My brothers, something has happened, rather it is about to happen, my wife has been listening to a voice in her mind and she has been experiencing pain, this voice also talks to her about possible daughters of hers." - As he spoke, he saw the surprise reflected in the other two men and one began to speak.

??? - "Daughters you say? Vampires can't procreate brother, you're sure it's not just a gift to attract Sulpicia and harm her, everyone knows that she wants more than anyone to have children and because of who we are it's not possible" - He finishes talking.

??? - "Caio is right, brother, it could be a trap to do something to us, but there is also the doubt that this is real" - The other man finished saying, and then there was a silence in the place that was only broken by Sulpicia, who grabbed her head again and then announce that the voice was yelling at her to hurry up.

Even with doubts, Aro and she and Jane decided to go to that blessed place at vampire speed, they arrived as soon as possible. They went to that park Jane went to one side to see something at the request of her master and the two of them went to the other.

When they passed through a place with many trees they heard a woman complain, thinking she was a homeless person who slept there they did not give her full attention until Sulpicia heard a baby, believing that it was only her imagination, she decided to wait for another signal, her husband saw her without understanding until they both heard two moans, one from an older person and a baby. They looked at each other as if they were having a conversation and in silent agreement they set out for that place only to find a woman almost identical to Sulpicia, only that her hair was shorter and her eyes were black as night, they focused more on the woman.

Aro noticed the two bundles in his arms and gasped in surprise those babies were the same as his wife, now he understood the term "Your daughters will be" He looked at his wife and she was just as surprised, he decided to speak.

Aro - "Are you okay, who are you?" - He asks slowly.

The woman on the ground looked up in pain and was startled to see both of them there. 'How come I didn't hear them coming?' Thought. She looked at them in detail and almost gave her something to see that woman was almost his faithful copy, how was that possible?

They both looked at each other for a few seconds and then Kansaki looked away when she felt more pain, her time was running out soon she would die, she decided to still answer the question asked, she didn't know how she was able to understand them when they didn't speak Japanese, believing she was lucky she decided to answer.

Kansaki - "My name is Kansaki Senju, who are you?" - She asked this time.

The Volturi were surprised again when they saw that she spoke in another language but they could understand her.

Sulpicia decided to answer truthfully.

Sulpicia - "My name is Sulpicia and this is my husband, Aro, we are here because although it sounds strange a voice has been telling me for a few minutes to come to this park in Greece and that someone was dying and spoke about my daughters and I feel something in my mind that tells me that person is you" - She finishes saying and then see the woman's surprised face and then see her cry, she worried and asked if she was okay and Kansaki denied crying.

Kansaki - 'Thank you Kami-sama Hiro our girls will be fine' - She thought crying. - "My husband Hiro has just died protecting us and I'm dying too, and about that voice, I do believe you, believe me, it's not weird, if you're here it's because you heard my call" - She said as she could Kansaki felt she had no more then a few minutes.

Aro who remained silent continued to speak.

Aro - "What exactly was your husband protecting them from" - He ask something doubtful because when he wanted to touch her hand to help her sit up he couldn't read her life, which was strange. Although he also began to feel the same need of his wife to have children, he did not want to take those girls without knowing what they were facing.

Kansaki somewhat weakly told them the truth, she felt that those people would protect her daughters.

Kansaki - "We live in Konoha, a village of ninjas, my ancestors managed to go there when they were hunting us because we were squibs, I am a ninja and a witch and my daughters are the same, my husband was someone very strong who died protecting us from those who wanted to use them as weapons, I did a soul ritual to return to this place but in exchange, I gave my life and power to keep them away from that place, I also heard a voice that told me that everything would be fine when I let what little magic I had left flow, I thought it was an illusion of mine, but when I saw his wife identical to me, I realized that it was not a simple illusion, my magic had chosen you."

As she spoke, she surprised the vampires more, witches? Ninjas that were real, well if they existed why not ninjas and witches, while they listened to what she was saying, the feeling of protecting those girls grew in Aro to his surprise. 'Was that the feeling of being a father?' - He thought.

Aro - "Ninjas? They are real, you say you are not of this world is that it? we don't know how to deal with ninjas or witches" - He began to say.

Kansaki - "Don't worry, we have written everything for you to know how to take care of them, please, I trust you with my magic, I know you will take care of them, the oldest is called _____ Uchiha Senju, she is the one on the right and the youngest is Hermione Uchiha Senju, the one on the left, there scrolls that will only open when they are 3 years old, let a few drops of their blood fall on them and these will open only when they are that age, they will know how to train them, thanks for everything mother magic" - She speaks, Kansaki already tired whisper thanks to mother magic for bringing those people to her to protect her daughters, if her magic trusted them, she would too and with that she took her last breath.

Aro and Sulpicia listened carefully to everything and saw how the girl died. They took the girls and the bag and in a silent park, they promised that they would protect them from everything.

Seconds later, to their surprise, Kansaki's body lit up and disappeared in front of their eyes, thus giving them the last proof that what she said was real, they saw the girls sleeping in their arms and felt something they didn't think they could feel, it was the happiness of finally having a family.