
Chapter 3

We got there and Hope, Alaric, Lizzie, and Mg were already there. They saw the hickey on Lizzie's neck and my shirt collar that was messed up. " Alaric, before you do anything, she woke me up, and was bleeding. I controlled myself to not hurt her, but I'm starving, " I whispered in his ears. Mg couldn't even hear me. Alaric nodded and sent me to grab a cage that had an animal. Everyone except Hope and Alaric was watching me grab a cage. " Mr. Saltzman, what's in the cage, I've never seen you or Hope not bring one to Jay's room for all the time I've been here, " Mg asked, Lizzie and Joise looked interested. My eyes glowed red(Alpha mentality), an alpha wolf's color, and stared at them. " It's something for me to survive, " I answered and was waiting to eat.

" Landon stole a supernatural knife that killed a bus full of people, " Alaric said and everyone but me and Hope were stunned. " What did you need me for, " I questioned and Alaric looked at me. He gestured for me to get closer towards him. I did that and he got close to my ears. " That knife will attract special kinds of people, I know about your past of killing, the knife might attract creatures or people involved with your parents death, " Alaric whispered and my aura scared everyone. It was like a warrior who just finished killing an army and bathed in their blood. It then disappeared. " Are right, me and Hope will go find Landon, the rest stay here, " I said and they were shocked at my 180 turn. " Why can't we help, " Lizzie questioned and I had already grabbed Hope's hand and left the room with Alaric, Lizzie, Mg, and Josie following us. We got outside in the forest. " Hope, turn around or look, " I said and started undressing. Lizzie, Joise, Mg, and Alaric were stunned at what happened and turned. Hope would peek and so would Joise and Lizzie. I got down undressing and turned into my wolf form. My clothes disappeared into my spatial storage.

" That's huge, " Mg said as he saw my wolf form. This would be everyone's except Hope's first time seeing my wolf form. Hope got on top of my back after 3 minutes. I pointed my snout at the direction Alaric, Lizzie, Joise, and Mg were in. Hope looked that way and saw them. " What are y'all doing, " Hope asked as she sat on my back. " Jayden's wolf form his huge, " Mg said and I ran off with Hope on my back before anyone could say anything. Hope was just looking at the forest as I ran to where Landon would be.

We got there and I got out of my wolf form. Now Hope's on top of me, while I'm naked. " Hope, you might wanna know, " I said and Hope jumped off of me and blushed when she checked out my whole body. My clothes then appeared and I put them on. " H, Landon should be 2 miles ahead of us, " I said and Hope looked at me. " Jay, why didn't you…, " she was saying, but realized if I went any closer to Landon's position, I would be spotted in my wolf form. I grabbed Hope's hand. " Let's hurry up and get him, because I still didn't eat, " I said and we went to Landon's position. We got there and it's a coffee shop. We spotted Landon wearing a dark blue hat. We walked towards him.

Landon froze when he saw me and Hope walking towards him. He was about to get up, but I sat down in front of him and Hope sat next to him. " So, you stole a knife, " I said and Landon looked at me. " I didn't steal it, I don't know why, but I was drawn to it, " Landon said and I could tell Hope was mad. " You caused people to die, " Hope replied and Hope looked at her. " Landon, give me the knife, then you and Hope can talk, " I stated and held my hand out. Landon looked at my hand for 30 seconds, before giving me the knife. I then put it in my pocket. " H and Landon talk, call me back in here, " I said and left them alone. I'm outside the coffee shop, when three figures wearing hoods come up to me. ' Wait, these are gargoyles in disguise, ' I thought and looked at Hope and Landon who were still talking. I texted Hope, ' There are three gargoyles in disguise, I'm taking them away from here to get rid of them, do not try to find me, go back to the school, '. I then started running towards the forest with the two gargoyles in disguise following me.

" Hope are you ok, " Landon asked as Hope read the text. She then stood up and looked at Landon. " Jay, is being followed by gargoyles because of the knife you took, he told me not to try to find him, so I'm taking you back, " Hope said and they left the coffee shop. They then started walking back to the school, only for her to realize they're being followed. " Landon, when I say you run, we run, " Hope said and Landon just looked at her as they walked. 2 minutes later, Hope said, " Run, " and they started running. The person following them saw the running and went after them two. They started running towards the forest too, so Hope can use her spells.

I got to the forest and jumped on top of a tree. The three gargoyles got into their true form and were just standing still looking around for me. ' I'm gonna get rid of them, ' I thought and turned both my hands into my wolf paws/ I then disappeared from my spot and BOOM. A gargoyle was just under my feet with half its body blown off. The other gargoyles saw this and were about to attack, but I disappeared again. I then grabbed both gargoyles by their face and slammed them into the ground breaking their head into pieces. I then turned my hands back to normal and my ghoul claws and teeth appeared, because I smelled blood. It's close, my body then starts running towards it. I got to it and it was a deer. It's leg was pierced by a large branch. " Should've never got caught, " I said and pounced on the deer eating it, while it screamed in pain.