
Reborn Into A Fantasy World, But I'm Setup to be the Villain?!(Remake)

This story follows Alex, someone who was your typical nobody. However one fateful day, he had a encounter with truck-kun and got sent into a Fantasy world. However before he was reborn he met a goddess. She explains how he died and now tells him he will become this worlds villain". Now he must navigate a world he knows little about, meeting heroines, monsters and even the supposed Hero of the World.

Alex_Blackwood · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Two: A Temporary Goodbye

AN: Hey guys it's been a minute but I'm back...mostly. So thing is I've been going through it to say the least and writing daily or even semi daily frankly drained me. So I decided to come up with a bit of a compromise. Chapters from now on will be a little shorter than usual. My chapters are usually around 1500 words give or take but now they'll be about 1000 since that is easier for me to do. Now release schedule is something I'm still working on but I'm hoping to create one soon so please like all of you beautiful bastards been doing, stay patient with me and I promise I'll get to work lol. Also I am working on something else in the meantime it's kinda just a thing I've been writing to keep my mind distracted. I'll elaborate more in a later chapter for when/if I decide I want to make it public. Thank all of you for understanding!

Also just realized the title is so Ironic since this is my comeback of sorts.


It was the day that everything Alex had been building up to would come together.

The day, everything changes.

It was a bright morning, with birds chirping; however, a noise was heard on the horizon, a noise that everyone in the Blackwood household knew was coming.

They could hear horses galloping, each of them leading carriages towards the Blackwood Mansion, and on the doors to each one. The Crest of the Tarren Family. 

Today was the day that the Tarren Family would pick up Raven to prepare her for her marriage to their oldest son. The maids of the house were helping Raven pack up her clothes while Alex just stood still; however, anyone who could see by his facial expression, he was angry. Alex didn't want to do this. If he had his way, he would've killed all of the Tarren guards and escaped with his family, but Alex needed Raven to be safe while he executed his plans, and most of all, he needed Tarren's.

Anna was crying as she was folding up some of Raven's clothes into her suitcases, but Alex giving her a reassuring nod helped her feel better, even if just a little bit.

Lyanna and Amelie were there the previous night but left early in the morning. The reason? 

Alex asked them to.

*The previous night*

"I don't understand, Alex. Why do you need us to go back home?" Lyanna asked Alex, who was talking to her inside her room.

Alex looked at Lyanna in the eyes. "I want to save Raven and also Mom and the maids, and with your assistance, I can do just that, but I need you to go back to your house and prepare for the rest of us to live there. I know you want to save them too. Please don't say no to this plan."

Lyanna sighed "What if you fail, Alex?"

Alex smiled. "Simple, I can't fail. I refuse to fail. I will get them to safety, even if it costs me everything."

Lyanna slightly smiled. "Fine, just don't get yourself killed you here me!"

"I won't. I promise."

Lyanna took Amelie and left that night without saying a word to Anna or Raven. They went back to their house and started to move stuff around to create rooms for when Alex brings everyone over.

*Present Time*

*Knock Knock Knock*

"I'll get it." Alex said as he opened the door.

The person behind the door had a was familiar face to not just Alex but Anna and the others. Long silver hair, tanned skin, and beautiful bright green eyes. Not to mention a body built like an Amazon.

"Leonora! Glad you could come." Alex said welcoming her inside.

"Hey, you're the one that hired me." Leonora said.

"And for good reason." Alex said. "You know what I hired you to do. I expect you to uphold our agreement, although knowing you, that was a given."

"Yeah, don't worry. Those blond assholes won't so much as lay a finger on Raven as long as I'm around." Leonora responded.

"Good. Leonora...I'm trusting you with my sister's safety. It's the first time in my life I won't be right there for her...so please, Leonora. Keep her safe." Alex said it with noticeable sorrow in his eyes.

"Don't worry, kid. She'll be back by your side once you get everything settled. Just make sure you uphold your agreement too." Leonora said.

Alex smiled. "I promise. After all, I would never let anything happen to my mother."

The two shook hands before Raven came downstairs, her eye shadow running down her face.

"Alex..." Raven said with tears in her eyes. "I...I don't want to go!"

Alex hugged his sister. "Raven, I know. But I promise you that we'll be together again soon. And all of us can live away from the Blackwood's and the Tarren's. You trust me?"

"With my life." Raven answered with no hesitation.

"Then believe in me. That blonde prick won't so much as lay a hand on you. That's why I asked Leonora to watch over you while we're separated. She'll keep you safe." Alex looked his sister in the eye before cupping her cheek in his hand.

"A...Alex..." Raven said with a slight blush.

"Now, Raven, as much as I want you to stay...it's time to go." Alex said, clenching his hand in anger.

"I swear if anyone tries to even touch a hair on her head I'll....*Breathes* It'll be fine...Leonora will protect her."

Alex, Anna, and the maids watched as Leonora and Raven boarded a carriage and slowly left the property. Raven was not taking her eyes off of her family until they could no longer be seen out of the window.

Anna watched her go in both anger and sadness.

"Alex...when's this plan of yours?" Anna asked her son.

"Tonight...just have everything packed." Alex said.

"Are you sure about this?" Anna asked. "There's no going back after tonight."

"I'm sure. There's no way in hell I'd let Edward sell my sister off without getting some revenge. And not to mention, I need to get revenge on a certain someone..."


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