
Reborn In Tower Of God

Volume 1"Axes"COMPLETED I was reborn in the Tower Of God As A relative of Urek Mazino. Volume 2 "A new Beginning" A teenager named Julius was suddenly transmigrated from Earth to the world of Tower of god as a Regular. not an Irregular. He is the weakest regular in tower and is afraid to die he tries every mean available to survive in this harsh world as the weakest. But is he really the weakest or is his fear hindering him from becoming stronger.

DaoistOeHtln · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

20th Floor (2)

"You know, I am curious how many fingers can you make me use." Said Uraz while he used five fingers to deflect the attack of love. He did not have a clear attacking class. For fun, he chose the wave controller as a speciality but he had never needed to use it.

Seeing that he had overestimated the power of rankers he closed his four fingers and only one finger to throw shinsu bombs in the direction of Love. Love was able to dodge his attacks but the speed at which Uraz was generating Shinsu bombs and throwing them at Love was not decreasing with time but was instead increasing.

"Do You... Have unlimited reserves of Shinsu?" Asked Love while barely being able to dodge the last Shinsu bomb thrown towards him. He was no longer angry but was feeling excited and even joked like they were just sparring.

"Mr. Administrator, I just wanted to confirm one thing... you did not do a background check on me did you? Or you won't be asking such questions to me." Said Uraz while laughing.

"Do you mean to say you belong to one of the 10 families?!" Love asked Uraz as they stopped fighting for a moment.

"Hahaha... guess. Either way, you will know my true identity after I have defeated you." Uraz did not tell him directly that he might be Urek Mazino's little brother. He knew that Love had some type of love-hate relationship with Urek.

Love created a shinsu shield under his foot and started flying on it. He threw hundreds of punches towards me in one second. Luckily he was quick to react. Seeing the mocking smile on Love's face he decided to give him a taste of his own medicine he also created a shinsu shield not under his feet but behind his back like a pair of butterfly wings.

Seeing the bewildered expression on Love's face gave him a soothing feeling in his heart he sped through the air and threw thousands of punches containing 0.5 per cent of his power in seconds. Love could not dodge due to fear he felt from the punches and knew he was about to die he reluctantly closed his eyes and thought about the faces of other Administrators when they found know that he was killed by a regular during one of the tests he had arranged.

After a long time, Love opened his eyes and was happy to see he had not died, he assumed he might have been saved by someone but when he looked around no one was there not even Uraz.

He did not even get to see the benefactor who saved him. For a second another thought came to his mind but he shook his head not believing his heart.


Uraz was alone standing on the balcony of his room. There was a lot of noise in the room next to him. It looked like a party was going on. They had also invited him but he rejected saying he was injured in his battle against the Administrator. They bought it because it would be strange if he wasn't.

The next day, Love came to his room and took him to the room next door where everyone was gathered and told that everyone could proceed to the next floor. They were shocked when they found out that Uraz had won against Love a ranker. He did not say anything about winning yesterday except that he was injured during the fight.

Wangnan was laughing and crying at the same time because it was said that he was old enough to be brothers with Karaka. It was because he did not want to kill anyone to achieve his goals he was held up on the early floors for many years.


Residential Area, Market Place. Baam and Uraz were walking together more like he was following Baam. As usual, Baam did not stop him from following him. He also sensed the presence of another person tailing us. Or to be precise Viole.

'Hoho... I registered a tracking service on your pocket just in case. Wherever you go you can't get away from me Viole. It's time to show your true self. Evil Jue Viole Grace... What?! Why is Mr. Arrogant there with the Evil Jue Viole Grace.' Yeon thought in her heart, she felt like she was about the biggest secret of the FUG.

'Wait!! Could it be that Uraz is the real Slayer Nominee and Viole is just a puppet to hide the real identity of Uzar? That explains why he was so strong during the test.' Yeon already had thought everything FUG was planning behind the scenes. She had decided that she would save Mr. Viole from the evil clutches of FUG.

She looked and saw that Uraz and Viole were entering a Karaoke building At this hour of the day.

"Do you want to follow me in?" Asked Viole turning his head towards Uraz.

"You speak like you are going to meet some shady people." Uraz raised an eyebrow at Viole's Question. He knew who Viole was going to meet, he also wanted to meet that red-haired girl and see if she could also know his past like she always acts like she's miss know it. Viole just pursed his lips but did not respond.

They walked a little longer in the dark and gloomy corridors of this Karaoke Building.


A scream sounded from the other end.

He saw light coming from the other end of the corridor. He saw two people, one was the red-haired girl he was thinking about earlier and the other was a wanna-be FUG slayer "Viole".

He was about to attack the girl. But was blown away by the real Viole. When Viole said he was the real one everyone ran away shouting.

"Run, run the real Viole has appeared!!"

Yeon was puzzled about what had happened in there that made everyone run like this.

She saw Uraz, Viole and a red-haired girl. Suddenly she felt that someone was behind her. She turned around and saw a tall, slender man with brown hair and brown eyes. He is approximately half a head taller than Viole.

"Huh? Who is this boy and girl? Hey, Ryun. Did you not say it is just the three of us today? Is she a new member?" Said Ha Jinsung.

"I get it... you are from... FUG!" Yeon said with a grave expression.

Uraz had black lines on his face 'Hey girl what do you mean from FUG. Do you not see me standing a distance away from them.'

"By the way, Lady... I have seen that hairpin before... isn't that the crest of the Yeon Family? Are you their spy?" Ha Jinsung stared at Yeon specifically because of the Yeon Family hairpin.

Yeon hurriedly ran and hid behind Uraz. Even Uraz was surprised. He thought she would hide behind Baam, in this way, she could at least guarantee her survival. But she chose him. Who had no relation with anyone in the tower except his elder brother Urek.

She lashed out at Baam and Ha Jinsung, saying multiple bad and insulting words to Baam. He hit behind her neck to make her unconscious. They all were surprised by His behaviour.

"I am Viole's friend. My name is Uraz Mazino." He introduced himself. There was dead silence after his introduction. Ha Jinsung specifically was shivering when he heard the name Mazino. But he composed himself and thought it was possible for 2 people to have the same last name. Right?!!

"Finally lovely pupil has gotten himself a friend." Ha Jinsung ruffled Viole's hair. One could see the love he had for him in his eyes like a father looking at his son.

They had decided to visit Viole's house, as they knew that Uraz did not seem to have a problem with them being from FUG. But the girl from the Yeon Family was a troublemaker.