
Night Exchanges in the Forest

That evening there were a number of exhibition matches, mostly among nobles who chose not to participate in the tournament. Their talents ranged from D rank all the way through S rank. While there were only three S ranked adventurers in the north, there were a few at that level among the nobility including the Duchess' first husband.

A number of mages had to erect barriers when the last groups fought as their moves were powerful enough to harm the spectators. This was the level my father was at and the level I needed to get to to fully feel safe.

Once again the night was filled with celebrations. Thelora and a reluctant Lariss called it early since they had to compete in the morning. That left Adalgard and myself alone again. I hoped that she wouldn't press for information about my blessings.

Thankfully before the topic could come up we ran into Fulvia. She let us know that, despite a nasty hangover, Vesta was able to advance. The three of us spent about an hour together before a woman in a cloak put her arm around mine.

"Ladies, I know his company is sublime, so I hope that the two of you can forgive me for stealing him away." Floriana said.

"What makes you think he wants to go with you?" Fulvia asked. Adalgard already recognized that the two of us were fairly intimate with each other, so kept silent.

"I just need him for a little while. Don't worry I won't return him with any damage. Maybe a little exhausted but not damaged." She said. "Unless he wants me to."

"It'll be fine, you two enjoy the celebrations. I was planning on heading back soon anyways. Hopefully we'll be able to meet up again tomorrow." I said.

"Well, goodnight then." Fulvia said.

"I'll see you tomorrow Wilmaer. For her sake I hope I don't see you too early." Adalgard gave me a knowing smile.

At first we started walking back towards my tent. Then as I expected, she turned to the side. I was used to Floriana's seductive touch by now and when she had approached me, it was a little off.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a secret." She replied.

Once we were out of view of anyone, we were surrounded by firefly like lights that signaled her Invisibility spell. I let her pull me in tighter knowing that it would be easier for her to keep the spell going.

Soon we found ourselves a few hundred feet into the dense forest. I couldn't see the festival bonfires and the noise was barely audible. Even though we were invisible, she pulled me to a secluded place near a small clearing and squatted down. After sitting there for what felt like an hour I was starting to get impatient.

"What did you bring me out here for?" I whispered.

She placed a slender finger on my lips. 'Trust me.' I heard in my mind.

It was maybe another ten minutes before I heard some rustling in the woods before a figure in a dark cloak stepped to the edge of the clearing. They still tried to keep some cover while looking around expecting to find someone.

Not long after another cloaked figure came out of the woods.

"Were you seen at all? I know your lot has been watched heavily." The second figure said.

"I'm more worried about you being followed. Things won't go well for you if this gets messed up." I recognized the voice as the Holy Knight Turnus.

"Ha, this is what my kind do for a living. If this gets out, it's your precious Church that's going to suffer." The other figure said.

I heard the sound of a sword leaving a scabbard. "Don't mock those that serve the Holy Light."

"Wait a minute, if my people don't get their payment, they'll expose you. Just take your stuff and go." The other figure held out a small box.

"Fine, take your ill-gotten gains and flee from my presence." Turnus took the box and shoved a bag into the other figure's hand. Despite telling the others to flee, Turnus was the first to leave.

"Ha. So high and mighty but needs us to do his dirty work. Some righteous Follower of the Holy Light he is." The other figure then left the way they came.

We waited for a few more minutes and before I could say anything, another figure walked into the clearing. He was short and stocky wearing a black cloak and had a casual air about him.

"I'm a little surprised you're spying on your own people. Were you worried that things wouldn't go as planned?" A rough voice said.

As Floriana stood the firefly like light fluttered around us. The man didn't give any reaction to seeing me next to her.

"You know very well that people in our trade like to know as much as possible. And personally witnessing events provides the most information." She said.

"Just be careful that you don't show up at the wrong place. Some things should only be known by the right people." His head turned slightly towards me.

"I'll keep that in mind. Let me know if you need to purchase any information for her ladyship." Floriana said.

Humph. The cloaked figure turned and left as well.

"Do I get to ask what I just witnessed?" I said.

"The Followers of the Holy Light that hate witches have been percuring a few items from various sources. Since most of those sources one way or another go through my employer, I have a rather detailed knowledge of them. It seems the Followers are making a strong poison of some sorts." She said.

"What? Do they intend to kill everyone here?" I said.

"Haha, that would be too difficult. Maybe a select few. The question is who is their target? Right now I'm not sure. And if the Duchess' spymaster there knows, it's either someone that she doesn't care about or someone she also wants dead. But I don't think they know either." She replied.

So he worked for Duchess Togeir. Great, now she would know I'm associated with Floriana and by extension the Night Mistress.

"Why bring me along?" I asked.

"Oh I just wanted to spend some time with you." Her smile while charming was obviously fake. I gave her a serious look that caused her to pout a little.

"You can be no fun at times. I just want you to be prepared and to start to see the undercurrents that you're going to have to navigate in the future." She said.

"I'd prefer to just be an adventurer." I replied.

"Your way of hiding your Lydos Lineage might be able to fool most people but those with a wider range of knowledge will be able to figure it out eventually. It's better to have allies that want to protect you. Taking care of their problems is a good way to curry their favor. Wouldn't you agree, Alfwien Osgar?" Her smile was both pleasing to look at and full of mischievous danger.

"It's just Wilmaer now." It had been such a long time since I heard my name spoken aloud. I wasn't sure I was that person anymore. Not only had I come to accept a previous life, the name was partially given to me by a woman that wasn't my true mother and whose full purpose I didn't fully understand.

"I suppose it is. Shall I accompany you back to your tent for the night?" She said.

I hesitated for a moment. If she had asked before what just happened I would have been more than willing. But even knowing what she knew, I found I wasn't against the idea.

"Oh you must really like me. Not only are you tempted to bring me back to your tent but I didn't even sense any killing intent from you when you learned I knew your darkest secret. Could it be that I have a prominent place in your heart?" She teased.

"Maybe not yet prominent but you are there." My response shocked her. Her seductive look slipped and even turned guilty. It had also shocked me a little as it felt true to me.

"Just be careful you don't regret allowing me in." She lowered her gaze and wouldn't look at me.

"I knew from the beginning that you were manipulating me in order to ask a favor from me. You know me well enough by now to know what type of favors I'd be willing to accept. If you still think that I'll help you, we'll continue on as usual until you're ready to ask for my help. Now do you want to head back to my tent?" I said.

It was her turn to hesitate. "You are an incredible man. While there is nothing in my heart that I would rather do, there are other matters that need my attention. I'll slip you word if I learn anything more."

I took her hand and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

"Don't stay away too long." I said.

While she was recovering I wrapped myself in my recently improved Cloaking spell and left.

Between seasonal allergies, a light cold, and power outages, the past few chapters have been difficult to get written. But I pulled through.

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