
Reborn in the Warring States Period

Warring States Period is chaotic and accustomed to war. The shinobi are expendable mercenaries utilized by the various powers to compete for land and wealth. In order to protect themselves, these shinobi developed clans. Amongst those clan's are the most prominent-- Senju and Uchiha. Pit against each other, these two clan's deep seeded hatred was known to all. ============= Ohayo Gozaimasu! This is my first attempt at writing a fanfiction, please be gentle! I am not a native japanese speaker but I'll try my best when it comes to deconstructing the culture based on the anime/manga of Naruto and historical records of the Sengoku period. Thanks to Zetsuai89 for the beautiful cover!

Pengincognito · Anime et bandes dessinées
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105 Chs

Leaving Behind Sand

"Uncle, I brought someone to see you!" Aya was so excited that she seemed to forget all of her teachings of trusting strangers. This was not without reason, as Natsume had implemented a simple genjutsu that made the other person more amiable. Genjutsu was something that came naturally to Uchiha because of the innate ability of the sharingan. However, Natsume always had a difficult time learning and mastering simple techniques.

In the past, she had to rely on her sharingan to place people under genjutsu, and even then, they were mostly simple tricks or misdirection. This was her first time putting someone under a genjutsu unaided. Seeing no problems, she heaved a sigh internally.

As soon as they entered the tent, Natsume immediately detected danger. It was not due to her intuition being extraordinary, but rather the blatant killing intent from the other party. If he wanted to, Natsume guessed he could silently attack her. She contemplated using Fuchikoma and leaving immediately.

"Aya come here." The girl broke away from Natsume and went to the man in the next compartment. Natsume sensed the chakra flow interrupting the genjutsu she placed on the girl. He got up and walked through the flap to see her. "You are not welcome here."

Natsume saw the tall man, his body hunched over slightly as the tent did not quite fit his full height. His face and upper torso were completely wrapped in cloth and his left sleeve was empty. Natsume looked up and met his gaze. His eyes had a madness to them that reminded Natsume of some Uchiha warriors that had seen many wars. Seeing that he was just threatening her, she took the chance and asked directly.

"I just wished to inquire more about the history of the desert's first tribe." The man grimaced and looked behind Natsume through the open flap.

"You bring the fate of destruction to my people. Leave before it is too late." Natsume felt his killing intent once more and backed away. She went to find her guide who was finishing up buying supplies. "Let's go."

The man frowned but he wanted to be finished with this mission as soon as possible so he did not refuse. They traveled continuously in silence while Natsume pondered her encounter at the oasis. No matter what lead she discovers, it ends up being stifled by unexpected factors. The feeling of being cursed once again began to bubble up in her mind. Ultimately, it was due to her being too weak to grab hold of the opportunities.

Ironically, she needed those opportunities to grow stronger. It was a cycle she had to break in some way. She looked toward the horizon and hoped the Land of Earth would bring her more opportunities. Perhaps her approach at the Land of Wind was incorrect. Neither the major faction nor the daimyo were able to accept her. Since that was the case, she would be a mercenary. Being so far from home, she didn't mind being ruthless to all factions in the nearby territories.

Natsume was feeling a sense of foreboding staying in the desert any longer and made the decision to push on until they reached the border. The sand shinobi was agreeable and they kept going on their way. Despite her sensation, they did not encounter a single soul until they reached the border. The lines were vague in this warring time, and without a natural barrier between the land of Earth and Land of Wind, it was even more so.

Due to this, the shinobi stationed at the border were in a shabby stone watch tower with simple barricades set up to funnel traffic. There was a large group of merchants and travelers waiting to be let in. Seeing this, the duo stopped and watched from afar. "This is as far as I go. Any closer, and I may be persecuted. I do not know what Reto-sama sees in you. I warn you now, never return to the valley, for your own good." With that warning, he vanished into the shifting sands.

Natsume clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'We'll see about that…' She thought.

After staring at the situation at the border for an hour seeing no signs of change, she eventually approached. Some of the merchants saw her heading toward the gate and a few sneered while some tried to warn her. "Halt! No one is allowed entry."

"Then I'll follow along until the next checkpoint." She said rolling her eyes.

"You won't find any luck there either. The daimyo has blocked all outsiders from entering." The man said calmly. Natsume narrowed her eyes but didn't ask anymore questions. She would just make more trouble for herself at that point. Surely there were some fools already that asked, she would just go ask around the group. As she walked past a family, someone called to her.

"Oh you poor thing, are you a refugee? Come stand with us." A nice grandma beckoned her over, but the man in her group stopped her. "Mother, can't you see she's not simple? I'm sorry miss, my Mother was just feeling sentimental."

"En, its okay. Do you know why they won't let anyone in?" She took this chance to ask out of convenience.

"Well, a few people asked in annoyance with the warriors and after a beating, no one was willing to ask again. But rumors have been circulating of a plague."

Natsume looked at his demeanor and dress, he seemed to be a learned individual, a scholar perhaps. "You don't seem to believe it."

"Actually… I'm embarrassed to say this, I am an official of one of the regions in the Land of Earth. I had some business outside and now I am stuck out here with everyone else. I don't believe a plague started in less than a month. Something strange is happening… They would let me in, but I would have to leave my elderly mother behind."

Natsume nodded her head. "Then, can you get them to let me in?"

So a lot of things have happened in my absence. First of all, someone questioned and criticized me on various points and left a nasty review that honestly made no sense. I deleted them all because I felt like he was just being sexist. One though I looked into. He questioned the fluid dynamics of the scene where Natsume used her jutsu toward an opposing water jutsu and instead of exploding away from each other, it essentially traveled along it. I am not a scientist, but to my shallow knowledge of fluid dynamics and some research, this kind of opposite velocity colission between two compounds that don't mix would create an emulsion at the point of contact. Since this is a word ruled by chakra first science second, its reasonable to say that she can control the jutsu to continue down the water if the velocity and density of Natsume's jutsu is higher. Anyway, I am still here, still writing, just been busy and a bit annoyed by some jerks out there.

Another point that has had some discussion and I did some more looking into the lore and finding the specific scenes in the manga/anime and I have come to a final conclusion. Body flicker jutsu is just an advanced movement technique aided by chakra (like taijutsu). These are the two things that had been weighing on my mind and preventing me from writing more, recently.

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