
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · Histoire
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513 Chs

459. New Title

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The once mighty Tono Separatists that was thought to be a big threat crumbled under the relentless pressure. Aching and his father, the last remnants of their leadership, led their men and fought valiantly alongside them but were eventually surrounded. In a final, desperate stand, they made one last charge against Lie Fan's forces hoping to create an opening to allow them to leave the area.

The clash was brutal and intense. Aching's father even though old, wields his spear with formidable skill, managed to take down several of Lie Fan's men before finally succumbing to a barrage of arrows that was unleashed by the Hwachas.

Aching, witnessing his father's fall, let out a cry of anguish and fury, charging directly at Li Feng regretting some of his choices at this moment, as to why he suggested the rebellion movement which resulted in the death of his family and total annihilation for his tribe.

The two clashed in a fierce duel, but Aching, exhausted and overmatched, could not prevail. Li Feng, showing respect for his opponent's courage, granted him a swift death by beheading Aching with his glaive.

With the fall of Aching and his father, the battle was effectively over. The remaining Tono separatists, seeing their leaders fall, surrendered or fled into the wilderness.

Lie Fan's forces began the process of securing the region, rounding up prisoners, and consolidating their victory. The campaign against the Tono Tribes Separatists was a resounding success, solidifying Lie Fan's control over the island and further extending his influence.

After rounding up the surrendering Tono Tribesmen, Ling Cao, Li Feng, and Gan Ning returned to Taipei, informing Yang Hong and Yan Jun of their victory. When they heard this, Yang Hong and Yan Jun were ecstatic, thanking the three of them for their hard work. Ling Cao reported that around 30,000 Tono had become prisoners.

Yang Hong decided to turn all the able bodied men and women into a labor force for the construction and expansion of Taipei for several years as their punishment. As for the children and elderly, they were put into house arrest in a large encampment that would serve as the prisoners' housing area for the next several years.

As for Yan Jun, he continued with Ling Cao, Li Feng, and Gan Ning in transporting the prisoners to the designated area that had been appointed which is near Taipei Port, and had the army and navy guard the area to ensure no riots would happen.

With no more threat from the Tono Separatists, Taipei proceeded with its activities as normal. Yang Hong also sent a letter to Xiapi to inform Lie Fan of the success of the invasion and how the island had been secured.

When the letter arrived in Xiapi, Lie Fan, alongside the Tian Mao Battalion, his bodyguards, Jia Xu, and Xun You, had just returned. They had handed the momentary plan for Gao Shun, Chen Deng, Liu Ba, and Bu Zhi to manage as the Four Armies were stationed at Xuchang.

As Lie Fan took his first steps into Xiapi's Governor Castle for the first time in a while, he suddenly heard the sound of the system after not hearing it for so long.


[Host has completed the achievement 'Conquering The Central Plains', making Host receiving the title 'Overlord Of The Central Plains' as a reward]

•Overlord Of The Central Plains

A title that was given to the host Lie Fan by the system, for managing to conquer the central plains of China and stopping the Battle of Guandu between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao from ever happening.

+15 STR + 15 AGI +15 VIT +30 INT +10 WIS

+10 WILL +300 Renown

Lie Fan paused for a moment, absorbing the information. The new title was surprising, especially the description it carried, and of course, the stats upgrade was also a bonus.

This title not only described who he was perfectly but also showed how the system knew the ambition he had. He felt that even if there were no Battle of Guandu, the one that would never happen was between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, not him and Yuan Shao.

As Lie Fan was lost in thought, Jia Xu and Xun You noticed his sudden stillness. They exchanged glances before Jia Xu stepped forward and called out to him, breaking Lie Fan from his daze.

Turning around, Lie Fan was asked by Jia Xu if there was something wrong. He reassured Jia Xu that everything was fine before proceeding into the castle.

Upon arriving at the main hall, they were greeted by Chen Gui, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, Chen Gong, Lu Su, and Sima Yi, all awaiting his return. Seeing Lie Fan and his entourage entering the main hall, the six men greeted him, welcoming him back from his long and arduous campaign to conquer the central plains.

Lie Fan returned their greetings, then took his seat and asked for updates on developments in Xiapi and his domain during his absence.

Chen Gui, Chen Qun, Liu Ye, Chen Gong, Lu Su, and Sima Yi briefed Lie Fan about the progress in his domain, focusing mainly on Xiapi's expansion project.

They reported on the completion of several infrastructure projects, the enhancement of trade routes due to the completion of the outer wall, and the strengthening of defenses.

As the discussion continued, Jia Xu received a letter from Taipei. Apologizing for the interruption, he handed the letter to Lie Fan. After reading its contents, Lie Fan nodded and smiled.

He then informed everyone about the successful campaign in Taipei and the total pacification of the Tono Tribes Separatists. This news brought a wave of relief and satisfaction to everyone present, knowing that their comrade's efforts at Taipei had secured another vital region.

Chen Gong, with a thoughtful expression, spoke up. "My lord, the successful integration of Taipei and the central plains into our domain gives us a strategic advantage. We must ensure that we maintain strong governance and build on this momentum."

Lu Su on the side added, "Indeed, my lord. Strengthening our trade routes further will be crucial as well, with new kinds of resources that could be sent from Taipei."

Chen Qun, utilizing his bureaucrat vision, proposed a detailed plan for the integration of the new territories. "We should establish a comprehensive administrative framework to govern these regions. This includes appointing capable officials, standardizing laws, and ensuring the swift and fair collection of taxes. Additionally, we must keep a close watch on the sentiments of the local populace to preempt any signs of dissent."

"My lord, We should also consider fortifying our borders to prevent any potential threats from neighboring warlords who might seek to exploit our recent expansions." Sima Yi also gave some of his insight, after seeing that Chen Gong, Lu Su, and Chen Qun gave insight of their own.

Lie Fan listened attentively, nodding in agreement. "All of your suggestions are wise and a much needed one. We have achieved significant victories, but we must remain vigilant and proactive. I agree with all of your suggestions."

Chen Gui then presented a proposal for a series of public works projects aimed at improving the infrastructure and quality of life in the newly acquired territories. "By investing in roads, bridges, Inns, and marketplaces, we can facilitate trade, improve mobility, and foster loyalty among the populace. This will also create jobs and stimulate economic growth."

Lie Fan approved of the proposal, recognizing the long-term benefits it would bring. He then turned to Jia Xiu and Xu Kai who showed himself from the shadows.

"We must also focus on bolstering the Orioles intelligence network. I don't want to be taken by surprise again like in Hulao Pass. Ensure the Oriole has access to reliable information channels in key locations." Lie Fan said with a serious face, not wanting to be taken by surprise at the last minute.

With the council's discussions concluded and plans set in motion, Lie Fan felt the path ahead was clear, but not without challenges. However, with the loyalty and expertise of his advisors and generals, he was confident in their ability to navigate the increasing complexities of his life.

After an hour passed by, Lie Fan concluded the meeting and everyone left the hall except for Liu Ye. Seeing this, Lie Fan asked Liu Ye if there was something he wanted to say to him.

Liu Ye being called out by Lie Fan, proceeded to inform him that while he was away, he invited one of his personal friends, who was a very talented general, to Xiapi to pledge his allegiance to Lie Fan.

However, what he didn't expect was that his friend brought two others along with him, one was a man named Liang Xi and the other was a woman named Wang Yi.

When Lie Fan heard the names, Lu Qian and Liang Xi, he couldn't remember who they were, but the name Wang Yi was very familiar to him and one he knew well from both history and ROTK novels and games.

The wife of Zhao Ang and one of the heroic women of the Three Kingdoms, she lost her husband and son due to the Ma Clan. She then swore vengeance upon the Ma Clan and soon joined Wei to fight against Ma Chao, who had replaced his father as a Warlord before driving him out of Liang Province.

Intrigued, Lie Fan leaned forward. "Ziyang, tell me more about this friend of yours and his companions. What do you think they bring to our cause?"

Liu Ye smiled, pleased that Lie Fan showed his interest. "Lu Qian is a formidable warrior with a keen strategic mind, my lord. His cautiousness and experience as a ranger make his ability important to guarding the rear of an army."

"For Liang Xi, from what I gathered is an exceptional administrator and a master of logistics. His skills in managing resources and organizing supply lines will greatly benefit our expanding territories." Liu Ye explains Liang Xi, highlighting his important skills in logistics.

"And lastly Lady Wang Yi had a very high wisdom and intelligence a woman could possess in this era, even much higher than many men." Liu Ye said as he brought out a letter before presenting it to Lie Fan.

"From what the Orioles gathered for me my lord, she has a personal vendetta against the Ma Clan, and her presence will bolster our efforts in securing the loyalty of the people of Tianshui and its surroundings, which was useful in our future campaign against Cao Cao." Liu Ye said to Lie Fan as he read the content of the letter, acting surprised by what he read even though he already knew about this due to his past life.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu -> Overlord Of The Central Plains

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825 -> 1025 -> 1325

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20) -> 951 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20) -> 613 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10) -> 598 (+10)

INT: 587 -> 617

CHR: 96

WIS: 509 -> 519

WILL: 397 -> 407

ATR Points: 0

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