
Reborn in the Third Ninja war as an uchiha

Dreamfire565 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Sharingan awakening

It's been a few years since the academy and Hiro is now ten years old and at chunin level which was very impressive but was overshadowed by kakashi's genius which is exactly what he wanted .

All these years he was training hard with his mother who he noticed these days was always depressed and he didn't like that since she always insisted she was fine but he could tell something was wrong and he would soon find out as news about the third kazekages disappearance spread like wildfire and he knew what was coming next was gonna be one of the most brutal wars and he had no time left and all that fear got to him as his eyes turned red with one tomoe in each eye spinning rapidly but he didn't notice as he was fast asleep from all the stress he had to handle and next day he woke up and didn't see his mother the next morning so he went to the bathroom to wash his face only then did he remember that he had awakeened the Sharingan and he was so happy and he channeled chakra into his eyes and the one tomoe sharingan was spinning and he jumped in happiness but then he remembered it was only one tomoe and he knew in the next year he had left he had to get the two tomoe and since it was near war time and he needed all the power he can get and for the next year he trained his reaction to time and his sharingan and finally got it to two tomoe and he didn't go further since he knew that the three tomoe was upgraded by trauma

(I forgot to mention he always wore Obito's orange mask so no one except his mom so his face)

He was given a genin team to lead and he had been doing missions from D rank to C rank and he was sent to inftrate bandits and occasionally some solo B rank for half a year then the kanabi bridge mission was given and he was to act as bait and everyone wanted to make a name for themselves and they were confident since they had the hatake jonin but he knew better so he had loads of supplies in his storage space that he never had to worry and he left for the mission with his team .

(He was low jonin at this point)

He was clearing iwa shinobi until a group of ten chunin surrounded him and one of his teammates was killed and he was so mad and scared that he unleashed the three tomoe sharingan and became high jonin with the three tomoe and high chunin without it and he had low jonin chakra level and control which was pretty good for a ten year old so he unleashed the great fireball jutsu and burnt two iwa shinobi and threw kunai at the third one and body flickered behind another and sliced him with a tanto and he used the destroyer flame (gokakyu mekakyuu /madaras fire jutsu) to finish of the rest before leaving his injured teammate behind sinve he was almost dead and would be dead weight then he started looking for the iwa base and checked his surroundings with the sharingan and saw two jonin abd five chunin so he body flickered behind one of the jonin and took him away before he punched him in the face sending him flying before going behind him and cutting of his hands and head to make sure he was dead

He then dodged a slash from the other jonin who used an earth jutsu to spawn pillars of rock under him which caught his hand and he used one hand seals to do the shadow clone justu and jumped at the jonin who was injured but before he could get there two chunin stabbed his legs and he realised he forgot about them and now he used a mist justu and he dipped after he was far away he noted that he needed destructive jutsus for group fights since he almost died then he ate a chakra pill and slept for the night and woke up in the morning and the sage body had recoverde and increased his chakra to mid jounin level and he started to head back to Konoha to report that he and his team found an iwa base and he was the only one who returned alive and hiruzen thanked him for upholding the will of fire and he left and went home and when he got there he saw a scene he will never forget.