
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime et bandes dessinées
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157 Chs

Battle against Kaguya

Shion smiled and nodded her head, "Where were you?" she said choking back her tears. Kibo reappeared next to her and embraced his wife, "I'm sorry, it took a while for me to come back, but, I knew you could handle things here."

"Nii Chan!" Naruto shouted, alongside almost everyone else.


"Lord Kibo!"

"The Fumetsukage has returned!"

"About time!"

"HAHAHAHA! It's over for you guys now!"

Kibo then looked over at his family and waved, "Having a good time!?"

His parents ran to his side, and he was joined by the new immortals who stared at him in disbelief.

"I see you 4 have managed to return to the land of the living." Kibo gave a slight bow of respect to them, "You don't know me, but I've witnessed your final stand against the foreign Gods and Immortals."

Kibo gave them all a poke on the head to save them some time, "Fascinating, Jutsu, Fuin Markings, using Chakra and making Immortal energy by merging it with Natual Energies." The Tortoise lord went on about the gift Kibo had given them.

"If you wish to return to the head of your clans, you should restart your cultivation from the ground up," Kibo recommended before he turned back to his wife.

Shion smiled and said, "Can I stay here?"

Kibo grinned, "I don't think so, behind the barrier you go."

Giving Shion a quick kiss, Kibo sent her off and then stared at Madara, "I see that you've been reunited with your brother, cherish your time together, and behave while you're in my village." Kibo turned to give the Immortals the same warning.

Madara shook, he was staring at Kibo's eyes, even though he had a fully powered Rinne-Sharingan, Madara knew that Kibo's Do-Jutsu was no weaker than his own.

Kibo smiled before waving his hand, his finger cut through space creating a portal that led back to his fortress.

Returning everyone to the floating village, Shion and the rest moved to the edge of the city and watched Kibo standing off against the tree that was reaching into the heavens.

Kibo raised his hand and cracked his neck, he stared at the tree that was absorbing all the Nine-Tailed Fox clones, all the energy was being transferred into the withered up Ten-Tailed Beast's body.

Little by little, the entire appearance of a Ten-Tailed Rabbit began to form in the skies above, Kibo smiled and transformed into his new Hybrid form, he fused his Hybrid Form, and his Nefilim form during his time searching for Fenrir.

"False-God Mode!" Kibo shouted as his body erupted in godly energy, unlike before instead of his appearance taking on the shape of the combined partners in his star chambers, this one covered his body in a similar outfit to that of the Demi-God mode.

His entire outfit glowed with a black and white color, and his hair was golden with silver tips, his eyes showed the full power of his Eien no Tenteigan, and his body inflated in size until he reached 7 feet.

Kibo suddenly saw the Ten-Tailed Rabbit shrink down in size until it became the beautiful Goddess known as Kaguya, the tree along with Black Zetsu were also absorbed into her body as she opened her eyes.

Kibo equipped his Chaos Armor and pulled out his sword Oblivion, pointing the tip of the edge towards Kaguya, Kibo said, "You revived only to be destroyed."

Kaguya looked at Kibo and tilted her head in confusion, Kibo could feel the intense Godly Energy rippling off of her and even in his new form could feel the threat of death.

"An Immortal? False God? What are you?" Kaguya asked.

Kibo disappeared and reappeared behind her, leaving only a trail of Extreme-Yang energy in his wake, Kaguya was taken by surprise, she quickly raised her hand and sent Kibo to another world.

However, the gate through space in time she just closed opened back up as Kibo came flying through it, Kaguya frowned and sent him to another world, but, once again, Kibo reopened the portal and attacked her once more.

Kaguya continued to send him to random worlds of pure ice, fire, deserts that stretched out infinitely, and so on and so forth.

It looked like a blur of constant golden flames crisscrossing around Kaguya constantly. Kibo stopped short and sent a clone out to trick her, as she sent the clone to another world, Kaguya realized she had left her self open to attack.

Quickly transporting to another realm, Kaguya tried to run to another world that contained nothing but sand. The planet had three suns and a grey lifeless sky.

Kibo had already cut the space open around her portal and chased after her, taking her by surprise once more, Kaguya placed her hands together and summoned a mass of energy around her to defend against Kibo's strike.

"Shattering Chaos!" Kibo shouted as he drew his blade from its sheath, a surge of Chaos energy shot out and tore through Kaguya's barrier, the entire blast of energy looked like a cosmic scenery of space being born, the attack populated the skies with stars and dust clouds and turned the barren wasteland of sand into pile of nothing.

Kibo appeared behind her surprised at how hard it was to cut through her energy, only the tip of his blade managed to scratch the surface of her face, drawing first blood.

Kaguya placed her hand on her face and felt the wound quickly heal. When something inside her suddenly snapped, Kaguya shouted out, "You DARE!"

Raising her hand, Kaguya summoned massive black orbs that were the size of small moons, Kibo felt his blood beginning to boil as he watched the Rabbit Goddess lower her hand.

The giant spheres of godly might slammed down against the ground, turning to black blurs as they destroyed the planet they were on, Kibo flew towards Kaguya and cut out at the space behind her barrier.

Using all of his strength, Kibo kicked out at Kaguya's barrier and sent her flying through the tear, taking them back to earth.

Kibo sheathed his sword and summoned his Bishamonten Avatar and cut out at Kaguya again.

Kaguya placed her hands together and formed two large bone swords out of her spine, a stream of godly energy shrowded her bones as she swung out deflecting Kibo's attack.

Kibo raised his sword and sent cut down with his avatars second blade, Kaguya responded by sending her hair out into needles that exploded in every direction, Kibo pulled out all his swords and cut down every last attack and sent a powerful wind-scar across the area.

Kaguya absorbed the energy and raised hand before causing a massive explosion that shot into space, Kibo dodged pass the beam of godly energy and cut down at her neck, the moment his blade cut through the barrier, Kaguya sent them to another world that had increased gravity.

Kibo smiled as he watched Kaguya fall to the ground, "Did you think that I would be in the same situation as you?" Kibo took this chance to send Kaguya flying with a powerful swing of all three of his blades.

"Dragon Tornado!" Kibo shouted as he spun.

All three of his blades turned into blurs as the space around them cracked and roared, Kaguya's barrier was easily pierced through as she retreated to a world of pure cold.

Kibo chased after and avoided a large pike of ice that shot towards him as he passed through the portal, Kibo then was assaulted by what he thought was the planet itself, countless mountains and spikes of ice and jets of water chased after him with relentless intent.

Kibo waved his sword covering up the area in a sea of golden fire, he then merged it with his flames of Fuji and Prismatic flames into a new technique.

"God of Immolations Furry!" A chaotic storm of the multicolored fire melted everything around him into a gas, Kaguya quickly jumped away after getting burnt, her sleeve caught fire and quickly started to spread across her arm.

After screeching in pain, Kaguya discovered that she couldn't absorb the flames and in response, Kaguya lopped off her own arm to stop the fire from encroaching upon the rest of her body.

It only took seconds for her new arm to form as she placed her hand on the ground causing the entire frozen tundra to surround him, the whole planet turned into a massive fist that gripped onto Kibo and started to crush down on him.

Kibo caused countless cracks to appear across the surface of the planet-sized ice fist as he roared, the entire construct quickly shattered as he flew towards Kaguya and evoked his Sword-Intent, cutting downward, Kibo cleaved towards Kaguya's head with the intent to kill.

Kaguya raised her hands up and created a powerful beam of energy that shot out at Kibo, placing up his swords, Kibo swung out with all his might and took the blast head-on.

The two struggled back and forth for a few seconds before Kibo was sent flying into another realm, this time it was full of nothing but lava, once again Kaguya started to attack Kibo with the planet itself.

Pillars of lava and molting stone charged at Kibo like a planetary tsunami, Kibo waved his hand sending out a chilling storm of Extreme-Yin ice that covered the surface of the planet.

It turned the entire landscape of fire into that of a frozen wasteland, Kibo then shot out hundreds of clones that surrounded Kaguya, "God Slaying Barrage!" Kibo shouted as all of them performed their attacks.

Countless cuts and tears appeared on Kaguya's body as she fell back through the portal and across the ground of Earth's terrain, Kibo didn't stop, countless attacks covered her up as he bombarded her with his Sword Intent.

Kaguya was taking on a lot of damage, she frowned in rage as her body inflated into her Ten-Tailed form.

The hands reached out destroying all of Kibo's clones along the way, Kibo focused all his energy into a single point and swung his blades out creating a vortex of chaos energy.

"Sword of Origin!" Kibo shouted as his beam turned into a massive sword and charged towards Kaguya's throat.

Kaguya roared at Kibo and created a massive Biju-Damma that blasted at him with incredible force, the two attacks met causing a massive explosion that Kibo teleported outside the planet's atmosphere.

Kibo continued to swing out multiple sword beams at Kaguya, while she shot out dozens of world-destroying Biju-Dammas, countless monolithic explosions went off creating massive havoc as the erupting blasts were sent flying through space like planetary fireworks.

The entire planet shook countless times, the group at the village watched on in astonishment as Kibo forced his through her attacks, right up until he breached through her barrier.

Kaguya raised up her hands and tried to crush Kibo however the second her hands came close, Kibo shouted, "Kaio-Ken x2!" His body burned with a bright red aura as he cut through her arms and cleaved her head clean off.

Kibo then grabbed Kaguya's head and sent the body to his inventory, before her body could regenerate Kibo slammed the back of her head, destroying her third Dantain where her godly essence was stored.

Kaguya let out a terrible banshee like scream as the life faded from her eyes, Kibo smiled and plucked out her eyes and threw her head into the inventory as well.

He suddenly felt something trying to invade his soul, Kibo frown and raised his arm before cutting down fiercely, time and space split apart revealing a strange diamond-shaped seal that Kibo recognized as the Kāma seal.

As it shattered Kibo huffed a breath of air, "What the hell was that?" Kibo asked Navi.

"It was the seal of the Ōtsutsuki, the marking acts like a tracking tag and possession marking, those that suffer under the effects of the Kāma seal become a vessel for a higher being to possess, however, they would have to bring your body out of this realm to hand over to the higher deity's hands. They then steal the bodies of the mortals that are able to kill gods and seize their foundation along with their lives," Navi answered.

Kibo frowned, "Is that the seal Boruto was infected with? Is this why Jigen said that it was a curse?"

Kibo shook his head and said, "No matter, I won't let my nephew grow up to be spoiled, even if I have to kidnap him and beat some sense into him." Kibo cracked his knuckles and was about to use his Chimera technique to fuse his eyes with the ones taken from Kaguya, when all of a sudden, he heard an elders voice call out to him.

"You managed to not only defeat my mother but you managed to kill her too? Even if she was in a weakened state, she was still a god! Child, who are you?" The elder spoke with a soft tone.

Kibo turned around to see none other than the Sage of 6 Paths himself.