
Reborn In The Multiverse With A Unlimited Upgrade System


Aritra_99 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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62 Chs


After finishing the meeting I was rather free for the entire day. Nothing to do I decided to visit Natasha to see how she is doing. Currently she is living with the asguardians in the northern part of the village. Making my way over there I saw that the people have settled down quite well. I need to ask the other Shinobis to interact with them so that they don't feel left out. Sensing Natasha's Life force I made my way towards her home. Reaching there I saw a moderate two story house. Knocking at the front door I waited for a while before the door was opened. And it was a female Asguardian. Looking at me she looked confused and asked ," Lord Lucifer? How can I be of service?"

" Umm. I was looking for Natasha? Isn't she living here?"

" Oh Yes. She is actually living on the second floor. I and my mother live on the first floor."

" I see. What is your name?"

" I am Meera."

" Nice to meet you Meera. Can you please call Natasha and tell her that I am here to visit her?"

" Of course. Please come in and wait inside."

" No no I won't want to intrude. I will wait outside. Please call her."

" Okay "

After waiting for five minutes Natasha came out of the house wearing a blue jeans and a yellow top. looking at her I waved my hands ," Hello beautiful." 

" Hello to you to. So how come you suddenly visit me on this lovely day?"

"ahh! I was quite free and thought that I should go and meet you , Tell you a bit more about the world we live in. I have an Idea, why don't I introduce you to the others. let's go"

We walked towards the Tower where I live at the centre of the village. Reaching there I saw Kaguya was there. ' Well this can either be too good or too bad.'

Entering the house I called out, " Kaguya, come here for a moment there is someone I want you to meet."

I heard footsteps coming towards us and in a few moments kaguya emerged from within the House. " Oh You are back, Who is this?"

" This is Natasha Romanoff. When I went to the other dimension I became really good friends with her and invited her to join me in this dimension. "

" Is that So?" Kaguya narrowed her eyes at me. I could also feel Natasha's eyes on me on mentioning 'good friend'. 

" Why don't you come in for some lunch and we can talk more." Kaguya said.

" Sure thing" I said and was going to enter the house when Kaguya stopped me." Not you. I want to talk with her alone." 

" But.."

" No buts. Get out."

Dejected at being thrown out I looked at Nat for support but she too did not provide me any comfort. Sighing I slowly walked out of the house. Turning back one last time I asked, " Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?"

I did not get an answer but was rewarded with the door being slammed on my face.

' Hopefully they don't kill each other. Well Nat can't kill Kaguya logically but who knows. Women are complicated creatures.' Sighing again at my misfortune I walked towards the training ground in the hope of meeting someone whom I can torture in the name of training.

Reaching the training grounds I saw that the newbies( Minato's generation) along with JIraiya and Tsunade were present there and the older one's were guiding the newbies on something. Intruiged I made my way over there.

" Good day folks. What are you guys doing on this fine day?

Seeing me they bowed their heads for a second as a sign of respect before Jiraiya said up, " Minato is creating a new Jutsu. we all are trying to help him in that."

" Oh that's nice. Show me, I might be of help."

Minato Extended his left arm and concentrated his chakra on it. Slowly chakra began to form on the surface of his hand. In a few moments The chakra was spinning in the shape of an Ors the size of a basket ball. Finally he added an extra layer of chakra to keep the Jutsu stabilized.

" I present to you ICE POP INSPIRED NIMBUS JIRAIYA TWIN WHOLE SPHERE" Minato said with such excitement that it even convinced me that it was a good name. Kushina on the other hand had enough of it. She slapped minato across the head and sent him flying. Two seconds later Minato appeared again via his flying Raijin.

" That is the worst name I have ever heard. If you keep that mane I will strangle you to death." She roared out her frustration.

" I agree" " Me too" Fugaku and Mikoto said in unison.

" I think It's a great name " Jiraiya commented.

" Of course you do. It has your name in it." Tsunade snapped back.

" Minato , You are talented when it comes to the shinobi arts but your naming sense is absolute trash." Nawaki said 

Minato the Hopeful child looked at me for support but I couldn't provide him that. Closing my eyes I shook my head to indicate my disapproval of the name.

Minato dejectedly sat on the ground contemplating the future where he would not be able to hit his enemies with this jutsu and shout out its magnificent name. Oh what a sad future indeed.

Kushina irritated of minato's moping spoke up," Why don't you name it something short and simple like , The Rasengan?"

Minato looked up at kushina and said, " Is that good?"

Kushina, the poor short tempered girl lost her cool again and punched minato away. When he appeared again she shouted in his face, " I wouldn't have suggested it if it wasn't good, Dumbass."

Tsunade and the rest except for jiraiya nodded their head in agreement of the name.

" I still think the previous name was ..."Jiraiya tried to protest but one glare from Tsunade shut him up.

" That is a good name for this Jutsu." I finally said.

Minato for some reason looked more dejected. " Why don't you show me what it can do?" I asked hoping to change the subject.

Nodding his head in enthusiasm Minato stood up and went near a tree. Forming a Rasengan in his hand he hit the bark of the tree. A circular hole was formed in the tree.

" Good. It's definitely an A rank ninjutsu with a lot of room for improvement." I said.

" Yes It is a non elemental ninjutsu. So adding an element to it will increase its power." Jiraiya said from the side lines.

" Not only that but there can be other uses as well. Suppose you increase the charka input by a huge amount then the output will also increase. Also if you can condense the chakra into a tight ball and then release it in an instant it will be effective as well. And then there is elemental manipulations to be added. Minato I would like you to share this jutsu with your peers and develop the jutsu to the highest level you can. If you face any problem come to me I shall help you." Minato nodded his head in agreement.

Turning towards Jiraiya I said. " Take Minato and Kushina to Mount Myoboku and tell Gammamaru to teach them sage mode. It will help them in increasing their strength. Tsunade do the same with Nawaki. His wood style will improve with sage mode." Both of them nodded at this. Turning towards Fugaku and Mikoto I said, " I will help you to upgrade your sharingan to the eternal Mangekyou. That will solve the blindness and help you improve your strength. Come to my office at 9 am Tomorrow." They too nodded at this.

" Well then Let me teach you an S rank ninjutsu. All of you here have completed your fire manipulation training correct?"

"Yes. we have completed the elemental manipulation for all the five elements." Tsunade said

" Okay then pay attention. "

Folding some seals I said, "Fire Style Rain of arrows." I breathed out a massive fireball that flew about a hundred meters in the air and formed a ball floating in the air. After it stabilized it started firing fire arrows at blinding speeds for 10 minutes. Each arrow fired had the attack power of a B rank fire jutsu.

Turning towards them I said," You can increase time of the jutsu by putting more chakra into it. You can also increase the damage done by each arrow upto an A or S Rank jutsu alone if you have that amount of chakra or control over fire. "

They were still in shock of what they were witnessing infront of their eyes.

" This jutsu just like the rasengan has unlimited potential for growth." Tsunade commented .

" Exactly. Here is a scroll containing the details of the jutsu. Share it amongst yourselves." I said handing the scroll to tsunade and walking out of the field.

" Amazing" Nawaki said out after I left.

" Yes, even in the Uchiha clan library there is no jutsu like this one. " Fugaku commented and Mikoto nodded her head.

" We should all try to master this jutsu. It can be useful in the upcoming war." Minato commented.

Meanwhile I was again roaming inside the village alone. ' Well there is nothing coming in mind that I can do right now. '


It was currently evening outside. I returned home a few hours ago when a uzumaki clan member came and informed me that Kaguya was looking for me. I expected a full thrashing from both women when I reached home but I was surprised to both of them sitting together across a table and drinking tea. Thinking that I was in the safe zone I announced my presence. I have never seen a change of mood I saw in them that day.

Well I received my thrashing and was left with a warning. If I ever bring another woman into my life without asking them I will be scared in ways I could have never thought before. And let me tell you , for an all powerful beings like me , even I was scared for my safety. Nonetheless I promised to never do that. Huh! There goes my dream of a harem. Poor me.

Well I was currently sitting in my office ready for the meeting. One by one the Shinobis arrived in the room and settled down.

Finally when all of them entered into the room, I started to speak, " After due consideration to the current events of the world and taking the different prospects brought up in this room I have decided that we will still be unifying the Shinobi world. But to keep the bloodshed to the minimum I have come up with a new plan." Looking around the room and seeing all eyes on me I continued," I will deliver a speech saying my intentions and vision of the future to the entire planet and let them choose. If they wish for peace we will not wage war against them. "

" That is a good alternative I suppose." Hashira commented.

'System buy a device that will help me to communicate with the entire world and let them interact with me.'


Thank you System.

Looking at the people present I said," These scrolls will be delivered to the kages and daymios for them to sign. Those who refure to sign will be our enemy in this war."

" Initiate system". I said out loud.

In the elemental nations.


" Tsuchikage sama there is a black object floating in the sky. It is stationary and had not moved yet but it is directly above the village." An anbu reported

" A what now?" Onoki


" Hokage sama , a black screen like object has suddenly manifested itself outside, directly above the village."

" Let's go check it out." Hiruzen.

Similarly in Kumo, Kiri , Suna and all the other villages similar things were reported to the kages and the daymios.

The entire world had come to a standstill and was wondering what new disaster was going to befall them now.