
Chapter 927 Confused_1

Translator: 549690339

After seeing everyone off, Qin Xue massaged her aching head. Having a cold was truly miserable, and she never expected to fall ill just after last night's ordeal. Now, she was left suffering.

She thought her physical health had improved, yet she fell sick again. It seems she needed to exercise more.

"Are you feeling bad? Maybe you should go back and sleep for a while." Chu Molin looked at his wife, who was frowning.

"Mmm, my head hurts. Keep an eye on the house." Qin Xue stood up to go back to her room to sleep.

"Alright, you should rest. Don't worry about anything else." Chu Molin saw her, still anxious about the house despite her condition, and replied with concern.

Qin Xue nodded without saying anything else and went back to her room to sleep. She quickly became dizzy and drifted off. She vaguely felt someone touching her forehead. The heaviness in her head made her unwilling to move. She didn't even open her eyes; she just turned over and fell back asleep.