
chapter 2:cultivating in the womb

Han Tian was sent to the super gene universe according to his wish by the God. Han Tian looked around and observed that he was in a soul form inside a womb.

Han Tian guessed that he is in the womb of Luo sulan mother of Han sen .He didn't know what to do when suddenly he heard a voice in his mind

System:"Hello host"

Han Tian:"who are you?"

system:"I am the system given by the god to you ,but don't worry he didn't take any of your wishes away from you"

Han Tian:"so where are the things that I wished for?"

system:"They're in the system inventory but as you are in your soul form you can't take the items until you are born, but you can cultivate your soul with the soul cultivation techniques present in the temporal book you can send your consciousness into the temporal book and it currently has a time ratio of 1:10 and as you cultivate inside for about 10 hours only one hour passes by in original World and it also has a limit activation that is once every ten days and as you get stronger the ratio will change as you have energy to support the time in it"

Han Tian:"but how will I be born when the baby and I am seperated?"

system:"you don't have to worry about it as I will take care of it"

Han Tian:"well how do I cultivate"

system:"you just have to say it and I will send you in the space of temporal book"

Han Tian:" okay system please send me into the book"

As I said it I was sent into the book where i saw infinite space and it is filled with book shelf's containing millions of books in it and started cultivating the Heavenly God Technique as it can hold upto 7 demon spirits and he can make the most powerful demon spirits by using the nightmare demon pot

First he started the first level of soul cultivation

after reading the technique i.e heart and soul as one this took him about two weeks and he cultivates in the myriad mountains and rivers painting as the heavenly energy in that plane is very high concentrated

This took him some time as this was his first time cultivating and after that he started the second stage of soul cultivation i.e mind and body as one

This took him another four months as his body is temporarily seperated from him so it took a long time after that he started the "virtuous as water"for two months but didn't see progress in it , so he started learning the other cultivation technique which can also be used by humans of this universe like body cultivation technique and martial arts he memorized all the theory behind it and started practicing martial arts as he can't practice body cultivation techniques as he does not have a body now

As he was practicing all the while with his soul 9 months passed and he and Han sen were born and system put Han Tian soul in the baby taking over the consciousness of the other baby(guys here I am making it like there were really 2 baby's in the womb but one baby was born dead,so as to make it natural i thought of this kind of plot where Han Tian is taking over the body of the baby by making connection with the baby for 9 months and the two baby's were alive)

Nurse:"congratulations madam you got two healthy babies"

Tears could be seen in Luo sulan eyes as she saw a dream where the other baby died during the pregnancy.

Luo sulan extended her arms as she wanted her children to be kept near her

The nurse who saw it carefully placed the babies near her and gone out to inform Han yufei(father of Han sen) about it.

sometime later Han yufei entered the chamber and carefully took one baby and kept smiling at the other baby in his wife's side.


system:"congratulations host for successfully gaining the body, host can cultivate the most powerful "god body technique" for strong body and "Heavenly God Technique" for strong soul i have specifically seperated those two techniques as you can cultivate daily"

Han Tian was in an epiphany as he broke through the virtuous as water state when he was born and comprehend those mantras of Heavenly God Technique and making progress in it.

Han yufei watched his another son who was giving a strong aura in his breakthrough, but he can't define what it is correctly as this was his first time encountering something as strange as this as this world doesn't have cultivation techniques of soul if they had these techniques the would have cultivated the spirits and make them stronger.

After th end of the epiphany I asked the system

Han tian :"system I have a doubt"

System :"say it host"

Han tian:"why did you say seperate cultivation technique for body and the soul, can't one person only cultivate one technique and can't shift between them"

System :" the human body of the super gene universe is slightly different as it is under the protection of the sanctuary and can get strong through the intake of the gene, so they can cultivate an extra body cultivation technique for strong body, so after you leave the sanctuary you can withstand the merging of the soul and body as one entity you have to have a strong body."

The end