
Fear the Reaper Man

I'm walking home from my daily work at Burrito Gong and I am crossing the street and I think, <It would be funny if I got hit by a car.> Well I made it across the street. I sigh, "Not today, I see-" and I spoke way too soon. I was just talking to myself about getting hit by a vehicle and this massive truck swerves off the road and slams into me. The truck, although large, wasn't moving very fast so I don't think that I will die even though I am thrown off my feet. I mean sure, it hurts like hell, and I'm gonna have some road rash, but I should live this…

<Fuck, I don't have the money to pay hospital bills. Fuck.> I think to myself as I force myself to roll over onto my back. It only takes me a couple seconds, five at the most, to roll over onto my back. The first thing that I see is the truck slamming into the cement wall that was originally on my other side. Unfortunately, for me, the sudden stop caused the metal beams that were being carried by the truck to be flung forward and to the sides at high speeds. Guess where one landed? Well if you guessed right through my eye, you'd be correct. I feel a sharp pain, sudden fear, then nothing. In that order too.

"Ahhh!" I scream as I sit up abruptly. I look around confused because I no longer feel any pain, although there is still a slight phantom pain in my eye that almost just feels like a headache. While looking around I see a pale gray wall in every direction, with the ceiling and floor being the exact same color. <Actually, looking closer there isn't a wall, it's just that there is so much of… whatever this is, that it appears as if I am surrounded by walls made of this gray stuff.> I think to myself.

I close my eyes and try to think before I hear a voice that somehow sounds unfamiliar and exactly like every voice I have ever heard and it is also a voice I hear, and is simultaneously in my mind, "Awaken human soul, for it was not your time. We must speak." Scared out of my mind I let out a little, "What the fuck!!!??" before opening my eyes and seeing a shadow-like, smokey figure that is taking on a roughly human shape. The figure laughed slightly and said, "most of my brethren would not be so forgiving, so if you meet any of my kind again, be sure to be more polite. I am what the humans from your world and time call a reaper, however your death wasn't meant to happen quite yet so you are here to meet me, and you have some options."

My mind has gone completely blank after hearing this for just a second as I am trying to think of all of the possible outcomes. "I… apologize..? I've never come across a situation quite like this one but please continue." I say. I may be confused, but my parents always told me to be polite, especially to my elders and this being is almost certainly my elder. "As I was saying, you have some options. Your first option is that we can just send you back to the life you were already living. That choice is the easiest as you are already used to it, and what we do is we just take you back and slightly alter the trajectory of the metal beam that killed you. Your second choice is that you are judged by whatever god or gods you believe in and they will determine your afterlife. Your third option is that you can be reborn in another world, of your choice. We have a list of worlds within this universe that contain intelligent life, or you can choose a universe of one of humanity's billions of created fictions. If you choose this last option then you will be given a single ability that will help you survive in the universe that you have chosen. As an example, if you chose the world of Naruto, then you would be born with something like an abnormal amount of chakra or an abnormal amount of control over said chakra. So, which option would you like? Oh yeah, there is one final option… Your entire soul can just be erased, but that is an extremely painful and long process so I don't recommend it." the reaper said, his voice changing between voices with every word.

I frown but I already know what I'm going to choose. There is no way I would want to go back to my life, I work at Burrito Gong for goodness sake, but I also don't want an excruciating ending to my existence. That leaves choosing a universe/planet or going to the afterlife. I don't trust that any of the gods that I believe in would judge that I did good. The norse gods require death in combat, and the greek gods had their own rules which I didn't meet. That just leaves for me to choose a universe that I want to live in, but I already know what universe that I am going to choose, although many will call me suicidal for it.

"I believe I know what option I have chosen. I would like to be reborn in a human created fictional universe, the universe of StarCraft. I would like to request that I be born as a psionic in this universe, even if I'm not a powerful one. Being a psionic would already be granting me more opportunities that a normal human would have. This is my choice, if that is okay with you." I say, thinking about the possibilities. I have always thought that the idea of living in a universe where there are two confirmed species of aliens that STILL exist and others that have existed would be insanely cool.

"StarCraft, huh? That's one that, although I find it extremely interesting, I have never had requested before. It is an interesting choice, and yes, I think that we can have it set up for you to be a psionic in your life within the universe of StarCraft. No more time, have a good trip" the reaper said as my consciousness faded even as I finished hearing their voice.