
Reborn in RWBY with wishes and a punishment

Kyle_Webster_1680 · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

System integration at 10%


Hello host

??? System so that was not a dream hmm. System show me my status.

Name: Lilith nightshade. Lv0

Dex. :0

Hp. :0

Mp. :4000

Agility: 0

Int: 10000

Wis: 15

Aura :1000(sealed)

Semblances :glyphs (sealed) , copy (sealed),??? ( sealed)

Luck :35/100


Eye capabilities (can see almost a full 360 circumference, can copy fighting styles, can be use to fight grim. Plus any copied fighting styles must be trained else it will be weaker than a beginner) lv0

Mana manipulation (allows one to manipulate the magic in the body to get stronger) lv0

Aura manipulation (allows one to use aura to attack as well as defend) lv0

Cooking lv0

Fishing lv0

Observation lv2

Gamers mind lv max

Auto loot lv1

Skill points 4000



Weapon box spin 3

Gotcha spin 1

Money 200lien

Skill up pill( allows one to up skill lv of skill by 5 or one stat by 2) has 4


Ok those are my stats. Wait ! Lilith that's a girls name system what is the meaning of this?!

System: Do to host punishment host will be born female in 3 days time.

Also host will have difficulty raising all combat abilities past 15 although all other non combat abilities will rise 3 times faster.

Lilith" what wait so my punishments is be turned into a girl and being nerfed"

System: yes and no that is all one punishment the other punishment host got is one that makes you attract all types from girls to boys of age 16 and up! This will make life harder for host romantically!

Would host like to sleep till birth?



Time skip 2 days 22 hours 42 seconds.


System: Wa… p… host!

Lilith: hmm?

System: wake up host

Lilith: what's going on? What is happening?!


Lilith is shouting at system because she feels like the dark place is getting tighter and the moisture is draining and she is scared, then she sees a light and remembers the last thing she thought and suddenly it she calms down some but being a baby her mind is that of an adult but her emotions and actions are her age to an extent, Lilith doesn't notice but while her memory is fine her mindset has regressed to fit her age while still keeping her intelligence of an adult, and in this manner she is born, but in not in a hospital no! Instead she is born in a inn from the looks of it.


Doctor: good news mr. and mrs.nightshade the delivery was a success you now have a beautiful baby girl Faunus! To be honest I thought it would be human because the mother is human but it looks like she takes after her father but she has more than one trait! She has both her father's white fox ears and on top of that she has a white fox tail as well as six fangs and nails like daggers, but never seen eyes like hers?

Mrs.nightshade: what do you mean doctor is something wrong with my baby?!

Doctor: no nothing like that, it is just I have heard of silver eyes but not ones with pure white pupils or red flecks in the silver part it looks like a genetic mutation but are quite pretty plus it seems she can still see cause she is looking around.

Mr.nightshade: you had me worried there doctor thanks for clearing that misunderstanding right dear?

Mrs.nightshade: yes dear now doctor can I see my baby ?

Doctor: of course here you go, so what will you name her? because I have to finish the paperwork for her birth certificate.

The couple looked each other in thought for a minute then said in unison which was very creepy to the baby,

Mr. and mrs.nightshade: Lilith, Lilith nightshade!

[ Author's note: this is my first story so if you have advice I do not mind and if you have suggestions on the harem that would be acceptable but I do plan to throw you some gender bent cast people but not all and yes I plan to have some of team RWBY in the harem just so you know the harem will be girls]