
Reborn in Naruto-World

The soul of an Ex-Military officer gets reborn in Naruto with a few abilities but at a cost. Follow him as he climbs to the top in his quest for survival. This is my second Fanfic, I'll get back to the other one after a while. **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content belongs to their respective owner(s).-

Note_Ihf · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

Chapter 31

The next few weeks for Indra devolved into the routine of teaching the students of Hiruzen daily. Jiraiya was taught the basics of moulding chakra, Orochimaru showed incredible talent in ninjutsu so Indra taught him various jutsu up to B-rank. Already knowing Tsunade's proficiencies, he focused on further refining her chakra control while delegating most of her actual training to Mito.

While Indra was focused on the future Sannin, the conflict with Iwagakure was quickly snowballing. Various skirmishes between shinobi of both villages were becoming more frequent as Iwagakure started deploying more of their shinobi into the Land of Grass to 'protect their borders'.

Located in the Hokage mansion, a meeting room generally used for official meetings currently housed Hiruzen, and the Fire Daimyo, alongside advisors of both dignitaries. For the past three hours, they've been engaged in a discussion concerning the increasing tensions between Konoha and Iwagakure.

The Fire Daimyo is a very militaristic person with the sole interest of expanding his borders. When he was approached by Hashirama and Madara to ask for permission in building a military village, he immediately jumped on the offer as the pros outweigh the cons by a very large margin.

During the warring clans era, the Daimyos had to employ clans to fight their battles, while this was effective, to efficiently wage wars on the other bigger nations, the Daimyos needed to employ various clans to sustain, and ensure they win their wars. But then the biggest, and strongest clans had an alliance and then approached the Fire Daimyo with an offer, 'the Daimyo would authorise the building of a settlement for both clans in his country, and they'd become the official military of the entire Land of Fire and in return, he would provide funding for the village. Years went by and the power the Daimyos had over the villages in their countries had gradually increased as the villages weren't sustainable without funding from the Daimyos.

Having suppressed his ambitions for years due to the peace-loving ideals of Hashirama, it was finally time for him to force a decision on the Third Hokage, a shinobi that lacked the power the First Hokage possessed that struck fear into others, allies and enemies alike.

"I desire the territory the Land of Earth holds in the Land of Flowers. Due to the abrupt end of the war, I wasn't able to obtain it but now... with the transgressions of Iwagakure, a unique opportunity has opened up. I have sent a missive to the Land of Earth Daimyo demanding the land, and a 2 billion Ryo compensation from which 500 million would be awarded to the Senju clan, the rest would be used to cover the war costs."

It was of no surprise to anyone hearing the Daimyo speak that he didn't care about the Senju clan but was just using the situation to further increase his territory.

"Daimyo-sama," Hiruzen said. "Konoha has barely recovered from the last war, and thousands of our shinobi would end up dying if we go to war again," Hiruzen argued.

"The shinobi are strictly warriors, and they all have been taught how to kill from the time of their births until their death, our continent has been stained with the blood shinobi has spilled for generations and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Another war would only continue the duty, and purpose of shinobi.

From what I've heard, the shinobi known as the Blood Fox of Konoha is being touted as a shinobi to be on the same level as the First. If that is true, Konoha would survive another war so I don't see the problem," he added.

After a few more hours of intense discussions, Hiruzen acquiesced to the demands of the Daimyo. Although he didn't want to, with the threat of the Daimyo cutting off funding to the village he was left with no other option but to prepare for a full-scale invasion into the Land of Earth.

After the meeting with the Daimyo, an exhausted Hiruzen lumbered back to the Hokage office with his advisors beside him.

Hiruzen let out an exhausted sigh before plopping his butt on his chair.

"It seems like a war is inevitable, we have to ensure the other villages don't get involved, or else it would devolve into a second shinobi world war," Hiruzen exclaimed. "Shikano, I'd leave devising an effective strategy to you. Ensure it minimises our losses as much as possible," he added.

With a nod, Shikano left the office with most of the other advisors leaving just Hiruzen, his former teammates, Kagami, and Danzo behind.

"Danzo, I'd leave investigating any potential alliance between Iwa and any of the other major villages. Kagami, I have a mission for you," Hiruzen said.

Kagami nodded before asking, "Is it a solo mission?"

"No, you'd be part of a two-man cell. Your partner would be Indra," replied Hiruzen.

While they were speaking, Indra was making his way towards the Hokage's office as Hiruzen's Anbu had informed him of Hiruzen's wish to see him. He had been training the future Sannin when Hiruzen's Anbu found him, although he was reluctant to go meet Hiruzen, he decided to after delaying for over six hours.

*Knock* *Knock*

Indra tapped the door lightly before opening it. Entering the room, he was greeted to the Hokage, Danzo, and Kagami peered over Hiruzen's desk, focused on the strategic locations inside the Land of Grass, and the Land of Earth.

"You called for me, Hiruzen," Indra said immediately.

"Yes, I did. Although that was six hours ago, I'd have preferred you attended the meeting with the Daimyo," Hiruzen replied with a frown.

"Why would I want to do that?" he asked.

Indra had no plans on meeting the Daimyo as under the tutelage of Hashirama, he learned the power the daimyo's had over their respective villages. An outright war with the Daimyo would most likely end up in the village losing as the other Daimyos would not sit back and allow the current world order to be shaken. A successful coup against a Daimyo would give the other villages ideas, ideas the daimyos don't want spreading.

This problem is further exacerbated as if a Daimyo decides to withdraw financial support from a village, it would almost certainly cripple that village economically as almost 70% of a village income comes from funding provided by the Daimyo. This gave the daimyo's an economical power over the villages that ensures the respective Kage's would go to war if the daimyo ordered it. This was something Indra didn't agree with as he believes declaring war on another village should solely rest on the orders of a Kage, not some rich man that doesn't know what war meant.

Hiruzen sighed before replying. "Because I asked you to, and because you're a shinobi of the Konoha, alongside the head of the Senju clan."

"Technically, I am also the Daimyo of the Land of Rice, so I don't have to meet with a foreign Daimyo...."

"What do you mean, you're technically the Daimyo of the Land of Rice?" Danzo interjected, his countenance perked up at the opportunity Indra had just presented to him.

"Why are you asking?" Indra asked, surprised in Danzo's interest at his previous statement.

"We never found out who your parents were so I was just curious as it seems like you did," Danzo replied.

"Yeah, my father was the Daimyo of the Land of Rice. He found out before I killed him," Indra replied, no longer seeing anything suspicious with Danzo's line of inquiry.

Danzo nodded before smiling, "I'd have you excuse me, Hiruzen," he said, walking out of the office.

With Danzo out of the room, Indra waited for Hiruzen to speak, while Kagami waited for him to give him the mission detail.

Staring intently at Indra, the countenance of Hiruzen drastically changed, while he stared at him with mild annoyance before, upon hearing of Indra's descent, he now looked at him like one would when they find an untapped gold mine.

"Why am I here, Hiruzen?" Indra asked.

"I want you to be part of a two-man cell with Kagami. The both of you would be going on a covert operation into the Land of Earth," Hiruzen explained.