
Reborn in Naruto world with demon slayer powers

I do not own demon slayer or Naruto. this is a fan-fic I'm new at fan-fic and writing give any tips you can if you have. I'm planning to continue for a year there may be a chapter once or twice a week.

rock_creator · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

New life and a deal

Mc, just like other reincarnation people regains consciousness in an non existing, real and non-illusionary place where time and space have no reason and meaning.

"Wtf? " Mc gains consciousness but being reasonable he doesn't have any sense. He starts regaining other memories of his soul and things ' I was useless in this life too, huh?'.

A being know as for being non existing and ever existing ( this God cannot die because he never existed and he knows all as an ever existing being before the creation of illusion and reality). Came in front of mc and kept his silence.

Mc feel his presence as God let his presence know through divine existence, and said " what will happen now? How do I end this karma? Or do I really have to end this karma?" God, knowing all possibilities and Infinite past, present and future said " it's not a choice given to the anyone it will come to you in one way or another. karma comes when you least expect it."

" Well, I have made a karma with you after these many reincarnation so let's solve it with a deal." Said God, MC asked " a deal?" God seeing a very different and bright possible future said to mc " this time you will go to the world of shinobi or would you say ' Naruto world ' ".

Mc asked" Naruto world? I again don't understand how you make it real " God replied " it's your thoughts that create things, everything you have thought or are going to think has already happened or is going to happen, only In limits of creation, reality and illusion. And the end of soul is impossible because it was not created it can only transfer and be sealed."

Mc asked " can I get special ability like sharingan?" God gave a positive reply " yes you can get it but you will also get the bloodline limit and the curse of hatred and blindness of MS" mc thinking about pros and cons concluded that it's better to not have sharingan as he cannot deal with blindness as he cannot get another sharingan to fuse with, " is anything else possible? " God replied " I can give you all the five elements any more than that and you will have extra karma to deal with"

Mc said " karma is all ok but can I get memories of my previous life in this one?"

God said " you will break the rules of reincarnation! It's not like it really matters but you will have to reincarnate here forever you can never change to another world " mc accept, as being in a magical world is better than being in non magical world "can I get demon slayer breathing techniques? I always wanted to try that! It looks so cool when magic less people with with demon with different powers" God said " ok! That was even possible in your previous life if you knew how to practice.

" Mc frowned thinking ' I love katana but what if I do and can't use it, my collection of swords were wasted in rust stuck to walls like decorations ' just as mc was about to ask for more abilities God stopped him and said " no more! You already have karma of your previous 20 reincarnation to pay back, you can get 1 chakra up to 1 tails taked beast at total after you actually train.

Your total concentration constant with become senjutsu. You will get conscious after age 3 and your good and bad karma will be counted after the age of 7. You will get a bloodline but that will be your physical limit" mc said " give me information enough so that I can create my own techniques!"

God said " solve your work enough so that we don't have to meet each other again, it's okay to do good or evil but don't be useless, power become stagnant and slows the evolution " and then mc was sent to cycle of reincarnation.

Next chapter - Swordsmith?

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