
Reborn in Naruto with Karma Seal

This is a story about a young man named Steve who reincarnated in the world of Naruto after his death. However, he is not born into a Kekkei Genkai clan like Uchiha or Hyuga but was given a karma seal in the beginning. Steve is determined to make the most of his situation and sets out to explore the world of Naruto. What to expect: 1. Weak to Strong main character. 2. Lots of training and genin and chunin missions that the MC will get 3. Some arcs will be adapted from movies, fillers, and novels. There will be original Arcs too. 4. Plot would be similar at the start but will change later on. 5. Smart and confident main character. 6. Some characters would be from Boruto too. 7. I will try to write character development of other oc characters besides mc. 8. MC reincarnates during the Kakashi era. Warning: 1. MC won’t be always winning 2. No R18 or harem( There might be romance but I am not 100% sure regarding that. I only have a few ideas regarding it now) 3. The story progression can be slow. 4. There will be deaths. 5. Don’t expect too accurate timelines. PS: This is my first fanfic. I will try to write it to the best of my capabilities. Comments are welcomed. I hope you guys provide constructive criticism regarding it and I will try to write bigger chapters as the story progresses. Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto characters only the oc characters are my property.

TranslatorKun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Training Session

Satoru sat under a tree, watching his team from afar who was getting ready to face their Sensei. Bob and Anko were deep in conversation, strategizing on how to catch Orochimaru off guard and land a hit on him.

Satoru reminisced about the earlier conversation between Anko and Orochimaru as they were traveling to this location. He recalled how Anko first met Orochimaru during her time at the academy. Orochimaru had served as a substitute teacher for their ninjutsu class after their original teacher had retired after the first year at the academy. That's when the two had gotten to know each other during that time,

As Satoru watched, Anko seemed to be proposing an idea to Bob, her voice animated and her gestures animated. Satoru couldn't hear their conversation from where he was, but he could see Anko's determined expression and Bob's eager nodding.


Bob's heart pounded in his chest as he stole glances at Anko, who seemed lost in thought. He had fallen for her apparently, and now he found himself anxious to impress her.

Meanwhile, Anko's eyes flickered with determination as she considered her plan. She had initially thought of using Genjutsu to trap Orochimaru but that would allow her teammate to get the first hit so she quickly dismissed the idea. She didn't want to risk Bob getting the reward and outshining her.

Finally, Anko spoke up, her voice low but resolute. "Hideki here's the plan," she said. "You'll engage Orochimaru head-on and try to lure him to that tree. I'll be hiding there, ready to strike and land the first hit."

Bob nodded, hanging on to Anko's every word. He was eager to prove himself to her and show his skills. "I'm with you, Anko".

Anko smirked, appreciating Bob's eagerness. "Great," She knew that they were facing off against Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin of Konoha, and that too as genin, they were at a significant disadvantage. Hitting him in the face would be challenging on its own. But there was a chance if they can catch him off guard they might be able to land a hit, But Anko knew that catching Orochimaru off guard twice would be unlikely. So, she was determined to ensure that she got the first hit.

"Are you ready?" Orochimaru's voice echoed across the clearing as he looked at Bob and Anko, who were standing together, ready for action. Anko's eyes narrowed, and she quickly grabbed three smoke bombs from her shinobi pouch.

'poof poof poof'

With a swift motion, Anko tossed the smoke bombs in different directions, creating a series of small explosions that released thick clouds of smoke. The area around Bob and Anko was instantly filled with dense smoke, obscuring their movements from view.

Orochimaru's eyes flickered with interest as he effortlessly dodged the shurikens that flew towards him from different angles from the smoke. He was impressed with the strategy of preventing him from seeing their movements clearly, but he remained composed.

Bob, with a single tomoe Sharingan activated, emerged from the smoke and rushed towards Orochimaru, engaging in a fierce battle of taijutsu. However, Orochimaru's speed and unpredictability proved to be too much for Bob to handle with just a single tomoe Sharingan. He was gradually pushed back, struggling to keep up with Orochimaru's relentless attacks.

Meanwhile, the smoke cleared, but Anko was nowhere to be seen, causing Satoru to grow anxious. He scanned the battlefield, trying to locate her, but she seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Bob realized that he needed to change his approach. He leaped back into the air, creating some distance between him and Orochimaru. He quickly weaved hand signs to unleash ninjutsu.

"Fire Release: Phoenix sage fire technique"

As Bob unleashed his jutsu, numerous small fireballs shot toward Orochimaru and the surrounding area. To his opponent, it appeared as if a single fireball had exploded into smaller ones. Even Satoru was momentarily baffled, as Bob hadn't performed any hand signs for a fireball jutsu, yet had still managed to execute one.

"When did this guy learn this jutsu?", Satoru wondered watching Bob.

The intense flames illuminated the battlefield, casting flickering shadows. Orochimaru's eyes widened slightly as he evaded the incoming fireballs with fluid grace. He could see Bob's desperation and determination to turn the tide of the battle.

Despite Orochimaru's agility, Bob's jutsu had done its job. Orochimaru found himself at the spot where Bob wanted him to be.

With a poof sound, a log of wood appeared, and Anko emerged near the trunk of the tree.

"Substitution jutsu," Orochimaru murmured, realizing he had fallen for his team's trap.

Anko wasted no time and unleashed her "Hidden Snake Hands" jutsu. Her left hand coiled around Orochimaru like a snake, constricting him with deadly force. This technique allowed her to extend and elongate her arms, making them as flexible as a snake's.

Anko followed up with a strike from her right hand, hitting Orochimaru in the face. She exclaimed, "Yes, I did it!"

But to her surprise, Orochimaru's body turned into dust. She muttered, "Earth clone," as she frantically scanned the battlefield for the real Orochimaru, but he was nowhere to be found.

Even as Bob scanned the battlefield, Orochimaru remained elusive, nowhere to be found.

"Behind You!!!"

Satoru's warning came too late as Orochimaru emerged from the ground behind Bob.

"Genjutsu: paralysis jutsu,"

Orochimaru uttered, and Bob found himself frozen in place, unable to move.

"It's over. Good try... hehehe,"

Orochimaru spoke with a sinister tone, followed by eerie laughter.

But Anko wasn't ready to give up yet. She rushed towards Orochimaru, determined to somehow get him under her genjutsu and land a hit, even though her partner was already down.

"Genjutsu: Cru--" Anko began, but Orochimaru interrupted her with a flick of his finger.

"It's already over, Anko-chan... hehehe," Orochimaru said, and Anko found herself suddenly tied to the trunk of the same tree where she had been hiding, with a snake coiling around her tightly. She realized that this was a genjutsu, she had learned from Orochimaru called "Crushing Snake Constriction." She had been planning to use it on Orochimaru, but instead, she had become its victim. The only question on Anko's mind was when Orochimaru had applied the genjutsu on her.

"When?" she asked in a coarse voice.

To which Orochimaru replied, "The moment you came out of the substitution jutsu, you were already under my genjutsu."

With this revelation, the training session of Team Orochimaru came to an end.


Somewhere in Konoha,

Inside a traditional Japanese-style house, Danzo sat alone in a room devoid of any furnishings except for a mat in the middle. As he sat in silence, a shadow flickered, and a figure emerged from the shadows, handing him a scroll. Without a word, the figure disappeared again.

Danzo unrolled the scroll, revealing the daily report from his Root spy network, which contained information about various missions and activities in the surrounding lands. However, one particular piece of information caught his attention - his former friend, Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, had assigned an unsanctioned mission to his eldest son, Asura. The mission involved delivering a letter to the Land of Silence.

Danzo's interest was piqued by the mention of the Land of Silence. He had deployed three Root shinobi in that country to keep him updated on its happenings. However, their connection had been lost for a week, which could only mean two things - they were either dead or had betrayed Root.

A frown creased Danzo's forehead. The thought of betrayal among his ranks was unthinkable. After all, every member of Root was brainwashed to carry out their missions without question or hesitation. They were loyal to him above all else.

Danzo's mind raced with questions. What could have happened in the Land of Silence? Had his spies been discovered? Were they captured or killed? Or had they turned against him, choosing to betray Root?

Danzo opened his only visible eye, the other one hidden behind a bandage, deep in thought. A Root shinobi appeared from the shadows, waiting for his orders.

Danzo instructed the shinobi to keep close track of Asura Sarutobi's mission. Every piece of information that was sent between Asura and the Hokage during this mission must go through him first. Danzo had a gut feeling that this seemingly simple mission to the Land of Silence was not what it appeared to be, and something was amiss in that country.

He muttered to himself, "What could be going on there?"

With a sense of urgency, Danzo's mind raced with possibilities as he contemplated the situation. He was known for his cautious nature and meticulous planning, and he would not leave any stone unturned when it came to protecting the interests of Root and Konoha.


The training session had finally come to an end, and Orochimaru stood before his three students - Satoru, Bob, and Anko. Orochimaru's piercing gaze fell upon Satoru as he asked, "What conclusions did you draw from this duel?"

Satoru hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "I felt that teamwork was missing between Bob and Anko," he said, glancing at the dejected duo. "Given the level difference of our opponents, fighting separately was not a good strategy. It almost seemed like Anko was using Bob to get the mission done."

Anko tried to interject, but Orochimaru silenced her with a raised hand. He seemed intrigued by Satoru's observation and asked him to elaborate.

Satoru took a deep breath and continued, explaining that if they were fighting against genin or chunin opponents, it could have been a good strategy. But against an opponent like Orochimaru, fighting alone was risky. Satoru admitted that he himself wouldn't stand a chance against Orochimaru, who was a master in every field of ninjutsu, including genjutsu.

He couldn't help but think of Itachi, who was known for his expertise in genjutsu, and wondered what kind of monster he must have been to trap someone like Orochimaru. However, Satoru knew deep down that he wasn't Itachi and didn't possess the same level of skill...yet.

"Interesting insights, Satoru," Orochimaru mused, his voice laced with curiosity. "You definitely possess a keen sense of strategy."

"Thank you, sensei," Satoru replied respectfully, his eyes meeting Orochimaru's.

"But," Orochimaru continued, his tone taking a more serious turn, "that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be recommending you for a promotion to chunin rank just yet."

"However, I'm willing to help you improve," Orochimaru said, his voice carrying a hint of admiration. "If you ever need my assistance, don't hesitate to ask."

Satoru's eyes lit up as he shamelessly took advantage of Orochimaru's offer. "Well, since you offered," he said with a slight pause, "there is something I've been wanting to learn..." Satoru's voice trailed off, building the suspense.

"A strong wind style ninjutsu,"


"Fire Release: Phoenix sage fire technique" is a jutsu used by Sasuke in saving the hidden waterfall village arc.

"Genjutsu: Crushing Snake Constriction" is a game-only genjutsu used by Orochimaru to bind his opponent tightly using a snake.

As for the wind-jutsu, that Satoru will learn there are two options I am thinking of right now

"Wind Release: Wind Cutter technique" was used in the pain arc where an anbu member cut a leg of Pain's summon using this.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough" is one of Orochimaru's signature wind release jutsu. I think he used this in the fight with Naruto in its semi-jinchuriki form.

Personally, I am thinking of him learning the Wind Cutter technique and go with an assassin build for now.

But if you guys know any other cool wind jutsu feel free to comment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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TranslatorKuncreators' thoughts