
Declaration of war!

As the day came to an end, and class 1A prepared to head home, the other classes blocked our way out.

"W-what's going on?" Uraraka cried.

"What business do you have with class A?" Iida asked.

"We can't get out!" Mineta panicked.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry. We were the ones that made it out of the villains attack. They probably wanna check us out before the sports festival." Bakugo snarled.

"There's no point in doing that. Out of my way, extras!" He said.

"Don't call strangers extras!" Iida said, waving his hand around, as Mineta nearly passed out.

It's time for me to move out.

I walked over to the door and projected an eye onto the palm of my hand, facing it to Bakugo, and immobilizing his lower jaw, shutting him up before he riles the crowd any further.

"I came to see what the famous class 1A wa like, but you seem pretty arrogant." A voice came from within the crowd, as Hitoshi Shinso made his way over to us.

"Are all the students in the hero course like that?" He asked.

"Nah. Our resident toilet brush is rather...special, let's just say." I replied, ruffling the immobilized Bakugo's hair.

Kaminari snickered like a little monkey in the background.

He looked taken aback at the frank confession and blatant insult, before a look of recognition flashed upon his face.

"So it is you! The...the...whatshisname, Utube guy, with the kindness and compassion bullshit....." He said.

"Paragon." I said.

"That's the one. So you got into the hero course huh?" He said, rubbing his neck, "How come someone like you is allowed into the hero course when other, more deserving candidates don't get in? There are quite a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they couldn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" He said, venom laced in his words.

"Well, did I know a very obvious fact that a three year old could have figured out? Why? Are you dumb enough to think that the people in the hero course didn't plan on doing exactly that in case they failed? Or are you so far up your ass that you think only you have problems and the rest of the world is just living pitch perfect lives?"

"You-!" He began to say only to be overwritten.

"As for the people who didn't make it. Maybe they didn't work hard enough? Or smart enough for that matter? Did you consider that perhaps, before you started re-enacting fucking Shakespeare and cursing fate and the world for not dropping a big juicy steak right into your wittle baby bird mouth?" I dug into him.

Finally he snapped.

"What makes you think you're better than anyone else huh? Just because you had a good quirk and.."

I cut in again before he could finish.

"I'm going to stop you right there. The person in third place on the entrance exam was a quirkless boy. If a quirkless person can achieve third place in the entrance exam, you and your ilk have no excuses." I said, returning his glare.

"Wait wha- No. That's not possible!" He said.

"At least make up a better lie if you want to shove off responsibility..."

"Just ask the teachers. Go on. Ask the teachers. Ask them if what I'm saying is true or not. Then we can continue this conversation. Now if you'd please make way. Unlike you, some of us have actual worthwhile things to do." I said, pointing to the teacher's office.

He looked annoyed at my snark as he continued.

"This, seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. But it doesn't matter. The school has left us a chance. Depending on the results in the sports festival, they'll transfer some of us into the hero course. And they'll even transfer some of you out.

Scouting out the enemy?

I, at least, came to say that even of you're in the hero course, if you get too carried away, I'll sweep your feet out from under you." He said, eyeing the whole class.

"I came with a declaration of war."

"Haah!" I sighed loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You really are as dumb as I thought. What's your name again, candy boy?" I asked.

"Hitoshi Shinso." He seethed.

"Well, Shinso-chan," I said with the most annoying voice I could muster, "if you wanted to actually have a war with us, why in the actual tittyfuck would you tell us up front and in person? Are you an idiot? Have you not read the art of war? Never declare war on an enemy from a weaker standpoint! If you're weaker than the enemy, hide in the shadows and ambush them to death. Guerilla tactics! That's what you should do! But this, declaring war up front? This is phenomenally stupid! Think Shinso think!" I said, poking his temples.

"Now that we know you're gunning for us, we'll be prepared for conflict with you. Even especially wary of you and whatever group you're part of. This stupid declaration of yours, just reduced your chances of winning at all! For the rest of you who are thinking of making similar impassioned speeches, think again! Hide in the bushes, strike like a snake.

Win against us, by hook or by crook!

Climb your way to the top with your own blood, sweat and tears! Show the world that you can earn your place here, at any cost!

In the end, results are all that matters. That's all! The worthy will rise to the top, the unworthy will sink to the bottom." I said, pumping my fist into my chest.

"And please, don't be dumb enough to alert us of your intentions like Shinso here."

I said.

"Now, make way. I have places to be."

Shinso stood there shaking at the unexpected turns of events as I passed him and the crowd, leaving for home.

Behind me, Kirishima cried.

"So manly!"

"Are you deaf? He just set up a hundred enemies for us! This is even worse than Bakugo mouthing off!" Jiro shouted.

I just smiled and made my way to Yokohama to meet Himiko and Haruto.

After the incident, the rest of the days passed in peace, with the other classes taking silent notes of our behaviors and actions, trying to find a chink in our armor.

Of course, they didn't find anything substantial on me other than my reputation, which only grew once they confirmed Deku's story.

My surprise for them, yet hidden from all, was going to hit them right out of left field.

And I was going to enjoy every last second of it.

here we go! sports festival begins next chap!

GoldFingercreators' thoughts