
Chapter 11

After Leaving the Restaurant, Nathan was looking at a map and found some good place to visit, he said:

"Mom Let's go to the Cliff climbing Building"

"Sure..Where..is..it"Nathan mom or Aurora said while taking out her own Map looking at where the place Nathan was talking about.

(Not Legendary Grade name created by this author)

"Mom here" Nathan came close to her mother and pointed his little finger to the Cliff climbing building, While the two were chatting, Daisuke who heard they were not going to ride was delighted but still scared as cliff climbing means that he will climb those little rock to go higher and higher.

"Shisho, Let's go" Said Nathan while holding his mom, smooth hand.

"Sure," Daisuke said, following the two while getting a weird ominous feeling from the surrounding since they left the restaurant.

Arriving at the cliff climbing, Nathan who thought this cliff climbing was going to be not high but his though seems to be wrong as this cliff climbing building was large.

Aurora paid 70 dollars for three tickets as in order to climb they need a ticket, the three tickets were for Her, Nathan, And Daisuke.

Then they went inside and was lead by staff to put on a protective suit on.

Nathan helped by Aurora to suit him up a yellow protective that consists of a helmet, elbow protector and knee protector, The protective suit we're the same for the two adults.

After getting their protective suit on, they were lead by the same staff, and after arriving, they put a rope there in case they fall off.

As an energetic and Adventurous child, Nathan was extremely excited so immediately hold on a rock with his right hand and stepped on a below with his left foot and started climbing fast.

Aurora seeing this said in a worried tone.

"Nathan Be careful okay?"Nathan hearing this said without looking at her as he can't turn around his face.


Then the two adults started to climb, Aurora was climbing quickly but not as fast as Nathan while Daisuke has an expression to cry and was slowly climbing up. Nathan who was focusing his mind climbing up the Colorful cliff did not realize a Kid the same age as him a Brown hair and eye with large teeth slowly approaching close to him.

"Hey loser is that all you can do!" taunt the Brown-haired kid at the left side of Nathan

Nathan who was focused climbing stopped and took his left side at the one who taunts him.

Seeing this kid he did not continue to pay attention to him as that will be childish.

The brown-haired kid who saw Nathan did not pay attention became mad.

"Then Let's see who's faster!" said the kid who sped up his climbing.

But Nathan who heard this did not speed but remain at his pace. the kid who looked down at his right and saw Nathan not totally paying attention to him became madder and taunted continuously at Nathan.

Nathan who was hearing this kid taunting him continuously he did not know whether to laugh or cry and he thought 'What the hell kid did I did something wrong to you in my previous-previous life or something' and thought of another ' How the hell!? do you know a lot of taunts? ' 'Pls teach me all of your taunts'

Seeing still no reaction coming out from Nathan he said his three final trump cards.

"Nerdy face!"

"Mommy's boy!"

"Little D**k!"

Nathan who heard what the kid said twitched and though more 'Fuck! whose this kid's parent? how does he know something like that?'

After realizing the kid will not stop bothering him, he sped up his pace.

The kid seeing that Nathan sped up stopped moving and 'Waited for Nathan at the top'.

Once Nathan was in the same position as the brown-haired kid, he stopped at the same place as the Brown-haired kid.

Nathan turned his head slightly and his eye staring sharply at the Brown-kid and said 'I Finally catch up to you' then an anime intense background sound started playing.

The Brown-haired said passionately 'As expected of the rival I chose to catch up to me in this short amount of time'

Then the two of them started to Count from 3.

(This two just have chuuni)

"3" Brown/silver-haired.




Once they said that both they use all of their strength to climb up the cliff.

"I'm not gonna lose!" Said brown-Haired who sped up his engine.

"I too!" said Nathan who sped up too.

Nathan mother who was seeing this scene chucked and said "It's nice to be a youth"

'During these 4 years, I Nathan train and train until I reach this point just to defeat you and save my sister!" Said Nathan dramatically. Then his speed doubled and was now ahead of the brown-haired.

The brown-haired guy who saw Nathan was ahead of him now laughed.

"Haha, as expected of my rival but don't think that I already use my full power I was just using 50% of my power," said Brown whose speed increase.

"Nani!?" said shocked Nathan, and though 'So my Training in these past 4 years was just a waste I can't even save my sister and beat him'

'agh...Im already losing my conscience'

'Umaru my imouto sorry I can't save you' though Nathan remembering his sisters wearing an orange jacket like a hamster.

'Onii-chan!' said Umaruu in his head and when Nathan heard this sweet voice his burning vitality that was about to dissapeard was now again burning brightly.

'Forbidden Technique: Siscon'

Once Nathan though of this, his speed increase even further. Once his speed increased by tenfold(slightly) he overtook Brown.

But using this technique for a long time will make him break a rope of his memories that memories were...his...Imouto.

But as if that that wish was true his rope Broke and He dumbly slipped on a rock as he was climbing at full speed.

"Huh??", Nathan though as his Field of vision started to became slow as he saw his body falling from where he was and shocked v by those who were in the cliff climbing, especially his mother and the brown-haired.

"NATHAN!!!"Shouted his mother.

"My Rival!" Shouted the Brown. (Note: He did not mean it as he don't know Mc name)

'So am I going to die again? will I be reborn again in this world or not?' Nathan questioned himself as he closed his eyes prepared to die.

'Probably not as im sure this reborn of my is just a luck' Though Nathan but after a second a pain did not come.

'Huh? what's happening why am I not yet dead?' question Nathan as he slowly opened his eye.

What he saw shocked him, his Shisho were hanging on his rope without any of his scared expression, embracing him with his big arms.

"Shisho?, Did you save me?" Quietly said, Nathan.

"Yeah, and Next time be sure to be careful as next time you get into this situation you will be surely in the heaven" lectured his shisho.

Nathan who heard this, said seriously "Yeah!" as he doesn't want his loved one to worry and grief about him if he falls in this kind of situation or dead.

Sliding down the rope, Daisuke let go of Nathan.

"Nathan are you alright!" said Aurora who was crying and run to Nathan to hug him.

"Yeah Mom im alright," Guilty said Nathan looking at his mother crying, and swore another promise to himself to be always careful.

After crying for a minute, Aurora said thank you to Daisuke for saving him.

After that the brown-haired guy asked Nathan if he's alright, Nathan said yes and asked the Brown-haired he has kind of chuuni.

The answer was that he just kinda get the feeling when he first saw him and because of his quite nerdy face.

While that was happening, There was a guy in a dark watching in the background:

"Tch that brat survived! and That damn Daisuke!, i swear, that i will eliminate you two that is close to Aurora and get Aurora mine.


So....im is sure you guys will hate me as i added nonsense at cliff climbing of the two kids this was not supposed to happen but my Other mind started to take over me.....


If you guys want multi-verse with system then my new novel that is currently chapter 3 "Almighty DragoOn Warrior!"

[Vol1'Douluo dalu Universe']

FrostWhencreators' thoughts