
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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Chapter 25 Dragging

 The school bell rang, and Ryan ran out of the classroom at a sprint speed of 100 meters. While there was no one in the corridor, he quickly opened the locker, grabbed his schoolbag and rushed towards the school entrance, as if behind his back A thousand monsters were chasing him.

  These damn little devils are more difficult to deal with than reporters and paparazzi! Ryan's face was full of exhaustion, and it was obvious that today's experience was not a pleasant one.

  After jumping on the off-road vehicle and closing the door, Ryan finally let out a sigh of relief, took the juice prepared by the agent lady, and drank half of the box directly.

  "What happened, Ryan?" Kingsley asked curiously, "You look very tired."

  "Pat, don't mention it." Ryan twitched the corner of his mouth, as if he remembered what he had done when he was being watched today. Horrible scene, "Those little guys are so scary. Until now, I still feel like there are ten thousand crows croaking in my ears."

  "Little guys?" After the car drove onto the road, Kingsley reacted and smiled. Then he said, "Would you like me to say hello to the school?"

  "Is that okay?" After getting Kingsley's confirmation answer, Ryan relaxed a lot, "That's great."

  Back at the apartment, Ryan Throwing away his schoolbag, he slumped down on the couch. He tilted his body and leaned on Nicole. Nicole put down the script in her hand, rubbed his forehead distressedly, and said to Kingsley, "Please, please." Yes, Pat."

  "There is no need to be so polite between us. Besides, this is what I should do." Sitting on the sofa opposite, Kingsley noticed the script on the coffee table and asked, "This is... ...The new script written by Ryan?"

  "Yes." Nicole nodded and pushed the script directly in front of Kingsley, "A story about love. God knows what this little guy is thinking."

  Black car Stopped on the side of the road, Carter Eisner looked at Chris Columbus in the passenger seat, "There was no phone reservation, no greeting, how about we come to the door like this? God only knows if they will be home."

  "Have you seen those reporters, Carter?" Chris pointed to a few guys hanging cameras not far away, "Since they are here, Nicole Kidman and Ryan Jenkins at least have a I'm at home alone."

  "Well, I think I must be crazy."

  "Is that true?" Chris laughed, pushed open the car door and walked out first, "Don't say you can't read that story. The value of collection."

  Ryan went back to the room and changed out of the ugly school uniform. When he walked back to the living room, he realized that a guest had come to the door. One of the two men was unknown to him, and the other looked familiar.

  "Ryan, they are here to see you. This is Carter Eisner, the head of the film department of Touchstone Pictures. This is director Chris Columbus." Nicole gave a brief introduction.

  After greeting the two of them, Ryan sat next to Nicole. He finally remembered who the familiar person was. It was the director of the first two Little Wizards films that he had plagiarized. It was so interesting that he took the initiative to find him. Come on, the wheel of history is really huge.

  "Ryan, we're here because Chris and I took a fancy to a novella in your story collection." Carter Eisner said straight to the point.

  "Home Alone." Chris Columbus added, taking out a book from his briefcase, which was the boy's story collection. "I want to adapt it into a movie." "

  That's it." Ryan He pinched his fingers and looked embarrassed.

  "Is there anything difficult about it?" Carter asked.

  "I'm currently adapting "Home Alone" into a screenplay. It's more than half complete. It's impossible to sell its adaptation rights." While Ryan was speaking, Nicole couldn't help but roll her eyes. This kid had no need to lie. prepare a draft.

  Others don't know it, and she doesn't know it either. Home Alone was completed at the same time as the script she was studying.

  Carter and Chris looked at each other and laughed at the same time. They originally planned to let Ryan write and adapt the story himself, but they didn't expect that he had already started writing. This was really good news.

  "Actually, Ryan, we were originally going to invite you to write the adaptation yourself. This is a story you created, and no one knows it better than you. After "The Sixth Sense," I don't think many people will doubt that you wrote the script. Ability." There was another sentence in Carter's mind that he didn't say out loud. The super genius's second work was greatly booed during the promotion.

  After exchanging opinions with Chris in a low voice, he added, "In addition, we also want to invite you to play Kevin."

  Ryan suddenly laughed. He originally thought that Chris Columbus would also invite him. The son of a greedy friend, in that case, he would never sell the adaptation rights to him, even if it was originally his work.

  You know, this story was prepared for himself!

  "Okay." In this case, Ryan had nothing to say, "I agree in principle. You can just discuss the specific conditions with Pat."

  Carter and Chris didn't say anything, but looked at each other again. Nicole Kidman, after all, this kind of thing still requires the consent of the guardian.

  "He can make the decision on Ryan's matters." Nicole's words made the two of them feel relieved.

  This conversation should have ended here, but Carter had glanced at the corner of the coffee table early. In just a few glances, he confirmed that it must be a script, but he didn't know whether it was a new script written by Ryan or Nicole Kidman. New drama to take on.

  As a businessman, being thick-skinned is a must. He thought for a moment, made an excuse, pointed to the script on the coffee table and asked, "Is this the script for Home Alone that has already been written, Ryan?"

  The faces of everyone present were covered with black lines. This excuse is really bad!

  "No, that's a new script I wrote for Nicole." Ryan seemed unconcerned, as if writing a script was as ordinary as drinking water and eating.

  "Then...can I take a look?"

  "Of course." Ryan simply took the script and handed it over.

  Carter Eisner originally thought that this script would be like "The Sixth Sense" or "Home Alone", with a child playing the main role, but after reading it for a while, the corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching. This is a An out-and-out love theme!

  "This... this is so surprising." After a long time, Carter closed the script, and several people chatting on the other side immediately looked at him.

  "Ryan..." Carter didn't seem to know what to say.

  "I understand what you mean, Mr. Carter." Ryan explained casually, "Will a ten-year-old child understand what love is? To be honest, I really don't understand much. The only things I know are from watching TV and movies. came here, so this script is very clever and borrows from "The Alliance" in many aspects. This movie has been interspersed in it. The meeting between the male and female protagonists at the Empire State Building at the end of the movie is also to make up for the situation in "The Alliance". Promise."

  "A very brilliant, very touching story." Carter praised and looked over with bright eyes, "Ryan, how about handing over this script to Touchstone Pictures for production?"

  Ryan shrugged, I glanced at Nicole Kidman and said, "Sleepless in Seattle now belongs to Nicole, and she has the final say on how it will be done."

  To be honest, Nicole Kidman is not very suitable for this movie. She is too cool. Compared with American sweethearts like Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts, her performance in this kind of romantic comedy may be slightly flawed, but she also has her own advantages, such as being far better than Excellent acting skills in previous lives, such as tall figure and outstanding appearance, etc.

  Therefore, Ryan slightly modified the heroine based on Nicole's image and personal habits, and also used her as a blueprint to draw a lot of shot settings. Anyway, "Sleepless in Seattle" is not a typical romantic comedy. , more of them laugh with tears. With the acting skills Nicole showed in "The Sixth Sense", there shouldn't be much of a problem.

  As long as there are two movies with high box office and high reputation, Nicole can definitely gain a foothold in Hollywood. She does not have to hone her acting skills in those unknown movies like in her previous life to get rid of her symbolic image of just Mrs. Cruise.

  In short, don't worry, it's only 1990. If you want Nicole to reach the top undisputedly, she must first obtain sufficient qualifications.

  Although no agreement was reached with Nicole, Carter Eisner and Chris Columbus left the apartment smiling after getting "Home Alone". Besides, the script has not been made public yet, so they still have a chance, right? ?

  However, they would never have imagined that a time-consuming and labor-intensive negotiation was waiting for them.

  "Pat, hold off on negotiating with Touchstone as long as possible, and don't agree to any of their conditions before "The Sixth Sense" is released." Ryan said after seeing the two people off.

  Everyone is smart. Nicole and Kingsley were just stunned for a moment before they understood and smiled extremely brightly.

  After entering June, with schools in the United States on vacation, the hottest summer movie war has begun. Although the number of theaters for "The Sixth Sense" has been reduced by nearly half, this movie is still watched by many people. First choice, although the box office is no longer as scary as it was in previous weeks, it is still growing steadily and continuously.

  This movie made many people shut up. No one thought that a family ethics film dressed in a thriller would receive so much praise and earn such a high box office. In comparison, Miramac Si's $20 million investment was not even a drop in the bucket.

  Harvey Weinstein smiled brightly during the interview, "This is a masterpiece, there is no doubt about it. David, Al, Nicole, and Ryan did a great job. What? You Speaking of Ryan, yes! When I first met him, I confirmed that he is a super genius, and no one can do it better than him! Of course, we will continue to cooperate in the future, and he can only provide scripts. , no one can guess what kind of ideas will pop up in his head."