
Reborn in DxD world with a Fate System

Jason, a fan of the DxD and Fate series, dies rescuing a girl, who was a disguised goddess, from a traffic accident. As a reward she grants him three wishes. Follow Jason on his journey through the multiverse, pursuing power, influence and women. The cover is not mine!!! I took it from here: https://www.deviantart.com/jeffchendesigns/ Discord: https://discord.gg/9UV2P8 P.ATREON HERE: https://www.patreon.com/GreatSage_Master1

GreatSage_Master1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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144 Chs


Jason woke with the sound of system notifications, but before he could check them he was buried between two mountains.

He was going to complain when he heard Medea sob, swallowed his words and placed his arms behind her back. The crying became louder when Medea felt his embrace.

"Do you know how worried I was?" Medea asked him in tears.

"Sorry" Jason remembered that he had gone Berserk against Semiramis.

"Sorry is no excuse, idiot!"

Jason decided not to answer this time and just squeezed his hug.

Medea released him 5 minutes later. Jason was able to look around and realized that he was inside a tent, he remembered that the Nekoshou had placed many tents in front of the temple.

"What are we doing here," he asked curiously.

"Don't you remember what happened?" answered Medea with another question.

Jason didn't know what she was talking about. He just remembered talking to a strange man on a battlefield before waking up.

"After using Balmung's Noble Phantasm you fell unconscious..."

Medea told Jason everything that had happened, including the fact that the temple had been destroyed by lightning, earthquakes and winds.

Jason was shocked to hear that black tattoos had grown on his body and he had flown around surrounded by dark energy. The description of the tattoos and the energy seemed too similar to that of the man he spoke to.

(Have I really talked to the Jason of the future?)

If that was true, was he going to lose everything in the future? Jason still remembered the loneliness that emanated from man.

(Even if that's true, I won't let anyone take what's mine from me.)

"An Ashura never loses," Jason muttered.

"Is something wrong, hubby?" Medea asked.

Jason looked at Medea's beautiful face and clenched his fists tightly. He smiled and got out of bed.

"No, let's go see Semiramis."

Jason came out of the tent and found that the temple had disappeared, there were only tents where the Nekoshou were currently. Fortunately Medea and Semiramis had protected them or probably they would have died already.

Semiramis sat with her back resting on a tree. She rose quickly as she saw Jason and Medea approach.

Semiramis tried to apologize to Jason.

"Master, I´m re-"

"Thank you." Jason leaned toward Semiramis.

Semiramis was surprised. Jason did not give her time to recover from the shock and continued.

"Although we haven't got our relationship off to a good start, I'm really grateful for helping Medea protect the Nekoshou."

" You don't have to thank me, my wish is to be able to rule the whole world and those Nekoshou would have been good weapons in my army."

Jason smiled, "I don't think you would put yourself in danger to save 20 soldiers."

Semiramis smiled bitterly as she knew Jason was right, even she didn't know why she had acted that way.

"I know Medea has told you about our situation."

"I don't care that there is no holy grail" Semiramis sincerely spoke "My only desire is to possess the most important thing in the world."

"So it is" Jason nodded at Semiramis' wish.

"So, do you recognize me as your Master and will you help me achieve my goals?" Jason asked with a smile.

"Not in vain am I known as the world's oldest poisoner... Are you really sure you can handle Queen Semiramis?"

"Oh, Queen of Assyria, I have no intention of handling you," replied Jason.

"Mmm?" Semiramis was confused.

Jason smiled again.

"I want you to fight by my side."

Jason's pure smile and words stunned Semiramis.

She blushed slightly and responded decidedly "Yes".

Jason nodded and continued, "Although I can't trust you 100%, I'm glad we can work together".

A trace of disappointment passed through Semiramis' eyes.

"I understand" She spoke in a sad tone.

"I'm not judging you for your past, it's just for our previous fight," Jason continued. "Even if I don't trust 100%, you can consider that I trust 95%.

Jason had his doubts before talking about Semiramis but he changed his way of thinking when he heard her desire and her sincere voice.

Semiramis' face lit up again

"I get it." This time her tone was more cheerful.

Jason looked at Medea who had been watching everything from the side.

"Now I'm going home, you two stay here and take care of the Nekoshou."

Medea and Semiramis nodded and Jason left after saying goodbye to little Andrea.

Jason came home and was surprised by what he saw, many houses in the neighborhood were destroyed and the gardens destroyed but his was intact. He sensed that this had something to do with the Nekoshou and didn't think too much about it.

Jason opened the door, a body ran through the house and threw itself on top of Jason.

"Oni-chan!" Kaida greeted her older brother as usual.

"Hello Kaida-chan" Jason stroked his little sister's head.

Mikoto left the kitchen with a worried face. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Jason was perfectly fine.

"Thank goodness you're all right, there have been strong winds and thunder and I thought something had happened to you."

"I took refuge in a temple in the woods, don't worry"

Jason remembered Irina and Issei and decided to call them to see if they were okay.

"There was no lightning in my area, although the winds have destroyed my garden" Irina's voice was heard on the phone.

"I'm glad nothing happened to you" Jason breathed a sigh of relief "Do you know anything about Issei?"

"I haven't talked to him yet."

"All right, I'm gonna ask him now."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Irina said goodbye without feeling like it.

"Mmh, see you tomorrow Irina" Jason also said goodbye to Irina.

Jason then called Issei. Before he could say anything, Issei's screams were heard.

"Jason-senpai! It was amazing!" exclaimed Issei excitedly.

"Calm down Issei"

"The sky was full of clouds and thunder made BOOM and BOOM!"

"Calm down Issei"

"Then the winds came, I saw a huge hurricane, I thought it was going to destroy everything!"

"I said calm down!"

Issei was frightened to hear the scream.

"Something happened?" he asked in a weak voice.

"Are you and your family all right?


"Perfect, see you tomorrow."

Jason cut the call, when Issei started screaming emotionally it was impossible to talk to him.

"Mom, I'm going to my room to rest." Jason began to climb the stairs and turned halfway up.

"All right, go get some rest."

Jason went into his room and lay in bed. He ignored the 5 cats who looked at him curiously.

Jason closed his eyes and opened the system. Notifications began to appear in his mind.

[Congratulations! User has successfully awakened the Elemental Dragon bloodline.

-Elemental Dragon (Incomplete)

Fire Dragon (1) 100%

Ice Dragon (1) 100%.

Thunder Dragon (1) 0

Wind Dragon (1) 0

Earth Dragon (1) 0%]

[Congratulations! User has successfully awakened Ashura Soul

-Ashura Soul: Baby Ashura

Ashura aura: 20%]

User has awakened the following magic:

Thunder Magic Lv 1 (0/100)

Wind Magic Lv 1 (0/100)

Earth Magic Lv 1 (0/100)

Dark Magic Lv 1 (50/100)]

[Thanks to Ashura Soul has been unlocked: Ashura eyes]

[Ashura Eyes and Sharingan contradict each other, system has decided to merge both skills]

[User has acquired: Death Eyes]

Jason opened his eyes in shock.


We haven´t reach the goal for this week.

There aren´t going to be new goals. I´m writting my new novel and I hava my final exams.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

GreatSage_Master1creators' thoughts