
Reborn in death note

Random guy reincarnates in death note in the body of Chara because I said so and it's kind of funny. Let's poke at the bear and see what happens shall we? (I'm not going to lie. I wanted to write but I've been into death note recently. So let's have fun with a nice funny story. Don't take it to seriously I've been an airhead the last few months and I thought this would be fun.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Took the art from EvyMyu this is one of the coolest chara arts i've seen in a while. I couldn't not use it for this.

I_am_blade · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A fun new begining.

"...fun." Says a child with brown hair and red eyes while looking into a mirror with a giant smile on their face.

There's a notebook with the words in bold text "DEATH NOTE" sitting next to them on the counter.

'13-year-old Chiko Camery lives in Tokyo, Japan. Found a Death note on the ground 3 days ago but was too scared to use it. No Shinigami has appeared yet. This could mean one of 3 thing. 1 There is no shikigami for this death note. This is the least likely but best option. 2 The shikigami only show up after you use the death note once. While I'll admit it's very farfetched I only have 2 examples to base my claim off on. Ryuk and Rem. Rem gave her's away to specific person every time so Ryuk is the only person I have to base this claim off of. 3 The idiot who dropped it still hasn't found it.' Thought the child named Chiko. 

'Eh fuck it. I'll see if they show up after I use it. If not I'll assume that there is no Shinigami. Even if there is I can just lay low. If not though.' The smile on the child's face grows wider 'I can fuck with light freely and even if I bring the paper with me no one can see the Shinigami by touching it. One of the biggest weaknesses of the death note.'

After thinking that they walk out of the bathroom calmly holding the death note. They walk into the living room which has no one in it and turn on the tv. They switch the channel to the news look around grab a pen and wait for it to show a criminal.

"Today 32 year old Sakata Arata held a convenience store hostage and killed 3 hostages. The police took him into custody at 2pm today." Said the news anchor woman with a disgusted face.

'So this will be my little experimental toy. Sounds like scum to the core. What a great toy to spread my name.' The child thinks sitting down writing the name and all the details of the death. 'Now let's see how this game goes. If I'm correct, then the cannon should have begun 2 months ago. No second Kira yet but L knows where Lights's general area is. So now let's add a new character to the playing field...Chara. I'm going to have fun in this new twisted world.' He thinks maintaining that gigantic grin.

'I guess I'll just wait and if I'm lucky Light will react. If I catch him early enough, I can have a nice conversation with Ryuk before I eventually have to kill him. I don't want L to die after all. Where would the fun be in being chased by a mere successor?' He thinks as his smile disappears after hearing a door open and a more neutral face appears on his face as he quickly goes to his room to hide the notebook.


(Meanwhile in a certain hotel room.) 

'What is this message you left this time Kira?! It makes no sense, but it screams "This is Kira figure this out if you can L!" The hell does the message "This is my Chara-ma for what I've done. I don't deserve to be the only one. There are more like me. Killers who can kill at a glance." does that insinuate that this isn't the first Kira? But what does this have to do with gods of death?! I've thought it over multiple times, but could this really be a message from the Kira I've been tracking? It's a different style of writing and the Kira I've seen up to this point wouldn't make it this obvious. I'd give it a 45 percent chance this is a fake, but does that mean this is multiple people can do this? Does this fake want to give me info or are they just fucking with me?!' Thought the man in white after seeing the note written in the inmate's blood with him hung up next to it. 'I shouldn't tell anyone about this until I'm 80 percent sure at least. I'll keep the idea in mind though.' Concluded the man as he goes over all the evidence he has again.


'I wonder if L thinks it's just light fucking with him?' Thought Chiko as he sat on his bed waiting to see if a Shinigami shows up.

(10 minutes later.)

'I'm bored of waiting. I'll just assume there's no shinigami. Probably for the best either way. Don't want my life ended early after all.' He thought after he got up and went to the door.


Chapter end.

OK so how did you like it? I thought it was decent for a first chapter that I wrote for fun because I was on a death note high, but you can think you.

This story is just being written because I felt like it. At the end of the day, I wanted to write so I did. It has been a while since I have and I know I should separate the words more but also, it's incredibly accurate to how death note is actually written. L has a fuck tone of dialogue, and it takes me like 2-3 minutes to get through 2 pages of him. 

If I got something wrong sue me or correct me. If it's option A I do have a nuh uh ready.

I do honestly love death note and thought it would be fun to write but we'll see if I continue. My moods dictate if I write, and I've actually been happy recently so we'll see if I write.

Anyway, have a good day and try to enjoy your life. I know I will mine. 0/

Depression's a bitch but it's also good for writing. I'm happy now so to bad. DEAL WITH IT!!!!!

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