

while running down the tunnel i began to process what was happening and i began thinking about what has happend because it has reminded me of something sure the events might not be exactly the same but from what if seen and what i know this seems to be the world of custom made demonking tho there are a couple of diffrenses like i didn't see a demon with a gun nor did i hear a gunshot.

Though this world seems to be built on the same premise as custome made demonking the same class systems the same type of abyss and the same war that has been going on since the dawn of time.pk

Just as i finished my train of thaut the smell of rotten eggs hit me like a boulder and made me lose my balance making me wobble left and right.

Taking a bit of time to get use to the smell of sulfer and the heat that came with entering the abyss i began looking around for a spot to make my base until i make the big trip deeper into the abyss.

My search was unfruitful for many days and everywere i looked was either inhabited by strong demons or was close to the territory of a strong demon but i kept looking because i knew that if i kept staying in the open a demon would find me that i could not beat with my trusty stick.

Time in the abyss was hard to tell but after what felt like a month i finaly found a cave on the side of a cliff that would bd my home for the forceable future; tucked away behind a row of trees and covered with a couple of vines.

This would do nicely i thought.

After finaly finding my perfect home i started making preparations to hunt the demons i've been avoiding all this time by tying a sharpend stone to my stick with a piece of vine and setting up traps finally im done and ready to start my journey to becoming more then canonfoder for the war that is raging on.

My daily hunts were mostly successful with me not getting injuries from the other canonfoder

though there have been some mishaps like my first hunt ending in me stumbling into the territory of a middle low class demon and a big one no less which almost got me killed but at least he was slow and stupid so misdirection was easy.

So slowly but surely i was growing stronger and bigger I'm almost out of my infancy and with the soul's I'm eating my mana is growing just as fast but still slow nonetheless I've been here for at least a year and I'm still only able to kill demons with traps and a spear I'm still one of the weakest demons here so to try to grow faster if begun to make plans to kill the demon whose territory i stumbled into on my first hunt and although I'm bigger and stronger than back then i see no way I'm taking it on with my bare hands so I've dug pits with spicks and beartraps to keep him distracted whill i try to kill him if this doesn't work I'm most likely to get ripped apart.

As i set my hunt in motion everything was going great the demon was falling for every trap i setup but they've only slowed him down and nothing has realy hurt him my spear can't get through his hide and the pits only stop him for a couple of seconds so the only way I'm taking him down would be to stab a vulnerable part like his eyes his belly or his mouth the latter obviously being of limits.

So the plan is like this I'm gonna have to get closer to him maby when he falls into the next pit and tryes to get out i could get close and stab him in the eye with everything i have and just maby he would go down though I'm not to confident but lets try.

When we get to the pit he falls in and i get closer and try to stab him but he catches my spear and pulls me to him while breaking my spear in the process i tried to let go of the spear but because of fear my arms clenched tight and i couldn't let go.

After the demon pulled me into the pit with him he started to go ham and kept hitting me over and over, i could hear my bones breaking and feel my skin tear feeling my strength slipping away i tried every thing biting,scratching and screeching but it did nothing the last thing i felt before waking up in the darkness again was my head getting crushed under his wild and unending punches.