
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

the nest of maggots

when the day came he was at the front entrance to the nest of maggots

"your test is to subdue the nest of maggots failure means death you can not leave until you pass we will be back in one weak to assess the results" a man said I shook my head

"I will have all of them subdued by the end of the day so come back then so as to not waste everyone's time especially mine" sora said

"how much do you wanna bet it will take you longer" the guy said

"well since I have the kuchiki family's backing everything you have" I said

"done" the guy said

"keep up" sora said

he barged threw the doors and walked in he defeated all the prisoners who challenged him and in record time too he even rescued a few someone tried to sneak attack me but was dealt with by a someone and I knew it wasn't darius who was a few feat away fighting another opponent

"this way shinigami" a woman said sora was helped so he might as well give them a bit of trust darius ten seconds later was on his right he was led to a group of women

"what's your name shinigami I would like to thank the person who helped us find our unfortunate sisters" she said

"sora kusaragi" sora said bowing slightly and said nothing more on the subject she chatted with her fellows before turning back to him

"not much of a talker oh well I'm hiromi tsukasa I'm going to keep this brief who are you what are you doing here" she asked but when she looked up he was born and everyone else was fast asleep

"an elder sister what are you doing" she asked

"ELDER SISTER MY ASS WAKE UP" hiromi yelled she then thumped everyone else waking them up she then went back to her seat

"where's sora" she asked

the one who was still somewhat awake answered

"he left after talking to the victims he said if you want to know who he is come to the front entrance by nightfall" she said

what the women saw as they entered was gruesome everyone was beat up with the exception of sora and his servant darius

"is this what you wanted to show us" she asked

"yes and no actually I was here for a test" sora said

"your the new corps commander" she asked

"yes and I need your people to be my eyes and ears" sora said hiromi knowing exactly what he meant got on her knees the other women followed suit

"we will not fail you" she said

I turned to the guy judging us

"I believe I win our bet however this was just to prove a point I will not take anything from you come tomorrow for the grading" sora said he nodded and left

"now that he's gone I'm going to he tell you what I actually want to do with you I will train your people to become assassins working under me and in return when I permanently leave the nest of maggots my assassins will leave with me" sora said

they were still kneeling

"please train us to be useful" they said sora nodded

"you must keep this knowledge to yourselves we don't want to be caught" sora said

"hiromi you will join darius as my aide and when we leave you will all be given zanpakutos as a fighting force of the second division all I ask is that you wait until we leave and keep this knowledge in your hearts until the proper time" sora ended his little speech

"yes my lord" they replied

the next day soifon led a group of omnitsukido members as they proceeded to open the door she knew sora was taking his test and was informed he was already done within record time and was specifically asked by yoruichi to come and see if i passed soifon had a bad impression of sora and his servant as sora had the audacity to sleep in front of lady yoruichi and his servant darius had the audacity to hold a blade upto her throat and and threaten her

hoping that he died and was rotting away in a cell what astounded her however was that the prisoners were in an orderly manner and was even more surprising was the woman they were laughing and talking and generally looked happy before they constantly had fear in there eyes now there positions were reversed and the guys looked fearingly at the woman walking forward one woman stepped forward

"i take it your here to see lord sora" she asked soifon nodded and was led to another room with a nice looking desk in it when did they get that and in front of it on the floor was sora meditating on the left side of the door was darius to the surprise of no one

"sora kusaragi" soifon said

no responce came from sora however

"sora kusaragi" she called louder and again no response and she was starting to get mad and you could her a faint growl coming from darius the message was obviously to be respectful but what surprised soifon was the woman was in a battle stance apparently meaning the same thing she was furious and was about to draw her zanpakuto to put both these fools down when she was greeted by a blade at the side her throat on her shoulder but it wasn't from darius he didn't move

"i don't tolerate people who misuse their power if you make another move and you will die that i promise" i said and you could tell i would follow through with my threat soifon was beyond furious now but she thought of two things first she was ordered by yoruichi not to get in a fight with sora or darius and secondly she knew even if she ignored her orders and broke her unwavering loyalty to yoruichi sora would destroy her so she stopped

she escorted sora, darius, and hiromi she had no choice but to bring hiromi because sora insisted she was a loyal servant of sora after all to yoruichi at 2nd HQ