
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

so the wheel begins turning

a few weeks later a message was sent to me by byakuya

"bastard you have god damn legs bring me the knowledge in person don't just send me a letter" sora said to no one in particular but he was smiling slightly so the wheel turns faster than expected

"what happened sora" soifon asked as sora did start dating her and insisted that while we were alone with the exception of darius she calls me by my name

"he found her and it took him long enough too he is sending her to us I want you to train her as the inner circle as she will be joining it" sora said

"why" soifon asked

"because she's byakuya's sister that's why now I need to go hunting for something" sora said

"I see understood" soifon said at that there was a knock on the door

"darius" sora said and darius got the western style door because sora preffered it and she entered

"rukia kuchiki reporting for duty sir" she said and soifon burst out laughing as she had changed drastically and was no longer the character in the show thanks to sora breaking through that cold exterior speaking of sora he also had a small smirk on his face as did darius who walked to sora's right side

"oh you definitely have a lot to learn as only the lowest of the second division calls him sir and at that very rarely most either call him captain or a few call him my lord" soifon said with a small smile on his face


"it seem's introductions are in order the girl on my left is my lieutenant soifon the one on the right is my personal guard and my loyal servant who has been with me for a very long time darius and I am quite certain you realized I am captain sora kuchiki kusaragi head of the omnitsukido" sora said after doing that fake could thing to get things back in order

"now you will be trained as one of my inner circle so I would suggest you prepare for hell but trust me when your done you'll thank me later soifon will be training you personally and when she seems you worthy I will fill you in on how the second division really works as for now you may go soifon will pick you up and take you to a special training ground at 6 a.m. sharp I would highly suggest you do not keep her waiting dismissed" I said very seriously as if I was threatening her and then when I said dismissed it was like everything was perfect and joy to the world and all of that crap

as soon as she shut the door sora smiled

"and so the wheel turns" sora said

"how long will it be before she turns the boy into one of us" soifon asked sora did tell his inner circle a few things about what will happen as sora did want to be prepared and he did plan to help the boy

"I give it a month at most we will be heading to the senkaimon and helping urahara soifon that means we will probably be meeting yoruichi so I must be certain are you loyal to me or to her" sora asked and he was quite serious he did not want any traitors destroying his plans to protect what he holds dear

"you have my word I am loyal to you and no one else" she said

"thank you soifon" sora said and he hugged her

"and I in turn will do my best to protect you you have my word of honor on that" sora continued at that soifon kissed him and he kissed her back in turn

"lets see if we can't change the world for the better" sora said as he let go both darius and soifon nodded