
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs


as they arrived at the wind bind building which had 7 stories and sora sensed a dozen or so shinigamies on the top floor and they noticed him

he placed his sword in the ground (starliege excelio) sora creates a barrier around the area pushing his opponents back using one of his zanpakutos attacks then gestured for our side to get their weapons once they had them I lowered my barrier and we attacked killing all of them sora was then led to a huge tattered barn and surprisingly yoruichi was waiting for them

and then they saw the head gloating about how he had the power but he also said that their was another involved that even he doesn't know as he kept saying the man sora quickly knocked him out

they started to scrape threw the debris and sora found an egg he picked it up and evolt who thanks to god knew about how this world worked he told sora to pour his reiatsu into it sora trusting evolt did so

"cu..." yoruichi started but was stopped as there was a crack in the egg sora poured more reiatsu and no one stopped him as they either A felt safe near him or B were loyal to him so they trusted his judgement when it hatched it looked nothing like a blue phoenix

"that's a frost phoenix drake you are truly lucky as they bind to whoever hatches them so it's yours" Noel said sora nodded

"you will be azura for your azure eyes" sora said naming the phoenix it cawed

"it seems our job is done the director has given me a way to leave so this is where we part ways" yoruichi said to the two girls who nodded

"soifon grab the traitor the rest of you grab the dead bodies and their zanpakutos lets go home" yoruichi said

as soon as she said that about a dozen phone booths came down and shinigami walked out of them

"we are from the forth division we will take care of the dead bodies the captain commander has asked for your haste return captain yoruichi"

"lady yoruichi look" soifon said while standing over a dead body she came over to see black blood

"poison" yoruichi asked at that sora was bending down took some and smelled it

"yes ma'am" sora said as usual expressionless at that they returned to second division after yoruichi dragged sora along to give her report he grumbled about it and didn't say a word to anyone as everyone eyed him yoruichi had been bragging about him.for a while and this is the first time any of the others with the exception of the sixth captain who just looked angry for taking their prize but they knew he wouldn't turn against him is he wasn't that type of person and the captain knew that he lived with them long enough to learn that

"finally I'm free from all of that paperwork" yoruichi said sora just stood near the door expressionless then she looked at sora

"as your reward for your hard work you are welcome to use my hotspring" sora saw what she was planning

"I respectfully decline as all I want is that rundown mansion" sora said yoruichi moped

"granted but your no fun" yoruichi said

"says the perverted were-cat" sora said as he left not falling for her trap or her moped face

"I'll come" soifon said surprising the he'll out of both sora and yoruichi but then she smirked

"alright" sora said he hired a construction team then went back to his office at the main HQ of the detention unit and went to his office he said told soifon the only person he wanted near him right now was darius she understood and left

"thank god I'm free of that perverted were-cat I should be very careful when I'm changing at least until our new manor is rebuilt" sora said before collapsing in his chair and sighing comfortably