
reborn in bleach with a few stupidly overpowered abilities

the MC was reincarnated into the bleach world with multiple stupidly overpowered abilities and he will use them to become strong enough to protect what he holds dear

jexishere · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

mission details

sora was currently in his office looking over his very confusing layout of the prison system that only he had memorized yoruichi had of course seen them but they were so confusing yoruichi gave up and decided to trust sora he was corps commander after all and because of his really confusing layout and the fact sora was the only one who knew the constantly changing plan escape attempts dropped drastically and no one else knew anything other than there specific roles that made things impossible to learn

he also as promised, rearmed all of the woman from the nest of maggots with zanpakutos and named the organization he created shadows he then pulled hiromi aside made certain she would keep what he was about to give her a secret and handed her an evolt driver as well as the ninja and comic fullbottle explaining what it does and telling her only use it when i give permission she nodded she would share it with no one

"god i have another wish i want to completely seperate spirit wolves with physical forms for each which can be called by anyone who knows there names but they are loyal only to me their names are astral and cerberus and one can control fire the other can control ice and i want the fire and ice logo emblazoned on the zanpakuto they are inside" sora said god nodded

"one left use it wisely" god said

it would have been a normal day if someone wasn't standing in front of him it was a member of the inner court troop or as sora called them the mailmen as that's all they did carry information

"die paperwork die paperwork die paperwork" sora mumbled over and over and over again not noticing the guy in front of his desk

"i carry orders from the captain" the guy said at that sora looked up

"i'm sorry repeat i wasn't paying attention" sora said apologetically

"i carry orders from the captain" the guy said before handing sora a scroll and leaving

sora looked at the scroll memorized it's contents burned it then grabbed his zanpakutos

"darius grab hiromi we are heading out" sora said darius bowed shunpoed and 2 minutes later with hiromi

"you both have your zanpakutos excellent lets be off" sora said before getting up and leaving for the rendezvous point

the meeting point was the top of a cliff yoruichi was already there as well as two of her personal guards and soifon standing on her right and a bigger man on his left he was the new lieutenant of the second division as well as the corps commander of the patrol corps

"captain, commander" i said nodding to the both of them they nodded in turn

"excellent our strongest member is here" yoruichi said sora raised an eyebrow at that but kept his mouth shut yoruichi looked at all the members present

"i presumed that you have all read the mission details. this is top secret from central 46, any leak means that you would be sitting opposite of those old fogies being sentenced of course the exception are the two servants of sora as if i said they couldn't be here i'd also have to dismiss my own guards and i need sora for this mission" yoruichi said

"i thank you for your compliment an overstatement but i thank you none the less" sora said yoruichi raised an eyebrow at that and he knew it wasn't just do to his statement as he was so strong central 46 was eyeing him like a hawk any miss up and they would be on him like a pack of hyenas

"politics" sora sighed before retaining his expressionless face indicating for yoruichi to continue

"there has been suspicious movement from a group of shinigami with the excuse of a leave for reasons pertaining their family or some other reason they have gone off grid and have disappeared this wouldn't be a job for us if not for the fact that disappeared at around the same time" yoruichi said

"we dont know how many there are so be careful we've got a general location from the patrol corps who went to scout ahead but there are two locations one in district 80 north rukongai one the other in district 74 west rukongai me marenoshin and soifon will go to the north sora and your companions will go west

"here these have information related to the shinigami that have gone missing take a look while you are getting to your location take some subordinates but not to many act at your own discretion and make your own choices i'll take responsibility in the end lastly take care and good luck disperse" she said at that yoruichi's team left leaving a smirking thomas

"hiromi grab the best of your shadows and meet us at the western location let's do a little hunting darius go with her" sora said and they shunpoed away

once he knew he was somewhat alone he turned

"come on out soifon" sora said and she appeared

"you betrayed lady yoruichi" soifon said

"what with the shadows no i didn't she knows about them maybe not their name or what they are but she knows they exist" sora said and a look of dawning appeared on soifon's face

"the women from the nest of maggots" she asked sora nodded

"what do they do" soifon asked

"that's still my little secret but don't worry i dont intend to betray yoruichi now is that all you wanted" sora asked

"i was told to accompany you on this mission" soifon said sora sighed

"very well" he said before shunpoing to the western location

as they traveled soifon was looking sora over those jet black eyes are so scary yet at the same time comforting apart from them he is quite handsome, no, wait, what are you thinking soifon for you there is only lady yoruichi. no one el...


soifon suddenly missed her footing due to the momentarily lapse of conversation falling to the ground she was caught by sora and was now in a princess carry he looked quite worried for her safety as he put her back on her feat she got embarrassed by her stupid mistake and even more embarrassed that she was rescued by him her face went red really red she was however glad that he helped her

knowing that time was something they lacked they quickly got over the situation and made their way to there destination. soifon kept feeling sora's worried glance at her from time to time it felt strangely quite comforting she tried to ignore it him but found it difficult as her ears grew more and more red luckily for her they quickly arrived at their destination before she could lose it