
Reborn in Apocalyptic World

GreenBookAi54 · Horreur
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

Bounded by the darkest night, the seemingly quiet area was pierce through by a cry. Hoping to gain attention, to thus nearby. A wooden basket filled with white soft cotton, huddled together to form a warm protection.

A dark room lightened up, there the elderly man that supposed to proceed in his sleep woke up. Peeking throughout the window, only to hear the crying sound again.

Shiver run through his nape to his spine at the thought of a young newborn left in the silent night. Rushing out the room only to sped up to the one producing the sound.

Lights began to pierce, crowds of elderly and young adults pacing through to find the one crying because they knew everyone in the area that there was no baby for a few years now.

Children peeking through their window. The elderly man, finally reached the baby at the ground.

"Oh my, Heavens. Who left you here little one? Have they're hearts gone black!!!" Anger filled his voice by thought of it. Footsteps could be heard nearing them.

"Old man Adam. What happened?" Ask by an young man while carrying his 5 year old son. Looking at the little one that has now stop crying. His son also stare at it, as if sensing his gaze the baby peek through the his bundle of soft cotton fabric.

Only to fall asleep suddenly, exhausted by the night of crying. "I don't know. I was just preparing to sleep when i heard this child cry." Old man Adam answered, worry filled his eyes.

"Shall i call the police?" Ask by another man with his wife hugging his arm. "It would be for the best." Adam said in soft whisper, looking at the baby.

"Mom what's happening?" Ask a child towards the couple. "Honey, you should be asleep by now. What are you doing here?" Ask the woman named Cassandra, "He must be awakened by the commotion. Now now go back to bed." countered by her husband, Xander.

Harris the man carrying his son Mikael fish out his phone preparing to contact the police when an ear piercing scream rang out throughout the community. Waking up the whole neighborhood.

The heads of those already outside sharply turn towards the scream. Hurrying towards the commotion. "Cassandra stay here with Chase." Xander ordered his wife with no room for arguments. "I'll leave Mikael with you here. Could you contact the police this may not be as simple as it looks." Harris ask kindly.

Cassandra also knew that, nodding her head. She hurriedly contact the authorities, explaining in details when another scream was heard.

Harris and Xander upon arriving at the scene couldn't help but feel their stomach turn, forcing it down. Dismembered limbs and human organs could be seen scattered throughout the ground. Following the trail.

They were lead up to the house of the newly transferred neighbor. There crowds could be seen at the gate some people couldn't help but threw up.

After a few minutes authorities arrived at the scene. Clearing the crowd, they hurriedly called for back up. While interviewing some people at the scene.

"Has anyone of you gone inside?" Gab the head of the police that arrived at the scene. Everyone look at each other but upon seeing that they shook their head, another scream rang out this time it was inside the house.

Police as they've been trained, fish out their guns while some push the crowd out of the perimeter. Gab leading some of his men inside. Blood scattered throughout the hall.

A shadow of a man could be seen flashing through the halls. "This is the police surrender at once!!!" He shouted but the shadow didn't move.

Carefully moving through the hall, there at the end of the hall a man in black could be seen stabbing a young woman dress in a maid outfit. Not waisting anytime, Gab opened fire, making the man's weapon fall. His team sped up to secure the killer.

The young policewoman, "Sir!! She's still alive!!!" She shouted after checking the maid. "Secure her wounds don't let anymore blood flow." Gab ordered, fishing out his radio "This alpha requesting for backup and ambulance." repeating it two more times. "Check the whole house see if there's any survivors."

After a few minutes of searching, a freshly graduate policeman stop by a lock doorway towards the basement. "Sir!! this one's have been lock." he shouted.

Backups already arrived at the scene, medics already tending the maid. Atleast a dozen arrived at his position. Destroying the door, upon opening there stood in front of them a man in a butler's uniform firmly holding a kitchen knife shielding a cabinet where you could hear a whimper.

"Stay back!!" He shouted not seeing that they're were police, "Sir we're the police. We kindly advice you to put down your weapon" Gab kindly stated. As if hearing something pleasant song, the butler shake his hold. Slumping down the ground.

The cabinet burst open revealing a pair 7 year old twins "Hilton!!" one of them shouted. The butler turns his head. Smiling softly, "Helps already here young ones" Then as if a string was cut down. Hilton fall, only then the police reacted. "No!!!" the other twin shouted.

"Call a medic here!! Faster!!" Gab shouted as one of the police run towards the gate while also calling through the radio. Blood flow at the waist of Hilton.

The whole night was sleepless. Flashes of red and blue was circling the neighborhood. After a few minutes of passing out Hilton woke up, by his side was the two children sleeping soundlessly.

Gab upon noticing that Hilton woke up, begun to ask question with a apologetic smile on his face.

... flashback ...

Hilton woke up by the smell of blood reeking through the hall. Carefully standing up, he walks up towards the door cracking it open to peek through. Upon noticing the blood on the floor and a dismembered limbs scattered through the hallway.

He took a deep breath, braving himself to go towards his employer. Sneaking his way up, he was about to ascend the last step of the stairs when he saw two man dress in black outfit holding severed limbs throwing it aside.

Holding his breath not daring to move, he gaze at the door that was opened revealing the master of the house. That was about to talk when he quickly signal him with his eyes.

Darting back towards the two. That was now facing him, blood rush out his face when he saw the crazy smile of the two. Not minding anymore he darts towards the owner, Greyson White.

On his back was the two crazy killer chasing him with their chilling smiles. Greyson upon noticing Hilton being chase by the two. Quickly grab the anything that was near him, throwing it towards the two, hitting one of them. That fall towards the stairs.

Seeing the chance, Hilton quickly maneuvering to kick the other one. Only to get stab at the waist. Greyson punch with full force. "Quickly secure the children" he ordered.

Not minding his injury, Hilton walks up the next room. Locking it upon entering, he stare for a moment at the pair of twins that visibly woken up by the fight outside. Signaling them to be quiet and follow him.

The pair didn't hesitate when they saw that it was serious. Hilton leads them to the other staircase leading to the kitchen where the basement is, upon descending, he quickly glance at the surrounding. Noticing the blood and limbs.

"Close your eyes. Hold onto me, Whatever you smell or step. Do not ask question. Do not take a peak, and do not make any sound. Do you understand." With his stern voice, even with moist eyes the the pair didn't alter a sound nodding their heads and closing their eyes. They hold Hilton who flinched when one of them touches his wound.

The hand shake upon the contact of blood, tear fall down but no sound was made. Hilton leading them through the kitchen when a scream sounded. Pausing a little he quickly grab the knife nearest to him.

The maid quarters silently open. Pointing his knife, he relax a little when he saw it was one of the maids.

"Hide quickly. Don't make a sound." He ordered at the maid who shiver at the sight of the limbs at the ground. Not minding the maid anymore, he lead the pair of twins towards the room he knew that could have been the safest, the basement. The walk was quiet, tension could be seen on his face.

Opening the door only to hear another scream and the siren of police. He knew they we're going to be safe but that was before the police secure the area.

Locking the basement door. "Hide inside the cabinet don't alter a sound. We're all going to be okay." Nodding their head.

Hilton tense at the footsteps, hurrying the two. He stood up pointing the knife at the door.

... flashback ends ...

Hilton recounted to the police in details. "Have you seen Mr. White, he wears a blue long sleeves and black silk pants." he ask quickly while staring at the twins.

Gab was about to reply when "Sir!! we found the owner of the house!!!" He quickly stood up. Hilton relax a little when he heard that.