
Searching for answers

When I finished howling, I lowered my head, looking around, realizing that I was surrounded by millions of souls that looked at me with concern on their faces. It wasn't just the wolves that were looking at me, there were also the souls of various different animal races that live in my domain, like bears, elk, deer, owls, foxes, boars and other races that inhabit forests and mountains.

As the God of Beasts, when an animal dies in the material plane, the souls that have always had an imprint in the immaterial plane even when they body was alived. they are released into the immaterial, feeling drawn to my domain as their place of rest.

Normally, the souls who are attracted to my Domain are those of animals who feel it as a familiar place where they lived on the material plane, full of trees, mountains, rivers and forests.

Most of the souls that inhabit my domain normally wait for the rest of their pack to be able to submerge together in the Lake of Life, returning them to the reincarnation stream.

The Lake of Life is a part of my Domain, which I created myself, a lake somewhat apart in my Domain with which I mixed its waters with a certain energy stream within the immaterial plane, called the river or reincarnation stream, which could be considered as a condensation of the energy of the immaterial plane itself, accelerating the process several times that a soul goes through to reincarnate again. To allow the souls in my domain to reincarnate when they are ready themselves.

When someone dies in the material plane, their soul is released from the body, wandering freely through the immaterial plane. The newly released soul has all the memories along with the same form and species as when it was alive.

Normally drawn to the domain of some Being that can be considered its patron or God, this soul over time slowly, through continuous contact with the energy of the immaterial, would lose its memories, and in turn its soul would revert to a more basic or simple form of the same, losing its form and species, allowing it to reincarnate into a new, different race or species in the material plane.

The memories, emotions, and everything that the soul loses when reverting to its most basic form are released as energy in the immaterial.

The river or reincarnation stream, being a condensation of the energy of the immaterial, which beings strong enough to create and maintain their own domains can control and guide, accelerating the process that would take several decades of material plane time to accomplish.

But not all souls decide the same, for different reasons especially humans, but with the souls of animals that end up in my domain, usually they had bad experiences in their lives in the material plane full of tragedies and lost loved ones, when they come to my domain and can meet with those who had died ....Some times they decide to live in my Domain. Achieving in the immaterial, to live together the life that they could not on the material plane.

These souls to be able to endure without losing their memories and eventually reincarnate against their will, they decide to become my followers, part of my pack.

This also happens with the souls of Humans who decide to stay in the immaterial by leaving the cycle of reincarnation, becoming followers of different Gods. Receiving their blessing to do so. completely changing how the immaterial energy interacts with their souls, now serving them as fuel or nutrition, making them become stronger over time

But that only happens with a small part of the souls, who have done a great service or have managed to gain the favor and attention of the being who grants their blessing.

Because, after all, the being who gives the blessing is actually giving a little piece of his soul. that could be considered a painful and tiring process, that in doing so the God will spend some time weakened and tired.

In my case the souls of the animals that decide to become my followers and accept me as their Alpha, I give them my Blessing and in doing so, they officially become part of my Pack, it weakens me and makes me sleep a lot to recover.... but I like to sleep so one less problem or at least that's what I thought before that damn dream.

Looking at all the worried faces of the members of my Dominion, I... I needed answers, I would not let the same thing happen to them as to the rest of the souls, that they would be absorbed by that disgusting Corruption?..... what I saw, is it the future? or is this universe one of the two that were left before the Corruption also devoured it.

Thinking that made me look at the sky imagining that grotesque Being out of our universe instants before touching us.....

"Ahmmm" Sighing and shaking my head, `no use thinking like that.... I need answers, I need-' interrupting myself I remembered, the familiar figure I saw, with the rest of the beings I now imagined would be the different gods of the different universes of the tree, confirming my assumption, now knowing the identity the familiar figure, now I knew who she was...I need to talk to her.

"Sköll and Hati." I said aloud looking at all the souls in my domain that were around me, promising myself that I would not let them go through that end, I called out to the first souls that decided to follow me and the first I gave them a fragment of my soul, also being the two strongest under my command.

"Boss!" exclaimed Sköll, a wolf with white paws rising up to his chest and, changing from there, his fur to a mix of vivid brown tones. On his shoulders, the fur grew in black tufts in the shape of a circle with triangles surrounding it, creating a representation of the Sun. His eyes were a bright orange color like the sun.

"Father!" shouted Hati. "This idiot, HATI! I've told you a thousand times not to call me that," he was a Grey Wolve with gray paws that went up to his chest where he changed the color of his fur to a darker ash gray that covered the rest of his body. Like Sköll, he also had a fur change on his shoulders which Hati had in the shape of a crescent moon of white. Hati had Purple Eyes that also glowed brightly.

These two idiots are my oldest and strongest followers.... didn't know whether to cheer or cry about it.

"But Fath-," Hati began.

"GHRRR!", I interrupted as he was about to call me back, growling and released some of my internal energy Lighting up my blue eyes, amplifying the intimidation of my growl towards Hati, who still insisted on calling me `Father'.

"But Boss, I and brother Sköll are your first followers, the first ones with whom you shared your blessing. what are you if not our.... Fa-Father?" asked Hati with some fear at the end of his sentence.

"Ahmm" I sighed wearily "Hati, I consider everyone who is part of my pack as my family, and you two, Hati, Sköll" I said as I looked at each of your face before continuing "You are like sons or brothers to me.... But if you call me by that annoying name again that reminds me of that one-eyed bastard...." Growling again I said "... I'm going to use your skull to relieve my boredom. Have you understood, SON?", I said with irony at the end.

"Y-yes, yes Fa-BOSS," Hati replied, almost calling Father again.

Turning to Sköll who has been quiet, sitting on his paws the whole time. "Sköll, you come with me. If I go on any longer with Hati I feel like I'm going to end up biting his head off. Take the elders, I don't think it will happen, but just in case, things may be upset where we are headed. If she's told what she saw to the rest of the 12...I can only imagine how they'll be," I said.

"Of course, father!", Sköll replied briskly.

"GRRRRRRRRMMMMMM", as clogged as Sköll said his joke after being quiet the whole time I snarled back at Sköll and released my energy to intimidate him, as I had done with Hati. But this time I opened and closed my jaws wide just inches from Skoll's face, Creating a loud noise as my jaws closed that made Skoll close his eyes.

"Do you want some?", I asked Sköll, answering his joke.

"I thought you'd be amused, Boss!", Sköll replied now somewhat flustered, but just as energetic in his voice, as he averted his gaze from me, who was just inches from his face, as he leaned back to get away from me, which I clipped back as soon as it was generated.

"Hati you get the rest of the pack ready, I may need you all" I said without looking at him as I continued to cut away from the uncomfortable Sköll.

"Eh? The rest, you mean the wolves or ...." Hati said as he grew a vicious grin on his muzzle and continued"..... to the whole pack, all the souls you gave your blessing to?"

"ALL OF THEM!" I said as I shook my head dropping my gaze from Sköll who had arched so hard trying to separate himself from me without moving, that his front paws were barely resting against the ground giving little hops with the tips of his paws.

"Where are we going?" asked Sköll recovering from his somewhat ridiculous position.

"We're going to pay a visit to the Olympians. I have things to discuss with one of the 12," I replied.

"AAAAHUUUUUUU" Howled Hati suddenly upon hearing my fate" Hahaha finally, finally Boss, he's lost his mind, so Boss we're finally going to start the God Hunt?, the one we talked about when we got drunk?

"Maybe, if they bother me with their nonsense.... I take no responsibility for what will happen..... while sleeping.... let's just say I've had a bad dream and I'm feeling quite irritated and annoyed. If they want to help me relieve my stress then I won't hold back and don't worry, I'll also take you all out for a walk, it's an Alpha's job to think of his pack first." I paused as a mischievous grin grew at the corners of my mouth, bigger than the one Hati had put on, and said "But if the Olympians annoy me.....I won't hold back."

"Sköll, Brother"

"Tell me, Hati"

"Fath- I mean Boss, he's gone a bit off his head hasn't he? I mean grandpa woke up with his left paw from his nap or what?"

"Yeah, lose right, isn't that great? And Hati you want Boss to kill you by calling him Grandpa?"

"Well think about it, he doesn't like us calling him father after Odin's bastard does he? Then Grandpa won't be a proble-" Interrupting my subordinates' conversation.

"CLACK!" Sticking my fangs into Hati....'s skull making him.


After releasing Hati, The elders gathered around me, which was the 15 most powerful souls in my domain.