
Reborn Divine Emperor with system

Titus come from the modern world of technology and was one of the most brilliant rising stars to software creation, unfortunately before it could be released he suffered an accident and transmigrated into the body of a New appointed emperor Titus Tempest, ======= Nevertheless his worry in the new world lessened due to the system transmigrated with him. with the help of the systems follow Titus in his conquest of war and transforming his kingdom to the strongest empire. ================= Just like a phoenix is born from nivana fire and sours the sky's , just like a mere snake strives to be the dragon,we shall rise and stand at the pick and create the safe heaven on all earth. "Brothers follow me and form the new Genesis of all worlds !!!" TITUS TEMPEST

Zero_degrees · Fantaisie
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50 Chs

Show of strength power of Excalibur

unlike ares his soldier's, generals and other resisting the rebels had pale expressions and hint of panic in there eyes.

hahahaha that's right master Frost defeat them for his his highness will greatly reward you and give you a noble title after he takes the throne.

"hmph just an ant putting up a desperate struggle, junior come face your death I will make it painless for you "

Bang..... a dark yin energy exploded out of the old man surrounded the area and making everything in his path covered in frost energy. Those near the old man felt like their souls have been frozen.

Much less ares who was trapped at the middle of the crisis, he felt like thousands of ants crawling on his body, his instinct screaming of danger,he felt the aura of death upon him, but he couldn't move his body because he was suppressed and used most of his spirit energy during the previous confrontation.

"Abyss demon , ghost craw"

The old man ,master Frost struck with one of his strongest techniques to finish the battle quickly.

demon craws made of skeletal darkness energy, howls of ghosts,crise of despair and terror coming from the depth of hell, descended upon ares and the surrounding soldiers.

"shit not good"Ares cursed, though being trapped he tried to bring his energy to a defensive position to resist the attack.

"It's useless,die for this old man "hahaha crazy laughter and cheers came from the rebels as though victory was already decided.

As for the soldier's fighting with ares they couldn't be of much help in any way, since ares was the strongest expert in the kingdom of Atlanta.

suddenly a golden beam except from the palace Hall's and shot towards the dark craw


a clash of energies,metal like collisions rung out, however the golden beam never stopped even a second shooting towards the man.

"This is.....monarch realm how could it be it's impossible.. impossible"the old man frost demon muttered his expression was of deep fear and anxiety he, himself has experienced before an attack from the monarch realm expert, although this is just the initial stage it couldn't be underestimated.

Alas before he could even put up defense the golden beam was just few inches

Bang the old man exploded into a blood mist the golden sword and did not stop there , all the three supreme experts turned into blood mist before they could even react, without knowing how the died.

Meanwhile the golden sword suddenly stopped at the throat of the second prince's neck, with just a push he could be beheaded.

Everyone froze on spot,no one dare to move even an inch, everything happened so quickly for anyone to comprehend, rebels where in mood for achieving victory and Ares together with the soldiers in desperate trait.

But now no one move or knew what to do.

Ares looked at the back of the young man with long silver hair and straight back filled with courageous and confidence like everything is under his control he gave the feeling of familiarity.

However the one who was most shocked was the second prince,he felt like the heavens where against him how could the brother that he poisoned and near the gates of hell be standing before his eyes,he didn't believe it and dare not believe it, but facts proved him wrong.

Standing before him the young man with a ruby jade white skin, with a Cold and aloof expression,his gaze feeling like piercing through the souls of everyone's inner demons, his long silver hair dancing in the wind , everything around paled in comparison to this figure.