
Reborn Divine Emperor with system

Titus come from the modern world of technology and was one of the most brilliant rising stars to software creation, unfortunately before it could be released he suffered an accident and transmigrated into the body of a New appointed emperor Titus Tempest, ======= Nevertheless his worry in the new world lessened due to the system transmigrated with him. with the help of the systems follow Titus in his conquest of war and transforming his kingdom to the strongest empire. ================= Just like a phoenix is born from nivana fire and sours the sky's , just like a mere snake strives to be the dragon,we shall rise and stand at the pick and create the safe heaven on all earth. "Brothers follow me and form the new Genesis of all worlds !!!" TITUS TEMPEST

Zero_degrees · Fantaisie
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50 Chs


In another dimension far away from the human realm existed the place with the moon red in colour, painting the sky together with the clouds in red, the realm was called by the name Demonic realm were demonic practitioners, demons and evil forces inhabit as their world, the demon world was divided into outer layer, inner layer and core layer were it's believed that great demons or demonic King stay.

The demons in the realm were of different kinds some have gained sanity while others are blood thirsty or rather savage, some of the demons using the knowledge of the humans have managed to form several forces to rule over their own kind.

In one of the old ancient looking palace build at the outer layer of the demon realm , inside the palace a man wearing a black robe,hid his face with a demon mask sat on the throne facing the man below him.

" speak,what did you want to report" the man said his face was expressionless like a block of ice without much emotions.

" palace lord we found several space disturbance in some outer areas, it appears that someone's opening a passage to the human realm "the man hurriedly replied without hiding anything back.

The demon palace lord inwardly frowned his face still remained expressionless

" Did you find out who opened the gate" the demon palace lord asked.

" Not yet my lord, however we have managed to trace the location where the passage is most likely to open it appears to be one of the kingdoms in the east "

" Did you find out why a passage is opening all of the sudden "the demon palace lord inquired his aura turning cold.

He clearly remembered a magnificent or rather an epic battle that took place on the eastern plains a long time ago between the demons and the humans, the end result was tragic.

who could have thought that one of the super power of the east could actually put everything in it's power to resist the demon invasion in the end it become weak from losing too many resources and started declining, nevertheless the demon realm didn't fair well either, the ended up be suppressed and demons were sealed for a long time now.

"not sure yet and other demons are starting to get restless to get released from been suppressed for too long "the man replied with some Cold sweat appearing on his forehead,he knew it was bad news for his lord if things get out of hand.

"this must be someone's doing with the motive of using the suppressed demons to do their dirty job "

" find out the the one responsible for this mess, us demons may have been defeated but we can't accept humiliation.

"as for those demons release them" the palace lord looked at the dump folded man who suddenly become shocked and continued in an extremely cold voice

"release them all"

"this slave will obey" the man replied and bowed as he left the palace hall quickly to carry out the orders "