

“How did you know that?” Cruella asked curiously.

“I know everything here. You should stick with me if you want to be respected here. A powerful creature like you shouldn't be seen with low class like them.” she said and Cruella gritted her teeth.

Whoever this lady was, she disliked her. She reminded her of Maeve. Proud and disrespectful, always thinking the world revolves around her. She would rather be with Carly or be back in the human world than be friends with this proud peacock.

“I think I like my company better. Thank you.” Cruella said not hiding her disapproval.

“Don't tell me she already got you wrapped up with that friendly nature of hers? It's only a facade and you'll soon see her true worthless nature.”

“That's enough China!” Sebastian snapped, putting his arms around Carly's shoulders. Knowing her, she would be at the verge of tears and he was right. He could feel her body trembling.

“Can't you see how worthless she is? She can't even defend herself, always needing others to save her sorry ass.” China smirked and Cruella finally lost it.

She charged at China, grabbing her neck and hitting her hard on the wall, surprising Carly. China tried to wiggle her way out of Cruella's grip but that wasn't possible. Cruella's grip was too tight and too strong for her.

“I already told you I don't want to have anything to do with you! I won't have you insulting my friends anymore, is that clear?!” Cruella growled and her eyes glowed bright gold.

China just smiled at her which angered her the more. She was being serious and this lady was joking around?

“You really think I'm scared of you? Oh please. Even a Tribrid can be killed princess. Don't think you're untouchable.” China said with a smirk and Cruella's rage intensified. She tightened her grip around China's neck and began to choke her.

“That's enough!” A masculine voice suddenly echoed in the hallway and Cruella turned her head in the direction of the voice.

Her heart stopped beating for a millisecond as her gaze landed on the tall masculine figure Infront of her. He had short black silky hair and black eyes with a slightly pointed nose and even though he had a shirt on, she could still see those chiseled abs from underneath.

Cruella thought she had felt something when she shook hands with Sebastian but that couldn't be compared with what she felt this very instinct just be staring at him.

“Let her go.” He said in a calm yet domineering manner. She found herself complying and her grip on China's neck loosened.

China immediately hit her hand off, finally escaping from her hold. She still carried that annoying smirk as she walked up to her savior, wrapping her arm around his to show possession.

“Alpha.” Carly greeted respectfully with a bow and Cruella finally understood why he had such a well built body.

“I was just telling her the rules and she attacked me.” China said feigning a hurtful look and Cruella could feel her anger building up again. This lady was even worse than Maeve and she won't let her bully her or her friends, not anymore.

“For someone who's dating the alpha you're such an embarrassment.” Cruella said and China's eyes widened.

“How dare you?!” She yelled but Cruella didn't flinch or even show any sign of being intimidated. If it was then, she would've been trembling but not anymore. That weak and useless girl is dead. She died in that fire and this reborn Cruella won't take shit from anyone.

“If I were you, I would break up with her. She doesn't deserve the title of a Luna. Even a weak Gamma could do a better job.” Cruella said and for a split second, she saw his lips move to the side before returning to it's normal position. He almost smiled.

“I won't tolerate you causing trouble on your first day or attacking my pack members as well. Let this be a warning.” He added before walking past them with China clinging to him like a koala.

“Is he for real? Who the hell does he think he is? She was obviously at fault!” Cruella snapped, facing Carly who had a smile on her face.

“Why are you smiling?” She asked with furrowed brows.

“You stood up for me even though we just met. I'm truly grateful.” Carly said and Cruella smiled back, the first she'd done since she entered the building.

“Of course. What are friends for? I've seen the likes of China and I won't hesitate to put her in her place.” She said and Sebastian smiled. She was the first person who stood up to China. The rest feared her because she was close to the alpha and they didn't want to get kicked out of the pack and for those who weren't wolves, they didn't want to get attacked by wolves either.

“Let me show you around then, friend.” Carly said still carrying her bright smile and Cruella followed her.

“Who is he anyways?” She asked and both Sebastian and Carly faced her.

“The alpha I mean, how did he get to be an alpha?” She asked and Carly bit her buttom lip a bit.

“Alpha Jason has always been an alpha. He was born that way. Some alpha's are born true while others get their position by defeating the current alpha in a combat.” She explained and Cruella bounced her head.

’So his name is Jason. I would have said he was cool but the fact that he's dating that tramp makes him senseless.' she thought and suddenly chuckled, confusing Carly.

“Did I say something funny?” She asked but Cruella shook her head.

Carly and Sebastian gave Cruella a tour around the large building, showing her the different training zones for different creatures and the cafeteria and the general hall and finally their rooms.

“This is where we'll be staying.” Carly gushed as she opened the door for Cruella to enter. The room was spacious and neat and there was a medium sized box on one of the beds.

“Which bed is urs?” Cruella asked and when Carly pointed at the other one, she furrowed her brows wondering who's luggage was on her bed.

“Is this yours?” She asked but Carly shook her head. Cruella walked up to the box and opened it. It contained clothes and other personal items which she needed. A smile appeared on her face as she knew whom was responsible for it.

“Come on, let me introduce you to the others.” Carly said and attempted to drag her out but she couldn't even pull her a bit.

“Gosh, you're really strong. I'm glad you didn't join China's crew, she would have made my life a living hell here knowing a strong being like you was on her team.” She said sadly and Cruella smiled.

“As long as we are friends, no one not even the alpha would harm you, okay?” She said reassuringly and Carly suddenly hugged her. She reciprocated, feeling safe in her embrace.

Just as China reminded her of Maeve, Carly reminded her of Swayer and she would do anything to keep her safe, she won't make the same mistake twice.


“Cruella, we are really happy to have you here in our school. You're the first of your kind, you know that right?” The principal asked with a smile and Cruella bounced her head.

“I'm happy to be here as well.” She replied.

“Well I spoke to your mother and we've arranged your class schedule so as to make sure you get all three trainings. Here.” She said and handed Cruella a file.

“Thank you ma'am.” Cruella said as she glanced through the time table. She would be training with the witches for the first week and then the vampires for the second and lastly the werewolves and that's how it'll continue until she masters her powers.

“Now you've been given special privilege to decide the pack you want to join. Normally it's the alpha that decides but your mum and I decided it was best if you choose.” The principal said and Cruella bounced her head. She would be choosing the red moon pack of course so she could keep a closer watch on Carly incase China decides to try something stupid.

“Thank you ma'am. Can I go now?”

“Of course, feel free.” She said and Cruella got up immediately, exiting the office. It'll take some time to adjust to this new life but she'll definitely pull through and get justice for her parents. She finally has a purpose and will stop at nothing to archive it.