

Cruella tried covering her ears as the music was too loud and uncomfortable. She ended up going to the frat party with Swayer after Ethan convinced her to come. Swayer had already left her to go dancing with the others and soon she spotted Ethan at a corner with his friends, drinking and laughing.

“Babe come over here!” Ethan called, signaling her with his hand.

Cruella slowly walked towards them and the other guys left them alone. Ethan offered her a drink but she turned it down since she didn't like alcohol.

“Come on, it's Valentine's day. Have fun, be free and let tomorrow take care of itself.” Ethan said, giving her a reassuring smile and Cruella accepted the drink from him.

“Should we go upstairs?” He asked and she furrowed her brows.

“Upstairs? Why?” Cruella asked innocently. The party was being held downstairs so what would they be doing upstairs? she thought.

“Come on, don't tell me you don't know why. It's Valentine's night.” Ethan said with a smirk and Cruella's eyes widened.

“Are..are we doing it now?” She stuttered and Ethan dropped the drink he was holding before standing up. He stretched his hand to her and Cruella reluctantly accepted it.

She knew he would want to do this one day but she didn't expect it to be today and she wasn't sure if she was ready but she couldn't bring herself to turn him down.

Aside Swayer, he's the only one who has treated her well and cared for her in this human world and since it's obvious she's not a wolf, she doesn't have to worry about mating with someone aside her fated mate.

Ethan took her into one of the rooms in the first floor and the moment he closed the door, he kissed her hungrily, biting and sucking on her lips vigorously.

Cruella held onto him, trying to balance herself while he deepened the kiss, his hands caressing every part of her body.

She wanted to tell him to take it easy since this was going to be her first night with a man but she couldn't even breathe with the way he kissed her. It was obvious he was acting under the influence of the alcohol even though he wasn't wasted but it still affected his actions.

Ethan finally broke the kiss, giving her space to breathe while he took off his shirt. Cruella looked around the room, wondering if the owner knew what they were about to do in his or her room.

Ethan tried raising her gown but she stopped him, giving him a worried look.

“Are you sure about this? I mean this is someone's room. What if the person walks in and..”

“Are you just looking for excuses not to do this? Just say so if you want us to stop.” Ethan cut her off.

Cruella wanted to use the opportunity to tell him she wasn't okay with it but the look on his face told her he'd be angry and would probably break up with her if she refused. She loved him so much and didn't want to loose him to another girl.

“I want..to do it just, it's my first time so please be gentle.” she muttered and Ethan smiled lovingly at her. He cupped her face and kissed her gently this time while his other hand caressed her thigh, lifting her gown gently until his finger grazed her v area.

Cruella suddenly broke the kiss in shock but he lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist before walking towards the bed and dropping her gently on it.

She could feel her heart beating so fast with his every touch. She still felt unsure if she was doing the right thing but she had already given him the green light.

Ethan finally took off her gown, leaving her in just her underwear. He stared at her body for a while before proceeding to unhook her bra, all these while Cruella kept shaking like a scared puppy but he didn't even try to sooth her. He just wanted to fuck her before they get interrupted.

He finally took off her underwear, throwing it on the floor. She wasn't even wet which showed she wasn't ready to have him in but he didn't care. He took of his pants and briefs and positioned himself on top of her.

“Ouch!” Cruella gasped as he pushed his full length inside her entrance not giving her time to get use to the feeling. He began moving immediately and Cruella immediately regretted agreeing to this.

She felt pain with every thrust he made and wanted him to stop so badly.

“Wait, wait please.” She pleaded, her eyes already wet with tears but Ethan wasn't even staring at her. He loved how tight she was and even increased his pace regardless of her pleas.

“Stop, stop I don't want to anymore!” Cruella yelled and that's when he finally stopped moving and looked down at her pain filled face.

“I'm sorry, I must have lost control.” He said feigning a worried look.

“I don't want to do it anymore please.” Cruella cried out and a frown settled on his face but he replaced it with a smile immediately.

“I understand but just give me a little more time and I'll finish please.” He said and kissed her tenderly and at the same time continued his thrust.

Cruella shut her eyes and endured the pain just to please him. She loved him and she didn't regret letting him take her virginity but she hated the pain she felt and wished he was more gentle.

Soon, she felt something hot pomp into her entrance and Ethan stopped moving, resting his head on the crook of her neck.

Cruella felt relieved that it was over but she still felt pain down there and wondered how long it was going to last.

Ethan finally pulled out of her and began putting on his clothes.

“You should get dressed before the owner comes in.” he said dryly as he handed her her clothes.

Cruella slowly put on her clothes and even before she had finished dressing, Ethan left the room.

“Did I do the right thing? No, he loves me, no need for all these negative thoughts.” she said to herself and slowly walked out of the room.

She met Swayer with some girls downstairs and the moment Swayer spotted her, she left the girls and rushed towards Cruella.

“Ella where have you been?! I've been worried sick.” Swayer asked with a frown and Cruella scoffed.

“Worried sick? You didn't look like you were worried, in fact, you looked like you were having fun without me.” Cruella said with a frown and Swayer furrowed her brows.

She scrutinized Cruella's body from head to toe and frowned.

“Did something happen? Are you feeling okay?” She asked worriedly and Cruella sighed, remembering the pain she was feeling down there.

“I'm fine, can we go now?”

“What about Ethan, have you seen him?” Swayer asked but Cruella didn't reply and began walking towards the exit of the house.

“What's up with her? Did she have a fight with Ethan or something?” Swayer asked herself before running after Cruella.


Cruella and Swayer walked into the lecture hall and students began muttering immediately they saw them which was a bit weird since no one ever notices them except Maeve who kept bullying Cruella.

“What are they gossiping about now?” Swayer asked with a groan.

Cruella wasn't even bothered. She just sat down gently since she still felt pain down there and brought out her laptop to get ready for their morning lectures.

“She's the one isn't she?”

“I always saw her as someone decent, never knew she was a slut.”

“She has no shame at all, showing up here after this.” Cruella kept hearing whispers from other students which made her feel perplexed. She wondered whom they were talking about and when she raised her head up, she caught some of them staring at her.

“Why is everyone suddenly staring at me like that?” She asked Swayer who was busy on her phone but suddenly gasped, covering her mouth.

“What?” Cruella asked with furrowed brows and Swayer looked at her unbelievably.

“This..this isn't you right?” Swayer asked worriedly, showing her phone to Cruella.

Cruella's heart stopped beating at that moment as she watched the video which already had a million views and five thousand shares on the internet.

It was her sex video with Ethan. She couldn't understand how it ended up there since it was only them in that room.

“How?” Cruella asked no one in particular as tears ran down her cheeks. Did Ethan do this on purpose or was someone spying on them that night?

Now she understood why everyone was staring at her that way and what they were gossiping about. They must have all seen the video.

“Cruella, is this true? Did you sleep with Ethan last night?” Swayer asked, her eyes begging Cruella to deny it and tell her it was just a fake video.

Cruella got up from her seat and immediately ran out of the hall, crying like a baby. She bumped into someone on her way out, it was Ethan.

His face had lost all expression now and he looked at her like he didn't know her.

“Was that you? Did you record and post that video?” Cruella asked, silently praying he would say he wasn't the one and someone must have done it to hurt her but his reply shocked her to the bones.

“Yes I did, so what?”