

Cruella clenched her fist as she watched the students crying while dropping flowers on the alter made in memory of Swayer. She couldn't even imagine how her mother would feel and she felt too guilty to pay them a visit. She also feared for their safety at this point, she didn't want to go to them and end up killing them like she had killed Gerald.

She still felt guilty over his death. Even though it wasn't her fault but she felt she had taken away someone's father or brother or friend. She knew nothing about him though but he must have had a family.

“She was such a good influence in this school. I'm really going to miss her.” Maeve said before placing her flower on the table and covering her face to make it seem like she was crying.

Cruella felt her blood boil and she wanted to go over there and rip Maeve's spine out of her body but she had to wait for the perfect time.

She didn't want them to see her yet and so she had to control her anger, just for a little while.

Soon, the place was getting empty and Cruella finally walked in with a daisy flower. She stared at the picture of Swayer which was placed on the table.

She gently touched the picture and her eyes filled up again. She's been crying non stop for hours since she found out about Swayer's death, regretting her every action. If she hadn't given herself to Ethan so shamelessly, the video would never have been leaked and they would have never skipped class and would never had stayed in the lab studying that night.

“I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry Swayer. I'm so sorry.” Cruella cried out, dropping down and letting the flower fall. She held her chest and kept crying, wishing she had never come into this world in the first place.

“Moon goddess please, I've always begged you to give me powers and you've ignored me up to this very moment!. Now I'm asking you take it back!. Take my powers and bring Swayer back to life please!. She doesn't deserve this kind of fate! Kill me instead!” She cried out, hoping something would happen but even after several minutes, nothing happened.

Cruella's gaze suddenly darkened and her eyes turned red. She was hungry and angry now.

“Since you won't bring her back, I'll just send her murderers to you. Maybe then you'll listen to me when I ask for a favor.” She said and raised herself up from the ground, picking the flower at once.

She placed it along with other flowers and went out to search for Maeve.

There was a small refreshment set up to follow the service and the students who attended the service were there as well.

Cruella slowly walked into the building and all eyes fell on her.

“Is she not the best friend to the deceased?”

“She's also that slut who's sex tape got released.”

“I couldn't find the video though when I searched for it.”

“Yeah someone must have taken it down. Why is she here anyways? She's just shameless.”

“Have you noticed her skin tone? She's so pale, like all her blood has been drained out.”

Cruella was trying her best not to lash at the girls gossiping about her. They may have been whispering to each other but her super hearing allowed her hear them loud and clear.

She picked up an empty glass and raised it up to her face. Indeed she looked really pale and that was because she was yet to feed. She decided to go meet Maeve before someone accidentally cuts themselves and this solemn moment turns into a bloodbath.

She used her super hearing in an attempt to track them and heard Maeve's giggling from one of the corners.

“I feel sorry for her though. I honestly wished that friend of hers had died as well then they would still be together in hell” one of her minions said.

“No one's seen her since the incident. Maybe her body burnt to ashes and that's why she couldn't be found.” Another said and Maeve scoffed.

“Yeah right. That would have been a great outcome but I'm sure she's alive. Her body must have probably burnt so badly that she's too embarrassed to show her face. She couldn't even come to her own best friend's vigil. What a waste.” Maeve scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“You shouldn't talk behind people's back.” Cruella said, startling the girls a bit.

Maeve widened her eyes when she saw Cruella looking well like she wasn't in the building that got burnt. Aside her pale skin, she was alive and fresh.

“Sad you weren't the one who's body got burnt beyond recognition. I would have taken a photo of your ugly ashes.” Maeve said, glaring at her.

“You locked us up in there. Why?” Cruella asked, ignoring her taunts.

“What nonsense accusations. It seems you've grown some balls since then.” One of her minions said, also glaring at her.

“I bet you weren't even near that building so why use the word us?” Another asked but Cruella ignored them. Her gaze was glued to Maeve as she awaited a response.

Maeve couldn't explain it but the way Cruella stared at her, made the hairs on her skin rise. She was sure Cruella had been in that building so it was impossible for her to be here and unhurt or was she hallucinating? Was this probably her ghost?

There was only one way to find out.

“Girls, it seems she has forgotten her place here. Let's help her remember shall we?” Maeve said and the girls immediately grabbed Cruella and dragged her into the room next to the corner with Maeve behind them.

She locked the door and immediately slapped Cruella on the cheeks hard.

Cruella let herself fall on the floor with that one slap to make it look like they could actually beat her up.

If it was then, she would have actually been freaking out, hoping someone would come and save her but now, she wanted to toy with them a little before finishing them off.

“Look at you, still as weak and useless as ever. I really feel sorry for Swayer for being friends with a low life like you. Who knows, she might have lived long if she wasn't with you.” Maeve said sternly and grabbed Cruella's hair, pulling it hard.

“Swayer didn't die because she was with me. She died because of the likes of you. She died because people like you exit in this world!” Cruella yelled and in the next moment, Maeve was the one on the floor while Cruella was now the one pulling her hair.

“How did she do that so fast?” One of her minions asked and tried pulling her away from Maeve but Cruella grabbed her hand and snapped her wrist before she could blink.

“Arghh!” The girl screamed in pain, holding her broken wrist.

The remaining two were terrified and made to leave the room but Cruella got to the door before them and broke the handle with her super strength.

Her skin had become so pale now and she was really hungry. Her eyes suddenly changed to steel red and Maeve's jaw dropped. She began shaking like a scared puppy and Cruella smirked.

“I recognize that fear. I had it once but never again.” Cruella said and brought out her fangs, ready to kill them all.

“Ple-ase! Please I'm sorry. I sh-ould have never bullied you. I-I forgive me please.” Maeve begged. She didn't have time to ask what Cruella had become because right now her life mattered more. She knew any wrong word would be the end for her and so she did the only reasonable thing she could think of.

Cruella's eyes suddenly turned to their normal blue and her fangs went back in. She had a smirk on her face as she was enjoying the show.

“Did I hear you right? Did the great Maeve just apologize? She's even begging for her life.” Cruella said and let out a short but traumatizing laugh. This would have been the happiest day of her life if only Swayer was still alive.

Remembering Swayer brought back the pain and anger and she decided to stop toying with them and finish them once and for all but before she could take a step forward, she felt a sharp pain on her leg and fell on the ground.

She widened her eyes as the bones in her leg turned in an abnormal way, causing her more pain. Then her hand began twisting too and Cruella screamed in agony.

Maeve and her minions just stared at her, feeling confused. Even the girl with a broken wrist forgot all about her pain and focused on Cruella.

Cruella couldn't understand what was happening to her, her entire body was reshaping and the pain she felt was excruciating. Was this the moon goddess punishing her again?

“Arghhh!” She screamed as her back popped out from it's original position.

“Make it stop! Please!” She yelled in agony.