
Chapter 14 Young Master's dignity is gone

After a pause, Aurelius added: "It will also be the last."

Camelia was shocked. She believed this sentence.

It was just strange. Why did she feel sadness in his eyes just now? Maybe it was an illusion.

Camelia wiped away the strange idea in her mind, reached up his arm, shook, and said:

"Aurelius, I know I shouldn't run away from home, which worries you. I swear, I won't do it again, so can I leave my room and move freely at home?"

She frowned and looked at Aurelius pitifully, like an innocent white rabbit. It made people feel itchy and protective.

It shouldn’t be too much to ask if she just wanted to move around in the house.

Aurelius couldn't stand such an attack. He forgot all the principles at once. He hurriedly stretched out his other hand and gently touched the tip of her hair. He said in a gentle voice that is rare for the first time:

"You are free to walk around the house."