
Reborn as Ulquiorra in Black Clover

A story about a guy who is reborn as ulquiorra in the black Clover world. Watch him as he found his purpose in this new world. --- English is my third language. --- I don't own anything other than my ocs

A_Sinner · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

One sense

(AN: Please point out grammar errors)


I can't see, what with this darkness?, is this what hell's like", thought Kakashi who just regain conscious.

"Do people retain their memories when they go to hell or what?, and why I don't see the flames of hell?. I can't feel anything. Wait, I can't even feel my body…..do I even have body?".

The only thing Kakashi felt was his own thoughts, he wasn't able to feel anything else,he wasn't even sure if his eyes were open or not, it was just all black and quiet. He wasn't even sure if he still have his body since he didn't feel any of his body part, even a mouth. It was like he was just a ball with only memories of himself.

"If this is hell then this is the worst punishment ever…sigh, seems like I'm gonna spend eternity in here with only my memories". thought Kakashi in defeated.





(Kakashi pov)

I don't how much time has passed since I get here, I still can't see or even sense anything. I'm like a small ball filled with my memories that kept me from going insane.

I just use my memories to replay everything that I remember before dying. My memories were the only thing that kept me company from this empty void.

I still don't know if this is hell or a void, but since I don't feel anything, my only guess is that this must be hell and this is my punishment, to live for eternity with only my memories until I go insane.

"I just hope father is living a happy life",





A sound of something cracking, echoed inside a dark pit that was in the underworld.

The world were devils are born and live, a place where high rank devil tortured the lower rank devil for their own entertainment. A world where size and power matters.

Deep down the pit, a small figure was laying on the ground. The small figure was all white with a full white mask and body, and small black wings mounted on his lower back. His mask covered his entire face, with a line running up the middle that diverged into three near the top of his head, and two small horns sprouting out from the sides of his head at ear level.

The small figure slowly opened his eyes which were green with small slit-shaped pupils, similar to a cat's.

The small figure 's eyes moved left and right, up and down as if training to figured out what's going on.

(Kakashi pov)

For the first time in what felt like millions of years, I was able to feel my eyes open up.

With the feeling of my open, I tried figuring out where am I, but everything around me was dark. The only visible light that I was able to see was coming from above. But it was far away.

Using my hands, I pushed myself up from where I was laying and tried to sit up.

Even though it was pitch black, my eyes were somehow able to see. It was like I had a night vision eyes.

But something was wrong, of all my senses, I was only able to feel one. My eyes, they were the only thing that I was able to feel.

I brought my right hand to my face and touched it.

I wasn't able to feel the sensation of my hand touching my face, but I was able to tell what my hand touched.

"Plain". That was the only word that I could think of, my face was just a plain bone mask, the only visible thing were my eyes.

"is this why I'm not able to talk?, it's because I don't have a mouth or nose. What kind of situation is this?, is this what people are turned when they are in hell?", I thought to myself while I use my eyes to look at my body.

My whole body seems to be covered by white bone skin, my hand were skinny and my fingers were sharp bone claws.

'it's like I'm inside a shell"

I place my hand above my head and try see it's movement as I used to inspect my head.

I watched as my hand went up from both sides of my head. It was like there are two small things sticking out of my head from left and right.

I looked at my lower back and saw two small bat wings. This was something that made me question myself.

"It seems like my appearance is not of my human self anymore, I have these two pointy things in my head and these black wings on my lower back. My whole body is white my head is covered with this mask, I don't have a mouth, nose or ears. Just what kind a hell is this", I thought to myself while trying to stood up.


My body fell on the ground face first, I should have at least felt something, but no, It was like I didn't even hit the ground. I felt nothing.

I stood up again and slowly looked at the light that was coming from above.

I slowly started walking forward in hope of finding a wall that I will use to crawl up.

As my vision adapt to the darkness around me, I stretched my inhuman hand forward and touched the wall.

Still nothing, there was no sensation of me touching it.

Not wanting to dwell on the matter, I used both of my hands and started crawling up.

I thrust my claws on the stone wall and started crawling up.




Crawl and crawl.

I kept crawling up, the top seem unreachable, but I kept crawling.

I didn't feel any pain or fatigue so I just kept crawling and crawling until I was final able to get out of dark pit.

"Is this Hell?". I thought to myself while looking at the scene in front of me.