
Chapter 6

"I just got word of our loses Calliope. I must say that amazons live up to their name and the same don't. Out of a suspected total of only 600 fully trained and blooded amazons on this island, 180 are dead, with 192 captured. Now that math doesn't add up, and here I thought amazons don't run. SHAMEFUL to the name, so ill ask you 'Queen', WHERE IS THE REST OF YOUR WARRIORS AND WHERE IS THE BELT?"

The queen sits bound overlooking the battle field. Stone faced, obviously she wont answer him.

"I've lost alot of men today, out of the 10000 we brought today I lost 5500 men. I LOST 5500 MEN TO ONLY KILL 180 GIRLS, THE ONLY REASON ITS THAT HIGH IS BECAUSE I WAS TRIFLING AROUND WITH YOU, WHEN I COULD HAVE BEEN ON THE BATTLEFIELD DESTROYING YOUR LITTLE ARMY OF GIRLS! *sigh* Any chance if saving the captured 192 girls are Pffft, poof. Fairy dust. It's gone…..now lets see if you can save the mysteriously missing 228 girls huh? I can wipe your entire race and erase you from history. Im no longer in a playful mood. Do you understand me?"

"Heracles do you know of our origins?"

"Yes, yes, yes made by my father to lead-"

"No, we are made from Prometheus but it was lord Ares cared for us. I was but a child when we were made, but when he left he told us something."

"And that-"

Calliope interrupts him again, "A true soldier fights not because they hate whats in front of them, but what they love behind them."

"Hmm, wise words however irrelevant, I-"

"No you dog, not irrelevant but a code to live by. I mean look at you. There is nowhere you can hide Heracles. Put as much distance between you and the truth as you can, it changes nothing. Pretend to be everything you are not….teacher….Husband…FATHER. There is one unavoidable truth you will never escape, you will always be…A MONSTER."

Calliope spews words of venom at Heracles. They hit straight to the heart. She knows he killed his entire family out of outrage. 'Thats why he's on his final labor now, to somehow atone for his crimes. And I know Hera may have sent those snakes but to use mind controlling magic so he could slaughter his family? Implausible, Hera is the goddess of marriage, and childbirth, she would never.'(yes, yes I know how bad Hera can get just roll with this one.)

"Y-Y-YOU F-" Heracles oozes rage so much he cant even form sentences correctly.

"Whats the matter dog cant bark anymore."

Heracles POV———————-

'No I need ti breath in and out, just like Chiron, Linus and Amphitryon taught me. She nows I cant control my anger, lets give her a little payback.'

"Narcusus, begin the hunt for the rest of the amazons."

'A look of confusion crosses the young lads face. He's not a commander, he's only a foot soldier so I get why he's confused that I told him to begin the hunt. The only reason he crossed my mind, is because I know he likes 'playing' with little girls.'

"In this little runaway group there'll be a little girl maybe even a young teen." I see a look of glee seep into his eyes. I dont even have to finish the sentence, he knows what I want him to do. As I look to Calliope-

'Pure terror, hehehe yes thats right, I KNOW.'

"Whats was her name again 'Queen'? Cassandra? Penelope? Wait no thats not it…."

I trail off on purpose, I know she knows I know.

"…Hippolyta maybe?"

Calliope POV———————-

'HOW DOES HE KNOW MY DAUGHTER? THIS WHOLE TIME I HAVEN'T BEEN QUESTIONING….HOW DOES HE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT US. WE ARE HIDDEN FROM THE MANS WORLD. Someone must be helping him out, No amazon would betray us so It must be…OLYMPUS. It doesn't make since the gods are forbidden from interfering in the lives of mortals. If a god is helping him then maybe our god can interfere…?'