
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
136 Chs


Chapter 5 - Departure

~~~~~~ (Luna's POV:) ~~~~~~

Since the Maid's room was separated from the Mansion, Big Sister Marie has her daughter, Hime-chan live in her room without the Crimsonheart family knowing. A child living on her mother's room for all her life was kind of depressing if you think about it. Well, I guess it's the same as us maids of the Crimsonheart family...

Getting physically and verbally abused by them whenever they want possible. In the worst case, they even kill some of us maids if they don't like us or only doing it for fun.

I have seen it, the true nature of the Crimsonheart family.

Master Greg Crimsonheart, the head of the family. A nobleman with great charisma. From the other's perspective, he is a Gentleman who is loyal to her wife Emily.

But the truth is, he is just a scumbag.

Master Greg sometimes assaults the maids when Master Emily is away, and then threaten them that he will kill them if they tell Master Emily of what he is doing.

Even if he does threaten us, Master Greg sometimes kills them to use on his experiments. I don't know what that it is but it's despicable.

Master Emily on the other hand is also the same as Master Greg.

As for Master Emily, she kills the maids if she thinks that the other maid is more attractive than her.

Truly she is out of her mind... No, the whole family is out of their goddamn mind.


Their sons were not so different, Master Andrew, and even Master Sai is no different from them...

Especially "Master Drake"...

(When I come back, you're next)



"Hm? Did you say something Luna?"

"Eh? ah- N-no, nothing! please don't worry about it, Master"

Ah... I just let my emotions out...

It's Currently 11:00PM, 1 hour before Midnight.

The matter regarding the bombing of the Mansion from the unknown culprit is almost done. So, we're currently preparing to depart from the Mansion to escort Big Sister Marie and Hime-chan to escape safely.

Master currently orders me to go to Hime-chan and have her ready for the departure. Master then tells me the plan of what I'll do after were done with preparation with Hime-chan.

"Did you get all of It Luna?"

"Yes Master!"

Apparently, I'll sneak Hime-chan through the Mansion and meet with Master and Big Sister Marie on the planned location.

"I see. Well then, be careful Luna"

I gave Master a nod and then quietly left the room.

* * *

I walked downstairs and went outside towards the place where the Maid's room was. The Maid's room is a large, long wooden cabin. It was outside the house just a few walks away from the entrance of the Mansion. It was large for the purpose of building many rooms in the cabin.

Since it's almost Midnight, It's soothingly quiet in the Mansion. While walking, you can only hear the sound of cricket that is making an earie noise throughout the silence aside from my footsteps as I step from the grass.


This morning, Master became a different person this morning...

The violent and prideful Master who harassed me became suddenly kind and Incredible person.

Until before, he always shouts and hurt me when he was angry. He was very aggressive and always brag anything about him even though he always fails about anything.

"But now he comforts me, give me food, and he's even concerned about me..."

That's not how Master acts before... He even saves Big Sister Marie.

The way he plans a way to save big sister Marie, and the way he does it perfectly to save big sister Marie.....

"Master looks so Awesome back there..."

I muttered in admiration while I head to the cabin. Though, while I was on my way—


Out of nowhere, someone called me. A voice that made me shivers down my spine.

"Luna, was it? What are doing outside this late at night?"

My eyes widened as I stop at my footstep in cold sweat when I heard the familiar voice who called behind me.

A Red-headed woman in her 30s, wearing a red negligee and is standing near the burned grass that is cause by the sea of flames earlier.

Aren't you cold with that outfit?

"U-uhm... Master Sai had only just slept, so I came back late through the cabin to take my rest..." I anxiously said.

"...Is that so?"

Master Emily looks at me as if to examine me.

"Hmph! what unpleasant girl you are".

"I'm very sorry Master Emily..."

"Now get out of here, you're a bother"

"Yes, ma'am"

I bowed at the unamused Master Emily and quickly went inside the cabin.

I wonder what she's doing outside this late at night...?

* * *

Finally reaching the cabin, I went to Big Sister Marie's room and lightly knock at the door.

"Hey, Hime-chan. It's me, Luna..." I whispered.

"Hai! please wait a moment" a small voice can be heard beyond the door.

After a moment, the door opened and Hime-chan, a Blonde-haired girl with a beautiful sky-blue eye wearing a white robe appeared at the opposite side of the door.

"Hime-chan, good evening..."

"Yes, big sister Luna! Good evening"

I patted the head of the cheerful Hime-chan.

"Hime-chan, this is sudden but get yourself ready."

"Why? Where are we going Big Sister Luna?" Hime said and tilts her head in puzzlement.

"You and Big sister Marie are going to leave this house from now on. We'll depart this midnight so please get ready".

"Is it also why mom was still not returning even though it's late at night?"

"Yes, big sister Marie is also getting ready in the Mansion".


Hime-chan displayed a face of bewilderment. Perhaps overwhelmed of sudden occurrence.

I helped Hime-chan get ready while also telling her about everything that happened (Excluding the incident of Big Sister Marie) and our Master, Sai Crimsonheart. Good thing she was a clever girl, so it didn't take long for her to finally understands the circumstances.

* * *

~~~~~~~ (Sai Crimsonheart POV) ~~~~~~~

(A minute before Midnight)

"Marie-san, its time. Please come here"

"Yes, Master Sai"

It's time for us to leave. Just as we planned, Me and Marie-San were supposed to meet with Luna and Marie-San's daughter Midnight at the back of the Mansion through the forest.

I expected them to guard the house because of the incident this afternoon, but my family really are careless beings.

Well, it'll make things easier for me, so I won't complain.

We went outside my room and stand at the balcony.

"Marie-San, hold on tight" I said and grabbed her through the waist.


Marie-San screamed in surprise when I suddenly hugged her waist to keep her from being left behind.

I use the last 『Harmony Crystal』 in my hand and pointed it at the back of the large tree through the forest entrance. The Mansion was surrounded by a large boundary wall, so we won't be seen through the forest.


Me and Marie-San who were just in the balcony of my room seconds ago were suddenly in the forest. Neat.

"Now we'll just need to wait for Luna and your daughter and then depart from this forest" I said and rest my back at the tree.

"Eh?!" Marie-san widened her eyes to my words.

Though if we went through the forest, we're guaranteed to get lost. It's risky and inefficient. My plan was to roundabout from the forest through the main road and escort them towards next town.

"By the way, how are you Marie-San?" I asked.

"Eh? U-um yes Master Sai! I feel a little dizzy but I'm okay, Is that your power? "

"Ah No, it's an item called 『Harmony Crystal』. It lets me teleport to any direction I want."

"I see, no wonder It made me feel dizzy. Teleporting sure is weird huh?".

"Right? But it's also cool and also kind of exciting, Haha".


We both just laugh it awkwardly; I don't like the mood so let's change the topic.

"A-anyways, aren't Luna taking too long?"

"Well... That's certainly concerning..."

Coincidentally, just when I was talking about Luna being late, I saw someone running towards us at the cabin near the boundary walls of the Mansion. Perhaps there is a hidden passageway there since there's no door or a gate for them to get into.

It was Luna who is still wearing her plain white robe waving at us while also holding the other hand of a blonde girl who's wearing the same robe as Luna but with a leather corset.

"M-master. huff... huff... Sorry for the wait...!"

"Hey...! Don't be too loud...!" I said and flicked Luna's forehead and scold her from being too loud.

"Ack! I'm sorry..." Luna scratched her head where I flicked it.


The blonde-haired girl run towards Marie-san and jumped on her cheerfully. In response to her daughter's affection, Marie-san hugged her daughter back.

"Yes, yes, Mama is here"

Seeing those two made me think that I'm glad I save Marie-san, though.

"I don't want to ruin the mood, but we need to depart now"

"Ah... Yes Master Sai. I'm very sorry, come on Hime, let's go"

"Eh? Um... Master, are we going through the forest?" Luna asked in bewilderment.

"Yes, Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Eh? Um... Actually, the thing is..."

Both of them displayed a mixed expression. With the exception of her daughter, Hime was it? who tilted her head and is looking at them in puzzlement.

But I can probably guess why they're displaying such expression.

"It's the 『Zombies』, right?" I confidently said.


The 3 of them made a puzzled expression. Aw, am I wrong perhaps?

"Eh? Am I wrong? you know, those walking dead person"

"Ah yes Master. It's them, The 『Undead』"

Luna answered my question as if I explained the right answer.

Oh! so I was right then. I guess the term 『Zombie』 still doesn't exist in this era. Aight, 『Undead』 it is.


Thinking of something, I get the 『Magic Pouch』 hanging in my pants and took out the 『Katana』 together with the 『Scimitar』.


"Luna, use this" I said and hand Luna the 『Scimitar』.

If it's the same in the game, Luna was best equipped with a 『Melee Loadout』 as she has good Strength, Agility, and Endurance.

"Use it. I'll teach you how to fight as we'll be doing this from now on" I told.

"Ehhh?!" Luna screamed in surprise to my words. I immediately shut her mouth with the palm of my hands and explained to her what I mean.

"Shut it, it's also for your own good. So don't worry, I will protect all of you. Ah!"

I rummage through my 『Magic Pouch』 and took the 『Flamelash』. A red wand with a claw like flame appearance, it has a considerable high damage as it produces an explosive projectile. 『Flamelash』 can only be obtained on the 『Demon Chest』 in the 『Hell』 so perhaps they already explored the 『Hell』. If so, there are some already strong people in this world...

I give the 『Flamelash』 to Marie-san.

"M-me too?!" Marie-san also widened her eyes in surprise.

"Yes. From now on, you will be alone with your daughter. So having a form of self-defence would be essential for both of your safety"

"I-I see, thank you very much Master Sai"

Marie-san bowed to me while Hime made an astonished face looking at the 『Flamelash』 I gave to Marie-san.

"Anyways let's start our way. Marie-san, that wand specialized in control magic so first, start to manipulate the projectile and use it as our light through the forest."


Marie-san then create a ball of fire projectile then levitate it for us to use as a light.

"Good, you just keep it like that. Luna, while walking, we 3 including Hime-chan is going to start gathering a flower called 『Mana Flower』 which has a blue orb shaped appearance. I chose to depart this midnight because that Flower only blooms at night. It will disappear when the sun rises, meaning we can only collect 『Mana fragments』 until 6:00. We'll collect as much as possible everyone understands?" I declared.

"""Yes""" Everyone agreed in sync.

"Also, we— Oh, speak of the devil"

While we were walking, a three 『Undead』 starts to appear approaching us. Immediately took the 『Katana』 and vigilantly took my stance.

"Everyone, get ready!"

And so, we started our first battle.

I apologize if some of the sentence are too repetetive. I'm still learning the way of novel so my knowledge in narrative language is still inferior and in progress. If you ever find something you want to say, please leave a comment.

Shinmon_Homuracreators' thoughts