
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Earnest Discussion

Chapter 93 - Earnest Discussion


"The boss has been defeated, Aruji-sama."

"Huff...! Huff...! T-This is... Un... Please don't do it anymore..."

Finally defeating the Boss, Lemuen had her catching her breath in panic thanks to my mildly absurd weapon test. As far as I can see, she doesn't seem to be much in trouble and instead was actually doing good.

"It really wasn't that bad..." I replied. "Anyways, how do you fare with your weapon?"

"Eh? Um, it was amazing. It was my first time seeing a Boss-type Monster and slaying it. I thought that it would be hard but, I guess it's because of this Magic Staff that it turned out pretty easy."

"So, you admitted it was easy..."

"But more than that," Lemuen added. "The experience of casting more than I've been doing felt so surreal... It was honestly amazing."

"Good for you." I beamed. "Alright, we should head back now. We still have a lot of preparation we need to do."

"Yes!" Both girls concurred in tandem.

* * *

When we head back, the girls along with Aedan were already waiting for our return. It was also just the time the Class had finally ended so luckily, they didn't really wait for that long.

"Welcome back, Sai." Aedan greeted. "You even go beyond the portal with only a handful of members... I know you were strong, but you really are amazing..."

"Enough with the flattery Aedan. You're making me blush~" I quipped, then noticed something. "Now that I've remembered, where is Sora?"

To my response, the girls along with Aedan dejectedly looked into each other. Briefly, Luna came and told me, shaking her head.

"Unfortunately, Sora was absent today..." Luna informed. "You might have not known this, but Sora still hasn't showed himself ever since his loss in the Tournament..."

"That's really concerning..." I replied, stroking my chin as I pondered. "—Ah, that's..."

If I remember correctly, Sora only had his grandfather in the story... Currently, Sora was absent for unknown reason... The Tournament, Loss, The Cult...?! No, I don't have enough information.

"During the Tournament, did you guys feel something off about Sora?" I asked.

"Ah, if were talking about off..." Astra raised her palm. "During the Tournament, Sora has been quiet and didn't talk much during the tournament. I had thought that he was just being nervous..."

"You thought of something, Sai?" Lily asked.

"Yeah. I had thought that he was also a victim of The Cults." I replied, then starts pondering for a bit. "Just in case, I'm sending a Potion to someone to give it to him."

"That's amazing." Lemuen commented. "You just casually giving someone like that as if you can just get anything like that anytime you want."

"That's my secret, Lemuen." I grinned. "Because I can."

* * *

I had everyone return to the Villa since I'll be making an announcement regarding the preparations regarding the trip into the Artic. As for me, I went for a quick trip into the faculty for certain reason. After I arrived on the place, I gently knock then entered the facility.

A pink long-haired female instructor who was on her desk immediately shifted her attention to me the moment I head inside.

"Good day, Miss Sherry." I greeted.

"Hm, Sai?" Miss Sherry sets her things aside, rosing into her seat. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, here." I hand her a green flask containing the Antidote. "It seems like something happened to Sora and we're a bit concerned about it. I would like to request you Miss Sherry to give it to Sora if he ever went to the Academy."

"I see, that won't be a problem." Miss Sherry concurred.

"Thank you, Miss Sherry." I replied with a bow. "Then if you'll excuse me."

Now we won't have any problem regarding Sora. It will hinder us if we think of something else instead of focusing on the mission so it's better to settle it before leaving. I hope Sora manages to get it, though.


[Lemuen POV]

Before leaving, Sai told us to go ahead before him as he had some matters left to do. Thinking about it, it was probably about the Antidote he plans to give from the guy named Sora. Sai was quite nonchalant about it but for everyone, he was doing something that normally doesn't do by just anyone—and that is giving such an extraordinary item that can't be acquired easily.

[Life is a series of an echelon. You either live as the privileged or survive the life of irregularities]

Such unfortunate fate of life, I lived as the latter. Hence, a cynical perspective. But currently, such outlook had been diminishing in great speed ever since Sai came into my life.

Although what he did earlier... The test I mean. I hope he won't do that again. I was very scared that I thought that all that trust that I've given him will be sold as a betrayal, Jeez...

"H-Hey. Lemuen, was it? Is something bothering you?"

While musing inside my thoughts, someone called which shifted my attention into. A fox, and quite the timid one, came and spoke to me in concern. Really, was I really looking worried? In any case, it was unusual for me but this girl, Seia, was it? Her tail is so silky smooth it's even smoother than any girl's hair I know of! Moreover, it's so thick that I wanted to touch it! But...

"I-It's nothing, really..." I shyly replied.

"I-I see." Seia shyly replied. "Since you're now Sai's friend, you've also become one of us—a friend that is. That's why, you don't need to be reserved if you wanted to say something."

"Yes. I'll keep that in mind, Haha..." I replied, forcing a smile. I-I got to make a conversation...! "Now that I've seen it, most of us are girls here, aren't we?"

"W-Well, yeah..." Seia timidly replied, frowning. "I don't know why, but for some reason, she often finds himself helping some damsels in distress and here we are..."

"Eh? Are you saying that all of you here was saved by Sai?"

"Yeah..." Seia hesitantly answered, then frowned. "Now that I think about it, it feels like were in some sort of novel, aren't we?"

I can't help but strained a smile to her remark. Actually, I thought the same. Thought, In Sai's case, I wonder how he feels about it? Being surrounded by girls I mean.

"Ah, looks like we're here." Seia informed.

By the time of our conversation, we had arrived at Lily's residence—the Villa. We already came here with Sai but the stunning sight of it was still remarkable, nonetheless.

Stepping inside the Villa, the girls directed us towards the large living room. The interior was grand and will make you remember that the owner was really a person of higher standings. Arriving, each of us went and sat on the large sofa. Hn really, just sitting here made me feel sleepy...

"W-Wow, it's beautiful..."

Beside me was a plump blonde guy named Aedan whose looking astonished. I see, I thought I was the newcomer here, but it seems not to be the case. Although...

"L-Looks like we're both new here, huh?" I spoke. "Aedan, right? E-Excuse my rudeness but you're a noble, aren't you? I had thought you're used to seeing this kind of thing, but it doesn't seem to be quite the case."

Oh no! d-did I said it rudely?! I hope she won't get mad at me...

"E-Eh? Ah, um." Aedan began fidgeting, trying to come up with an answer. "I-I might come from a noble family but it actually wasn't really as grand as this..."

"Oh, sorry for asking you. I never lived the sumptuous life, so I thought all the nobles had each of their own luxuries."

"I agree, Haha. Although unfortunately, life didn't really consider me to be one of them."

"I-Is that so...?"

"I'm back! Oh? Good, you're all already here. Now, shall we immediately start then?"

After our conversation came Sai who had just came back from his matter. He then stood in front of us while at the same time, came Luna carrying a set of cups with tea and each gave one of us before the discussion.

I don't know why, but is it just me or everything was going too fast? And it feels too stern! What are we even going to do...?

"Ah, I still haven't informed Aedan and Lemuen about it, aren't I? My bad." Sai apologized. "Actually, I'm planning on going to the 『Artic』 and I invited you here to ask you of coming along with me. Of course, I'm not forcing you to join me, you can reject it if you want. I—"

"Ah, you don't need to worry about that, Sai." Abruptly, Lily responded to Sai's concern. "After of what happened from the tournament, from our lose, the realization, all those things, we decided, that we'll follow you whenever you go."


"I wanted to be strong in order to avenge my father. You know it, right?" Lily explained. "But more than that, the joys we made from our journey, the excitement from the unknown, that was also my reason. Going with you guys was the best experienced I felt from my lifetime."

With a smile, the girls Sai had come into journeys with all nodded their heads in agreement. Aedan, Astra, and I were still in a bit of bewilderment, but I know, I know that deep inside me, there are an unknown curiosity that I wanted to experience. It was still of a tiny ignition but nonetheless, caused me to be interested a bit into this journey they speak of.

"Lily is right, Master." Luna added after Lily. "You don't need to worry about me because I will follow you no matter where you go. I know you're very considerate about our feelings but fret not, just like what Lily have said, the journeys we went together was also the best moment of my life."


"Not only that but after my loss at the Tournament, it made me realize how weak I am. That's why, I also wanted to be stronger!"

"You also don't need to worry about me, Sai." After Luna came Seia, whose bashful demeanor had vanished like a bubble. "We had the same ambition so of course I'm going to follow you in order to achieve my dream."

"Me too, Aruji-sama." Lastly came the winged girl with a deadpan expression. "Your dream is also my dream, so you don't need to worry about me."

The three of us who was the exception was visibly dumbfounded by their response. Sure, they had a very powerful relationship. But more than that—

"They're so loyal, aren't they? Almost as if, they're devoted into him." said Astra, showing a strained smile in disbelief. "Sai, I know your relationship with these girls were strong, but I didn't think it was to this extent."


"Curious, all those positive response from the girls made me very interested." Astra raised her hands in capitulation. "That's why, please let me join you guys."

"Haha, welcome to the party." said Sai, wearing a grin.

The girls also had a broad smile in their face, both in delight and relief.

I'm the only one left, aren't I? What about me you say? I don't know, but hearing all those remarks had my heart now burning with curiosity. "I want to go; I want to see." that's what my heart is telling me.

I'm a bit scared but deep down, I already know my answer.

"Me too!" I raised my hand as enthusiastically as I could. "I wanted to be strong so that I can help my sister. But more than that, those moments that you all experienced, I want to see it."

"Alright!" Sai clapped his hands as loud as he could, surprising us in response. "Looks like its settled then. How about you Aedan? Do you want to join us?"

"Ahaha... I really wanted too but sadly; I still have many responsibilities I need to do in here..."

He's trying his best to hide it, but it was obvious, Aedan really wanted to come...but he can't. Even everyone is looking at him in pity. But them, Sai spoke a question.

"Aedan, I have something I wanted you to do but answer this first." Sai paused briefly, then continued. "Do you think you can accomplish any hardships?"

"Eh?" Aedan paused a little but briefly, spoke his conviction. "I can!"

"Good! Then I'll give something to you later." Sai cheerfully replied. "Then, for now, let's talk about our plan. From what I see after the Tournament, I had come and trust your abilities to do what I'm about to assign to you guys. That's why this time, were doing a Separate Operation."

"Separate Operation?" Luna confusedly asked.

"That's right." Sai nodded. "To make things hasty, we will be doing our assigned mission separately. With that being said, Luna, Lily, Seia, and Astra, I want you girls to go back to the Jungle and Collect, [Life Extract], [Life Essence], and [Everfruit] for Astra and Lemuen.

"Eh?! Won't that take weeks before we accomplish it?" Seia answered in surprise.

"Ah, don't worry. I have something I can do about that." Sai nonchalantly replied. "As for me, I will go with Lemuen and Akari to kill a certain boss which will make our journey in a bit of ease."

"Oh? I'm curious now." Astra replied. "You might want to tell us what Monster it is you want to fight yourself?"

Well, I'm also a bit curious but I'll see it sooner when we go there since I'm going with Sai.

"You're right, I'm planning to beat this guy alone." Sai nodded. "I don't know if you've heard of its name but I'm going to fight this monster called the "Mighty Serpent."



Everyone had their eyes fully wide open to Sai's nonchalant unbelievable declaration. Isn't that...!

"You're kidding?!" Aedan shouted in disbelief. "Sai, you must be joking!"

"Seeing your response, looks like that monster's quite the tough snake, isn't it? But unfortunately for you, I'm pretty serious about this."

"Sai," Astra interjected. "I don't know what you're smoking but I think you're asking too much."

"And why is that?" Said nonchalantly asked.

"That Monster you've mentioned of!" Astra explained. "Is one of the demi-gods in this world!"