
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantasy
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136 Chs

Breakfast and Information

Chapter 2 - Breakfast and Information


Leaving the room, Me and Luna went downstairs towards the dining room to eat our breakfast. Upon reaching the place, I was faced by the 3 people eating on an unbelievably long table that you often see on medieval themed movies.

On the middle was a Black-haired Man in his 30s. Beside him is a beautiful red-haired woman who probably was the same age as him. And lastly, a red-haired guy, probably the same age as me was eating beside the woman. Though, unlike the rest, who was eating in quite formally, this guy was eating like the same as us—the local way. Looking at his attitude, he's probably in his rebellious phase, kidding.

Yep, you've guessed that right. They're probably my family.

Letting out a small sigh, I went towards one of the chairs and sat quite a bit far from them. Luna on the other hand, went and lined-up from the other Maids.

"Good morning, father, mother..., brother." I timidly greeted.


"Good morning, dear."


Deadpan response, huh... Maybe because I'm not really accustomed with formality, moreover the silence... how do I say this, it feels so stiff and very uncomfortable.

Furthermore, what's with their eyes? They look so dead you thought you were looking at the abyss itself. I'm really getting bad vibes from them. I guess the Crimsonheart really fits their family name perfectly...

By the way, unlike the family, Sai Crimsonheart has a crimson hair toppled with a beautiful red iris. I guess it's the only upside part of being transmigrated as the clown of the game.

While deep in ponder, Luna went and prepared me my breakfast. She probably saw my unusual behavior that's why she took action instead. Thank you, Luna! It was because of this that the fans loved you.

Hm, Meat Stew and Bread, huh. Maybe it was still early but I was actually expecting a grandeur type of food to be served this morning.

I mildly nodded at Luna who came back to her line afterwards. Starting to eat my food, I notice how colorless this place is. Not to mention the awkwardness still lingering in this room. Nevertheless, it disappeared when my supposed father began a conversation.

"I forgot to mention, actually this morning, Drake just sent me a letter saying that he will take a visit this next week." My father announced.

"Oh dear! I wonder how he is now. Fufu~"

"Heh! Finally, huh."

The family bustled in delight in response to my father's announcement, with the exception of me who was eating my food, minding my own business and secretly listening to their conversation.

My father, who noticed my laid-back reaction started asking me in puzzlement.

"Oya Sai, we're you not happy of your older brother's visit?" My father confusedly asked.

"Eh? O-Of course I do! Its big brother Drake we were talking about!"

Heh? So that Drake was my older brother, huh? Regardless, I didn't know Sai had two brothers. It was never mentioned in the story of the game, so I thought Sai was an only child.

Musing, I noticed the Maids were wearing a frightened look in their face. Hm, I wonder why?

Curious, I looked at my rear but saw the person who probably was the most frightened of them all.

It was Luna.

Paled and is covered in cold sweat, she had the face that looked like she saw the death itself.


* * *

After the breakfast, I patiently waited until the 3 were gone. Thereafter, I took a bowl of Stew, Bread, and a glass of Water. I then left the place and gestured Luna to follow me back towards my room in which she timidly followed.

I made Luna carry the food while we went back into my room to avoid being suspicious. I might be a bit paranoid, but they might do something to Luna if they ever saw me carrying the stuff instead of her. Don't get me wrong, that's how I always see it on the other novels I read.

Regardless, if you think about it, Sai Crimsonheart will never have that scum attitude if there was no one who influenced him to become it. Everything comes from the origin, so I assumed it was his own family that influence him to those things.

Anyways, back to my room, after Luna placed the food on a small table, I tapped the chair as to have her sit on it. Bewildered, Luna, albeit visibly depressed, did what she's told and sat on the chair.

"Eat." I told.


Luna who was looking depressed just earlier blinked her eyes rapidly in complete bewilderment.

"You still haven't eaten yet, right?" I asked. "You should eat first then we'll talk something later."

Luna paused, overwhelmed but briefly nodded in response, and began eating the food I gave her.

I sat on the bed while I waited and watch her eats her food. I had her fill her stomach for her to calm down even just a little. She's been looking worst ever since earlier. Did she lived her life feeling like this?

Not long after, Luna finally finished her food and is looking somewhat satisfied. I'm glad it calmed her down. I think it's because of the game but I've been feeling a sense of closure from her. That's why, seeing her depress state felt so concerning.

"Uhm..." Squirming, Luna bowed into me. "T-Thank you very much for the food...!"

"Don't mind it. I'm just glad to see you have calmed down." I gently replied. "Is it delicious?"

"Y-Yes!" Luna nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright! Then, as for my question earlier." Excitedly, I grabbed Luna to her shoulders. "C-Can you do some Magic?!"


I know it was a weird question but if you're in the same situation as me, you also want it, right?! I mean, I was literally transmigrated into a world of fantasy, of course I would be excited.

"I-I can but I will need a Magic Wand do to it..." Luna replied, visibly confused.

Let's go! So, it really is possible!!

"R-Really? And what type of Magic Wand specifically?" I asked.

"Uhm, I-I think I can probably do it with a Magic Wand called 『Willow's Branch』."

I knew it!! I really am on the STELLA game!

The Magic in this world can only be cast using a certain type of Magic Weapon. It will vary what type of Magic it is depending on what type of Weapon you have. That is the setting of the STELLA game.

That's right. The Magic came from the Weapon not the User. Their only contribution to the Magic is to provide the Weapon with Mana.

By the way, in the game, the stats of every player all start with 『100 HP』 and 『20 Mana』. If so, the people in this world are probably the same.

You'll probably thinking if it's possible to increase the Mana. Then yes, it is possible. But compared to some settings where the capacity of mana varies after they're born, in this world, you will need to collect and extract a certain item to permanently increase it.

The excitement that spreads throughout my body made me smile uncontrollably. In response, Luna who saw my weird smile tilts her head in confusion. Hm, nice reaction!

"Uhm, Master, may I ask what you are excited about?" Luna asked.

"Ah! N-Nothing. Forget about it."


"Ah! Actually, there's other thing I want to ask of you." I added. "Earlier, I noticed your concerning reaction when you heard Drake's name. Did he do something to you?"

Instantly, fear ran through Luna as soon as she heard my question.

"I-I... Uh..." Stuttering, Luna began to tremble.

I was left but to look at her in concern. It was this bad, huh... It's probably worse than I can think of, so I won't force her to answer this. But man, this reaction of her, it's clinically alarming.

I quickly rose out of the bed and pulled Luna into the bed sitting. I then held both of her cold hands to reassure and calm her down.

"I'm sorry for asking you such heavy question. That was really insensitive of me." I replied. "That was traumatizing, right? You can answer it later when you're ready."

"Mhm..." Luna meekly nodded, looking downcast.

"Good. Now, after you clean the dishes, can you guide me outside the Mansion?" I asked. "We'll do something very important."

"Yes..." Once again, Luna nodded and started picking-up the plate silently and left the room.

"...Well then."

Man, even with only a handful of information, I can see that Drake is more than meets the eye. If so, I really need to be careful. In order to do that, I need some equipment and start making myself stronger.

"Is there a 『Pickaxe』 and an 『Axe』 here, I wonder?"

STELLA was not fully concentrated in Story Mode. In fact, it focuses more on the progression of the player. And since this game was originally a survival game, an item is a must in order to start the progress of the game—a Tool.

That's why in order to get stronger, those two is the most important things will be needing. But first, I need to get out of this household.

I had an intuition; this household is as bad as I can think of. I have the knowledge of the game so I will use it at its peak. My first mission would be—

"To go get stronger and get out of this house."