
Reborn as the Underdog in a Game

"W-where am I...?" Suddenly, our protagonist without any ounce of warning, was suddenly transmigrated into another world. In a certain room, trying to ponder what to do next, suddenly, a Maid comes into her room which will made him realize the familiarity of this world. 【He was inside the world of his favorite game】—a world where besides the person's skill, is the "Weapon" and "Equipment" that indicates a person's strength. Normally, it was supposed to be a dream fantasy for him. But... "Eh? I'm the clown of the game...?" He was transmigrated as the mini antagonist of the game—an Underdog. A person who is just a steppingstone for the MC and a person whose suffering is for the sole entertainment. Now our MC of course wouldn't want that. If he wants to change his fate... "I just have to become the strongest." Join him on his adventure as he collects some remarkable items and traverses the game story who was now in complete ruins despite his complete and incomparable knowledge of his favorite game—while also being surrounded by some notable heroines who he fatedly meets on his adventure!

Shinmon_Homura · Fantasy
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136 Chs

A Night of Reckoning and Redemption

Chapter 134 - A Night of Reckoning and Redemption


The blinding light of the portal enveloped us briefly, leaving our vision in a temporary haze before gradually revealing our familiar surroundings.

Not clearly, though. It was already nighttime after all.

"Ah, how I've missed this. Despite the comfort and the beauty of the Penthouse, this place really hit the mark." Luna expressed her delight, voicing her appreciation for the familiarity of the place. 

"Right, I guess this place really became our home, huh." Seia added. "It might be a little late now, but I can't thank you enough for letting us live in your Villa, Lily."

"There's really no need to thank me, though." Lily replied, waving off the gratitude. "It's because of you guys that every day was always fun."

"But still, there's probably a time when we're inconveniencing everyone, right?" Astra, displaying a touch of concern, chimed in.

"Not at all," Lily, with a reassuring smile, countered. "Enough about that, shall we head in then?"

Interrupting the moment, I interjected, "Ah, you girls go on ahead. I'll be heading to the Academy first and send my report to Bellatrix. She's probably dead worried about her sister as well, so..."

It'll be an important conversation as well considering we're talking about the Cultist here.

"Eh? You're leaving?" she asked.

"Yeah, it'll be brief, so—"

"Wait, if you're going, then we'll come too," Lily demanded, supported by unanimous nods from the other girls.

I considered protesting but eventually acquiesced, leaving only a sigh. "Got it. The faster the better, so we'll leave immediately."

And so, together, we exited the Villa. Jeez, they didn't need to join me since it'll be in instance, though. 

* * *

Under the veil of the night, we briskly made our way toward the Academy. Upon arrival, we headed straight to the Student Council room, which for some reason had its light still open. Very diligent, I see. Everyone's already on their homes, you know?

With a gentle knock, I announced our presence. As much as I want to surprise her, asking to enter without announcing would make us suspicious. "Hello? We're here."

Lemuen couldn't help but voice her playful suggestion, "Aw, it would be better if you didn't talk so we can surprise my sister..."

Haha, so we had the same intention, huh. 

Behind the door, a small voice reacted to our presence. "This voice... don't tell me...!"

Acknowledged, we entered the room, so Lemuen followed, "We've returned, sister."

Bellatrix, rising from her seat, released a sigh of relief at the sight of her sister. "Thank goodness you're alright..."

"I've come here to send Lemuen and to state my report," I informed Bellatrix.

"Report, huh? It seems pretty serious considering every one of you is present," she replied, her eyes reflecting concern.

"Nah, they just joined me for no reason," I responded with a casual glance at the others, taking my seat in the center. The girls, in turn, found places nearby. "Moreover, rather than a report, it's more like me telling a story. I'll try my best to make it brief."

Bellatrix, ready to listen, positioned herself across from me. "Alright, I'm listening."

And so, I began narrating the events that transpired in the Arctic. Just like I've told her, I made it as concise but detailed as possible—from Wintervale City to our encounter with Seymore, Mikael, and Lara, the Igloo, the intense battle against the Glacial Mygalomorph, as well as the clash with Khione, one of the Four Elementals.

As the narrative unfolded, I observed Bellatrix, who sported an expression of disbelief—a response that's within my expectations. Fortunately, the presence of the girls helped Bellatrix convince her of the unbelievable truth. I guess letting the girls join me was a good idea.

Last and the most important part, I also told Bellatrix about the Cultists. When the subject came, the atmosphere immediately shifted. Everyone's face became tensed, especially Bellatrix, Lemuen, and Lily, who were once the victims of their deeds.

"That's how it is," I concluded, wrapping up the intricate narrative. "Just to remind you, Bellatrix, being in your position, it's no surprise that you're also on their target list. Be careful."

I rose from my seat, signaling the end of my report. The girls followed suit and made their way out.

"I wonder," Bellatrix murmured, catching my attention as I turned to leave. "Was letting Lemuen join you a good idea? If you think about it, won't she be also included in that Cultist's target list as well?"

"Sister, that's—!"

"Even if you did stop her from joining the Arctic, the moment you made your name known to the Cultist, Lemuen was bound to be targeted as well," I reasoned, halting Lemuen's words. "Also, I wouldn't underestimate your current sister if I were you."

"What are you..."

⟨⟨Greater Bloodlust⟩⟩

"—?!" Lemuen's sudden eruption of mana enveloped the room, unleashing an intense pressure that tightened around us all. Even Bellatrix felt its weight.

"Guh! This is..." Bellatrix groaned, her body gradually lowering to the ground. "Such intense pressure!"

"...This is how Sai does it, right?" Lemuen remarked, asserting her dominance. "Big sister, I'll be joining Sai's party once it's established. I hope you accept my request."

"That's enough, Lemuen. You're hurting your sister," I intervened, prompting her to cease the skill. "Let's call it a day, Bellatrix. As much as I want to discuss the Cultists, I'm too tired to talk about it... We'll be going then. Lemuen, see you."

"Yes," Lemuen bowed to me. "See you, Sai."

As we departed, I couldn't help but worry about Lemuen's seemingly nonchalant demeanor—would she truly be okay?

* * *

Bidding farewell to the sisters, our group made its way back to the Villa. During our nocturnal stroll through the bustling town, my eyes roamed over the familiar sights. I have gotten used to this place that staying long from the Wintervile made me a bit homesick.

"Maybe a night walk might not be so bad," I mused, captivated by the nocturnal charm of the city.

"Um, just to remind you, Sai. Is it really okay to leave the president and Lemuen like that?" Seia asked, her eyes also exploring the nocturnal charm of the surroundings. It seemed she, too, enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere. "The president might disagree to Lemuen joining the party, you know?"

"Nah, I'm pretty sure it's alright," I confidently replied. "Looking at Lemuen right now, she's... huh?"

As I expressed my thoughts, I noticed a vaguely familiar face in the crowd. I halted my steps, trying to recognize the person. Was his face bruised?

"Master, is something wrong?" The girls also stopped, puzzled expressions directed at me.

"Wait here, girls, it'll be just a second." Instructing the girls to stay, I swiftly approached the man.

Drawing closer, I began to recognize him. This guy, once sporting a face resembling that of a young kid, now lay on the ground, battered and almost lifeless, with tattered clothes and dried blood.

His eyes, devoid of hope, met mine as I spoke. "Yō, Davis, fancy meeting you here."

Recognizing him ignited a fiery rage within me. I had accepted his victory in the tournament, yet my ego seemed to resist the acknowledgment. Even now, I can't help but glare at him with intense loathing.

Upon hearing my words, Davis slowly opened his battered eyes to meet mine. We locked eyes for a moment, and with his gaze void of everything, he, devoid of any sense of embarrassment, kneeled before me and began to plead.

"P-please... help me..." His words were barely audible, but as I strained to listen, Davis, summoning the last of his strength, continued, "...Please, help me! Jasmine is dying! You are... the only one who could help me..."

My eyes widened to his statement. This is...! Don't tell me!

"I'll do anything you say, so please help me...! I'll even become your slave, kill me, anything you want...! So, please save Jasmine..."

"Master, is there something going on?" The girls arrived just in time to witness the scene. "Master? Wha—?! That's...!"

"Please... please save Jasmine..."

"M-master," I turned to see everyone looking at me in the eyes. Their face was mixed with different emotions, but all of it were induced with a single intention.

Without hesitation, I retrieved a Healing Potion and swiftly poured it into Davis's mouth. "Where is she?"

As the bruises slowly faded from his face, Davis's eyes widened, glinting with hope. Without wasting another second, he rose from the ground and started walking. "F-follow me...!"

* * *

Now that Davis was healed, we rushed towards our destination. Though not as swift due to the lingering damage on Davis's body, the mansion was fortunately nearby.

"This way, please..." We arrived at a sizable mansion in an upper-class neighborhood and swiftly made our way inside. It's bigger than the Crimsonheart Mansion as well...

"Wait, who are you—"

"Go to sleep!" Before the guard could finish his sentence, Davis swiftly maneuvered behind him, delivering a solid chop to the neck that left the guard unconscious. "It's this way."

Davis opened the door to a particular room and hurried inside. Finally, we laid eyes on her.

"How cruel," Astra muttered through gritted teeth, averting her gaze. The other girls followed suit, their expressions filled with pity.

"...This is bad." I couldn't help but click my tongue at the sight of Jasmine. Her face, her entire body, had turned a deep violet. It might not be long before she meets her demise.


『Jasmine Dawnmeadow』

『HP: 9/400』

『MP: 0/20』

『DEF: 0』

『AGI: 30』

『DEX: 25』

『END: 60』

"C-can Jasmine be saved?" Davis asked with a rattling voice as I assessed Jasmine's condition.

Swiftly, I rummaged through my pouch and retrieved the potion that would cure Jasmine. "Who do you think I am?"

『Jasmine Dawnmeadow HP: 7/400』

I gently poured the fluid into Jasmine's mouth. Now, we had to wait.

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!

"Guh...! Jasmine, please...!" Davis pleaded, his face in complete anxiousness.

"—?! Aruji-sama, her face...!" Akari quickly informed.

After a tense moment, the unpleasant violet marks on Jasmine's face finally disappeared. I reached for another Healing Potion in my pouch and poured it into her mouth. After a few anxious moments,

"This is... Eh..., Sai—?" Jasmine slowly opened her eyes.

"Alright!" I celebrated, pumping my fist in relief. "Hell yeah, I made it!"

"You did it, Sai!" Seia shouted.

"Sigh~ Goodness, this is intense," Astra added.

Everyone shouted in celebration. It was a close call. Similar to what happened with Lily when I first met her.

"Jasmine!" Davis, undoubtedly the happiest among us, embraced her tightly, burying her face into his chest. Brief sobs could be heard. "I'm so glad...!"

Jasmine, though still shocked, smiled and began to caress his head, eventually turning her gaze to me. "You are the one who saved me, right? Thank you, Sai."

"Don't mention it," I replied, ready to leave. But before stepping out, I turned to Davis, fixing him with a sharp stare. "I won't lose next time. Let's go, everyone."

And so, we exited the room, leaving Davis and Jasmine to share a moment of their own.

* * *

"Ugh, I'm so tired." Fatigue settled over me inexplicably as we made our way back to the Villa. Despite my enhanced stats, for some reason, the weariness weighed on me.

"Thank you for your hard work, Master," Luna greeted, her voice reflecting the shared exhaustion. "So much happened in just a span of a day. I kind of want to rest now after we return."

"Right," Astra nodded in agreement. "As much as I want to celebrate our return, I don't have the energy anymore. Maybe we can do it tomorrow."

"I expect no less from you, Astra," I replied. "Although, let's do it in the afternoon. We still have the academy tomorrow, so..."

"I wonder how many subjects we missed..." Seia remarked, her voice tinged with dread. "Looking at it, we might get dumped with who-knows-how-many missed subjects after we return..."

"Guh, now that you've mentioned it..." Luna, realizing the implications, shared the same unease.

"Guh..." Astra, and even Lily, were wearing a face of worry. Haha, it can't be helped.

Of course, despite everything, Akari was deadpan about it. As nonchalant as ever, I see.

"If that happens, I'll lend you guys a bit of a hand," I assured.

"—?! Yay!" My words brought delighted cheers from the four of them. Jeez, these girls...

"...Yay." A bit late, Akari followed with a timid cheer. As the four of us exchange glances, all of us laugh at the awkward response Akari had given us. Dang it, Akari. 

"Let's go, everyone!" I commanded, pumping my fist in the sky. "Rina-san might still not know that we've returned, but we can't let her get worried over us."

And so, with a mixture of exhaustion and joy, we merrily returned to the Villa.

This now marks the end of 5th Volume of the story. Jeez, I didn't think it will escalate this for so long. Anyhow, I would like to know your feedback to the story so that I'll know what to do and what not. Thank you everyone for reading my story

Shinmon_Homuracreators' thoughts