
Reborn as the Tycoon: A Second Uncle's Fortune

The protagonist is unexpectedly reborn in China in the 1980s, but instead of returning to his former self, he assumes the identity of his second uncle. Armed with knowledge from the future, the protagonist navigates the challenges of this era, using his insight to alter the fate of his family. He gradually transforms from a common man into a successful business magnate, reshaping his family's destiny and building a powerful business empire

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324 Chs

Chapter 295: The Little Brat is Really Special

Faced with the three people from before, Li Xian sneered coldly.

Gao Dayi's conduct over the years in the forest farm was well-known.

The saying goes, "A crooked beam means a crooked roof." Although the deputy factory director, the women's director, and the cashier had no real decision-making power, they were the ones who executed every matter that came from the farm's administration.

Gao Dayi was the factory director, and despite his nefarious deeds behind the scenes, he at least maintained a decent facade publicly. However, the deeds of the three subordinates were well known; they were notorious for their exploitation and corruption.

Cong Gui, the deputy factory director, was responsible for execution—measuring farmland, clearing land, and managing housing and other administrative orders from the forest management bureau. He handled everything Gao Dayi announced. There was no significant financial gain in these tasks, but anyone in charge could exploit their position for personal benefit.

Cong Gui was fond of alcohol and good food. Whenever something went wrong, he made sure not to provide adequate food and drink, deliberately causing trouble for others.

But if you provided him with food and drinks, he'd get things done, albeit grudgingly. His power was limited to execution, not decision-making. Often, he promised things under the influence of alcohol but failed to follow through.

In the forest farm, there was a saying about him: "A glass of wine, a relaxed policy. Once the meal is over, do whatever you please." This saying was a jab at him.

Sun Fulai, the women's director, was even more detested.

What was the women's director supposed to do? Officially, they were to uphold the democratic rights of female workers, actively report their opinions and suggestions, care for their lives, organize various cultural activities, and ensure legal rights and health.

In reality, Sun Fulai did excel at the first two tasks but overachieved on the third—especially in causing trouble. He was known for exploiting widows, unmarried female teachers, and timid wives in the forest farm. He abused his position under the pretense of discussing daily life, often making advances on women.

The most infuriating incident was when, one summer night, he used a flashlight to spy on female teachers in the school's public restroom, justifying it as concern for staff life. Most would have been sent to the police, but as the women's director, he faced no repercussions.

There was a saying: "Beyond the mountains, beyond the towers, the women's director is truly lecherous. Often seen at widows' doors, occasionally guarding women's lavatories."

This was aimed directly at him.

Compared to the first two, the cashier Zhang Dayou was less problematic—but still disliked.

The cashier was responsible for paying wages, which according to forestry bureau regulations, should be paid on the 15th of each month. However, at the Eight-Nine Forest Farm, it didn't work that way.

Every 15th, when employees went to collect their wages, Zhang Dayou would serve tea and cigarettes, claiming the wages were calculated, but the finance office had only banknotes and no change. If someone needed their wages, they had to accept the amount rounded down.

In the past, every household was struggling, counting on this small wage each month. Those who couldn't wait or had urgent needs had to accept it. It was estimated that Zhang Dayou pocketed an extra one or two hundred yuan each month.

With a cup of fragrant tea, a cigarette, and a newspaper, he spent half the day. He'd scribble on the payroll, costing one or two thousand a year.

That was the case.

In summary, to describe what these three were, saying they were "good bread" would be an insult to food.

"Director Li, we really had no choice before. Please, be magnanimous and give us a chance. Give us a way out," Cong Gui said with a pitiful face at the door of the office, seeing that Li Xian and his family were silent.

"Yes, Director Li, we were wrong before. We opposed you and were idiots with our eyes covered. Please, show us some mercy," Sun Fulai added.

"Director Li, I promise, we will always follow your lead and support the organization with you at the core!" Zhang Dayou assured.

Now they were here to flatter?

Where were they when it mattered!

Li Xian sneered coldly at the three in front of him.

He knew their recent situation well. Ever since he distributed money to Aunt Ma and others in front of the forest farm, the public had been enraged.

The saying goes, "To seize someone's wealth is akin to killing their parents." Although these three lackeys hadn't physically stolen from the old man's pockets, their actions had made them extremely unpopular.

Though they hadn't faced the same level of hostility as Gao Dayi, who had his windows smashed and paper money thrown inside his house, they were still reviled wherever they went.

Such people, Li Xian had no interest in dealing with!

Afraid of Li You speaking out of turn, he stepped forward directly. "What can you three even do? We're setting up a pickled cabbage factory. There's no big fish or beautiful girls here, and wages aren't high. What use are you to us?"

"Don't say that, Second Li!" Cong Gui was red-faced from Li Xian's remark but still argued, "We can run errands and handle tasks. We're useful for that…"

Li Xian was about to refuse outright, but Li Daoyun chuckled and pulled him back.

Seeing his grandfather seemed to have something to say, Li Xian leaned in curiously. "Grandpa, what's up?"

Li Daoyun lowered his voice. "It's a skill to use a gentleman well, but even scoundrels can be useful if used correctly."

"For example?" Li Xian raised an eyebrow.

Li Daoyun looked at the three before him, feeling genuine disgust. Just minutes ago, he was contemplating how to remove these three from their positions and clean up the mess left by Gao Dayi.

"Some dirty work is best handled by scoundrels," Li Daoyun stroked his beard, smiling like a Buddha.

Li Xian scratched his head. "But Grandpa, do you think my dad can handle these three?"

"Of course not," Li Daoyun shook his head after looking at his son. Then he pointed to himself. "But this job, I'm quite interested!"

Seeing his grandfather's smirk, Li Xian grinned.

"Alright then, you handle it."

Li Daoyun nodded, smiling at the three, who were staring eagerly, waiting for a response. "Why the long faces? We're all from the same village. Now that my family's Li You is the director, we're in the same department. Do you really think we'll laugh at you? Since you want to join the pickled cabbage factory, I'll speak on behalf of Li You!"

Hearing there might be a chance, the three widened their eyes in surprise.

Seeing them still blocking the way, Li Daoyun smiled and patted their shoulders. "Why are you still standing there? Go register in the director's office!"

As he pulled the three towards the hallway, Li Daoyun chatted, "Ah, I remember you guys grew up under my nose. You were troublesome kids, and now you're all grown up. Seeing you now, it reminds me of how you were when you were little. You three are really quite special now."

"Yes, yes," the three said, awkwardly nodding and smiling.

With the seemingly senile old man's guidance, the three awkwardly filled out their registration in the director's office.