
Mistral Dance (III).

Chapter 69: Mistral Dance (III).

Kein's POV

After the revelation that it was Lord Vincent who was dancing upon the stage, I took my sketch and kept it safe for now. I also bent down to take the dropped pencil and into my [Storage Ring] it went.

Natasha being the good person that she was, decided to talk more with the princess and so I was left with my thoughts.

"I wonder why he didn't tell me..."

I thought being one of Lord Vincent's closest friends- he would at least tell me about his performance tonight. I still haven't heard about any updates with his family- with General Wolford and Duchess Viviana.

I thought for the worst, and I really did hope with Princess Cecilia's influence she would be able to patch their relationship to what it once was before.

The priest settles down his staff and bowed down just in time for the music, it slowly stops into a melodic tune before the crowd claps in admiration for the wonderful performance.