
Reborn As The Cold-hearted Hero's Daughter

dak_pan · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

"Calm down, Young Miss!" The man who started the gossip said as Reya stared daggers at him before a dark aura suddenly spread over the men, and they struggled to breathe.

"Watch what you say about my daughter." Drake asked in a cold tone as he stood up with Reya in his arms, and the men felt their bodies begin to shake in fear, "If you want to die so badly today, I'll be glad to kill you."

"I think they understand Daddy." Reya said with a smile, and Drake sighed as his dark aura disappeared, "Besides, the floor doesn't deserve that."

"This meeting is over." Drake told the men as he turned his attention back to them, and they quickly left the room without a word, "Reya, would you like to come with me to meet an important guest arriving today?"

"Yeah!" Reya said as he gently picked her up and he gave her a nod before he began to carry her to the front foyer, "Who are they?"

"They're someone who wants very much to see you." Drake explained with a serious expression as they stepped into the large room saw Reina quietly waiting at the entrance with a glare, "He's haven't arrived yet?"

"It's not like him to be late being late." Reina said as she turned to look at him and her expression instantly softened when she saw Reya in his arms, "Did you sleep well?"

"The bed was softer than what I slept on at Uncle's!" Reya told her with a bright smile as Reina took her from Drake and she narrowed her eyes at Drake before the entrance opened and an older man walked in. Reya instantly noticed how similar his hair color was to Drake's aside from the gray streak on the right side as he made his way to them, and he looked at Reya with a serious expression that made a chill run up her spine as Reina let her down before he gently took her hands faster than she could react.

"What happened to your hands child?" He asked as he carefully examined the wounds on her palms and she nervously fidgeted a bit, "No need to be worried."

"Hitting my hands was one of the ways I was punished at Aunt and Uncle's." Reya explained with sadness in her voice and, even though he was good at hiding it, she could tell he was angry, "It's being taken care of."

"Well, you certainly take after your parents." He said as he stood up with a sigh and she gave him a smile, "Have you figured out her magic abilities yet?"

"She just got home last night, and we wanted to give her time to adjust before doing anything like that." Reina explained as she placed her hand on Reya's head with a grin and noticed that she clearly didn't know what they were talking about, "How much about magic do you know?"

"I've heard of it, but the first time I ever seen magic was Daddy's last night." Reya said with a confused look as she looked at Drake, "He used it against some annoying guys earlier when they called me a servant."

"I'll be speaking to them about that later." Her grandfather told Drake before extending his hand and Reya watched as a dark aura danced around in his palm, "Magic exists in almost every living thing but the amount they have varies from individual to individual and certain magic, like your ours and your mother's, exist solely in each of the respective families. That being said, we need to test your magic to see which of the two you have and off of that we decide who trains you on how to use that magic."

"How do I find out what magic I have?" Reya asked with an excited look, and they couldn't help but smile at her, "I want to know!"

"We have a magic item in our training grounds that we use to judge each of our knight's magical abilities when they join, and we'll be using that." Drake explained as he motioned for them to follow him and they followed close behind him as began to make his way to the training grounds. Reya couldn't help noticing how deep in thought her grandfather seemed to be as they walked through the property and she quietly held his hand, surprising the older man but he made to move to stop her. It took longer than she expected from them to reach the training grounds and was taken aback by the size of the area.

"We'll be testing my daughter's magic today so I need you to bring the crystal out here." Reina told the two knights that came to greet them and they, along with two other knights, wasted no time setting the large magic item up in front of them, "Reya, place your hands on it and try your best to put your mana into it."

"Okay." Reya said as she walked up to the crystal and put her hands on it before focusing on using her mana but after a few moments of nothing happening Drake gave a slight nod as if he wad expecting that, "I don't know if I did anything."

"It's fine, Reya. You don't have any knowledge of magic so this was more of a way to let us know if you could do it." Drake explained as he put his hand on her shoulder with a comforting grin and, even though she was clearly upset, she gave Drake a smile until they heard the crystal begin to crack. In the blink of an eye Drake grabbed her and pulled her just as the crystal exploded. A pitch black spread in every direction and Reina immediately made a dome of ice to protect them from the out of control magic. After a minute of waiting the dome broke apart and they saw that sharp pillars if pitch black ice had destroyed the area around them.

"Unbelievable..." Her grandfather said as the three of them examined the area with wide eyes before he noticed that Reya looked embarrassed, "Reya, you're talent for magic is amazing. Not only was your magic too much for the crystal to handle it was also a perfect mix of me and your father's dark magic and your mother's ice magic."

"Being our daughter I knew you'd have to be powerful but that crystal wasn't even able to correctly read your magic until it went out of control." Drake told her as he walked up to one of the pillars of ice, "Normally someone someone as young as yourself wouldn't be able to keep their magic stable for longer than a few moments but yours remained so calm that it filled the crystal past its capacity without it even showing that there was even an ounce of magic inside."

"The question now is who trains her?" Reina asked as she gave Reya a smile and Reya looked between the three of them with a confused expression.