
Reborn as Naruto birth of a shadow

Follow our mc as he is reborn in the world of Naruto. Read as he faces the worst of humanity and fights the darkness threatening to consume him. The mc will be a ruthless demon to his enemies but an angel to his allies. So read and follow as our mc faces tragedy after tragedy and climbs his way to power with no plot armor(I hate characters with to much plot armor that’s why I decided to have the mc reborn as Naruto a character who’s plot armor was as tho k as the Mariana Trench is deep) This is the same story as my first story I just accidentally posted in the novels category instead of the fan-fic category like I wanted it in so I’m re-posting it here. Any new chapters will be on this story not the old one. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Anthony_Chavez_5087 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

Is this the end

(AN) this is my first story and I'm pretty shit at righting so give me reviews and criticism so I can improve. Also for those of you who are a little queasy with gore and dark fucked up shit skip to the chapter named *UNKNOWN SPECTATOR*)


So it happend it really happend Russia and China invaded. I was a normal guy just got out of high school and got a part time at the store when an emergency broadcast came to life on everyone's phones announcing the invasion i along with every other able bodied male was drafted.

Boot camp was hell and falling out of a modified ac-130 that is for paratroopers was both scary and fun the scary part was the flack cannons China had aimed at us not the planes so I guess the Geneva convention is out the window that is both good and bad for us.

"I made it, I fucking made it oh sweet ground your the love of my life." I exclaimed out loud only to be reprimanded by my C.O. For being too loud as if the enemy would hear me thru all of the flack fire and screams of both enemy civilians and fighters. Just as I was about to voice my opinion out loud an enemy came around the corner and lit up my squad and just like that 6 out of the 15 people who landed with us died and I froze never seeing death before luckily my C.O. Snapped me out of it by pulling me to cover saving my life. After getting over my little episode I returned fire with the remaining 5 squad mates.




What 5 squad mates what happend to the other 4. Looking around gave me the answer as they're lifeless eyes stared back at me. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT it wasn't suppose to be like this I just wanted to go to a trade school for plumbing or electrical work not go to FUCKKING WAR. Ok calm down, breath in, breath out. A yell knocked me out of my day dreaming

"Return fire lay down covering fire while we move to better cover" my C.O.'s voice trailed off as a stray bullet hit his hand and blew off his thumb, pointer, and middle finger. Then a yell was heard from behind us meaning they're surrounding us and another yell followed by a round object landing next to the man next to me and in a fit of both extreme bravery and stupidity he jumped on it saving the remaining 3 of us unfortunately not the C.O. As a fragment of the Granade hit him in the throat.

It was in that moment something just clicked in my head surrounded by enemies with my comrades in puddles of their own blood my mind went back to the day before I was drafted while saying my goodbyes to my parents and sisters. I remember the promise I made to come back alive even though I knew the chance of coming back was small to none.

And just like that my vision went red at the thought of breaking my promise and making them suffer the grief of their son/brother dying. And then time slowed as each movement I made was perfect each shot hit after hit a bullet went through my shoulder and I didn't even feel it I felt invincible but also like a puppet as if someone else was was in the drivers seat and I was riding shotgun even as I was killing and moving to the objective point only one squad mate left dutifully following along shooting any I missed which was few.

Running out of ammo with my m4a1 I switched to my Glock 17. After a grueling 3 hours of running, fighting ,and killing we finally made it I looked back to congratulate him only to not find him. 'He's probably dead' I thought to myself. After securing the site which contained most of the flack cannons that were used to decimate our invasion force, I pulled out the c4 and stared to plant it at each of the flack cannons.

(20 minutes later)

"Ok done" I said to myself I noted that my voice hoarse from yelling and lack of water. As I pulled out the remote detonator I found a bullet hole through the middle of it. Followed by many curse words as well as a few racial slurs at the Chinese basterds.

I only have one choice at this moment after all that killing after fighting tooth and fucking nail for my life loosing all my squad members after gaining the hope to see my family again I have to kill myself to complete the mission. Just then I heard yelling and footsteps coming my direction and not in English. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT CAN JUST ONE THING GO MY WAY TODAY PLEASE IF THERE IS A GOD HELP ME" I screamed in frustration only to be met with enemy gunfire. Unknown to me a curtain goddess heard my plight and took interest in me.

After shooting at the enemy with a gun I picked off one of them on the way here since I long ran out of ammo, and left with no better options left I grabbed the Manuel detonator and said my final goodbyes as the world went black. My last thought was about how quick and unflashy my death was from my perspective I mean I should of seen the blast at least I bet it looked cool.







'So is the afterlife just floating around in the middle of an endless darkness no final judgment or underworld' I thought to myself no longer having a body to speak my mind.

"No young one this isn't the afterlife I grabbed your soul before your worlds GOD could take it"

'Who's there' I asked strangely calm I noted in the back of my head.

" I am the one who heard your prayer before you died and I grabbed you because I am quite frankly bored doing the same shit day in and day out since we'll eternity gets pretty boring. So I decided to do something different with you some of the others are bragging about their "gamers" so I decided to see what all the fuss is about and you will be my "gamer"

'I see so what are my options.' I managed to get out as I felt my consciousness starting to fade.

" oh it's simple really I'm going to send you to the world of Naruto and you will be taking over his body, don't worry about the otsutsuki I wiped them all out just after Obito let the kyuubi out of Kushina or should I say your mom now. Anyways just know that this isn't the Naruto world you know it is a AU I think is what you mortals call it. So have fun and get strong and I'll send you to other anime worlds for my entertainment."

Just after she finished talking my consciousness faded and I 'woke up' being held in the arms of and old man that had a grave and depressed expression on while looking at the dead bodies of my new parents. The only thing I heard before slipping back to unconsciousness a quiet whisper but I could hear it as clear as day over the fires and screams of the populas was "why"