
Meeting the Hokage

A little change, I'm making him learn his creation abilities first.

(in his mindscape 30 minutes later)

Naruto stood still, as he had his right arm straightened out and his hand opened up.

Because he used the knowledge given to him by the Random Omnipotent being. He was able to figure it out rather quickly. According to the newly obtained knowledge Creation magic Is powered by imagination.

Naruto took a deep breath as he imagined a staff a red staff with gold outlining.

A flash of light occurred. when the light died down A red staff with golden outlining appeared in his hands.

Once he saw his achievement a weird feeling birthed inside of him,

What is this feeling?

Was It happiness?



He didn't care what it was he did something he hadn't done in a long time, he laughed.


After a while, he had calmed down. At the same time, the Kyuubi had just finished viewing his memories.

To say the Kyuubi was shocked, would be an understatement of a century he turned to me with a look Naruto didn't really care for

"I feel sorry for you kit," The Kyuubi said with a look of pity in his eyes.

Naruto frowned "yeah well don't"

he then felt a small pull and looked out to see an old man calling out to him. he realized it was the Hokage.

"I'm going to go, the old man is calling me"

and with that Naruto exited out of his minds-cape.

"Naruto, Naruto can you hear me?"

"Hello Hokage" Naruto replied, "Late as always." This statement caused the Sandaime to flinch

"Naruto I-"

"Save it Hokage-sama" Naruto sneered "what happened to my nurse?"

"She's been taken into ibiki for questioning " The Hokage replied


"Good. I'd rather her be dead, but life doesn't always get what we want now does it?" naruto glanced at the bandaged body filled with stains of golden blood before looking back at the Hokage.

"I'm going back to the academy."

The Hokage shook his head I'm afraid until we fully understand what is going on we cannot send you back to the academy."

Sarutobi expected to see the sadness in his eyes but all he saw was a bland stare

"Whatever I'm going back home"

The Hokage Narrowed his eyes as he examined Narutos figure this is different this is not the naruto that he once knew.

"What happened to you Naruto?"

The Hokage should not have asked that question.

Naruto looked up to him with a dead look in his eyes that caused him to flinch hard.

Naruto responded with a bland tone.

"Death changes people"


(Time skip- )

Naruto was finally out of that hospital with the nurses who were forced to check him by the Hokage even though they were hesitant due to wanting to keep the Kyuubi brat in line.

Naruto had just finished my first 100 push-ups and sit-ups right after Naruto ripped his bandages off and noticed his wounds had healed completely and was about to begin his first 10-kilometer run.

Naruto was now at the front of my apartment wearing an oppai jacket with a hoodie over his head that was worn by Saitama himself along with a pair of grey sweatpants black tennis shoes with red socks that went up to his ankles.

Naruto took a deep breath and faced the path that was ahead of him with determination in his eyes.

"3 years...3 years, let's do this."

(End Chapter)